Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 205: Double standard treatment

Soon, Uchiha Tunan, dressed in a black trench coat, walked into the range of the street lamp from the darkness.

Ignoring the dark gaze, Uchiha Tunan went straight to the house of the sand hidden village team.


An Anbe used instant instant technique to stop Uchiha Tunan's only way.

"This is the resting place for the participating teams in Shayin Village, and no other personnel are allowed to enter."

Uchiha Tunan raised his eyes slightly and glanced at him indifferently.

For some reason, Anbu only felt a chill rushing up his back, and his entire body shuddered, as if he was being stared at by some danger.

Suddenly, he subconsciously held his breath.

Uchiha Tunan's mouth was slowly drawn with a gentle smile, and he reached out and patted Anbu's shoulder and said:

"I found the valuables they dropped, and I came here to return them.

Go in, you won't be embarrassed. "

After speaking, Uchiha Tunan smiled unabated, and passed by Anbu.

And that Anbe was already sweating profusely at this time, standing still, unable to lift his legs, and talking about how to stop Uchiha Tunan.

When the rest of Anbe saw Uchi Hatunan's humble expression with his partner, the partner let him go.

Naturally, I won't ask more questions.

It's just that I kept my eyes fixed on Uchiha Tunan to prevent anything from happening.

Until Uchiha Tunan almost walked to the downstairs where the sandy village rested.

The other Anbu only saw that something was wrong with his companion.

I saw an Anbu sprang out from the dark, brought his companion into the shade of the tree, and asked:

"What's the matter with you, did you fall into that guy's illusion."

The companion squatted and gasped for a few times, then shook his head and said, "It's not an illusion, it's a very strange feeling.

It's like... I used to face Lord Oshemaru. "

The Shayin Village team’s residence was a two-story hotel, temporarily wrapped up by Konoha.

Uchiha Tunan seemed to be very familiar with this place and walked straight to the second floor.

"Tread, step, step..."

There was the sound of crippling footsteps in the corridor.

The members of the Shayin team in the hotel were awakened by the sound of footsteps.

The three contestants Xia Ren hid under the window edge and watched.

Uchi Hatunan went straight to Sakai Takuto's room and knocked on the door lightly.

Taku Sakai was more courageous than those three.

Knowing that this is Konoha, no one will attack him at night.

Open the door generously.

However, when the door was opened, Sakai Takuto was slightly startled, pretending to be calm and said: "Who are you?"

Uchiha Tunan stretched out his hand with a smile and shook the radiation necklace on his neck, while taking out the sky blue gem from the ninja bag with his other hand and said:

"Sure enough, I remembered correctly, you dropped this necklace, right.

It's just that I was a little careless when I took it, and I got the gems down.

This thing looks precious, you must be in a hurry. "

Takuto Sakai never expected that Uchi Hatunan would be able to resist greed and send the necklace back.

Damn it...

How could this guy's character be so good.

Is it going to fall short.

Sakai Takuto smiled far-fetched, and suddenly noticed that Uchiha Tunan was wearing a necklace around his neck.

Then it means that he has probably discovered that the necklace can help refine the chakra.

He immediately said with a grateful expression: "Oh, I mean, I couldn't find it after searching for a long time. It turned out to be off the road."

"I didn't say I picked it up on the road." Uchiha Tunan said blankly, like a silly boy who doesn't know anything about the world.

Sakai Takuto was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly:

"Uh...haha...Anyway, I didn't just drop off the road and just drop into the ramen restaurant.

Thank you very much indeed.

This gem is very precious, but I spent a lot of money to buy it.

To thank you, this necklace is given to you.

I just get back the gems. "

Uchiha Tunan narrowed his eyes, staring at Sakai Takuto's eyes and said, "How embarrassing is this."

He said polite words, but he didn't make any movements with his hands.


Sakai Takuto was startled slightly, and then he shook his head and said with a smile on his face:

"Yes, you should be rewarded for this kind of behavior, please don't refuse, or I will be uneasy."

Uchiha Tunan reluctantly asked, "Well then, I won't bother you to rest."

After speaking, he turned and left Takuto Sakai's room.

On the corridor, the three Shayin Village Shiaren heard the conversation here, and knew that there was no danger, and they had gathered together.

Seeing Uchiha Tunan, who was about the same age as him, walked towards him, they all stared at Uchiha Tunan with ugly faces.

Uchiha Tunan nodded and smiled at the three of them calmly, "Hello."

Then passed between them.

After a few breaths, the three of them recovered and came to Sakai Takuto's room with tacit understanding.

"Takuto-teacher, what is that guy doing."

"He came to return the gems."

I saw Sakai Takuto sitting at the table, staring at the jewel in his hand.

"What gem, Mr. Takuto, you still like this."

The three of them gathered together, with obsessive expressions on their faces:

"Look at it, it's so pretty."

"Don't touch it, be careful not to break it."

"so beautiful......."

At some point, the gem in Sakai Takuto's hand has been taken by the Shinobumen, and they can admire it together.

At this time, Takuto Sakai seemed to be in a trance, gradually turning his gaze to the gem, and muttered:

"Gems... Give me back my gems."

A ninja was about to put the gem in his arms, and said, "No, the gem is mine."

"The gem is mine, I just touched it just now." Another name Shinobu rushed to **** it.


I don't know who's hand slipped, and when the gem was snatched, it fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

Takuto Sakai roared, "My gem is worth tens of millions!"

The Anbu outside the residence naturally heard the sound coming from inside, and couldn't help frowning.


A blood stain on the window.

"Sorry, something happened."

Anbu dispatched one after another, rushing towards the room.

At this time, Uchiha Tunan had already walked under the street light. After hearing the movement behind him, he turned his head and glanced indifferently, then shook his head with a light smile:

"The wages of avarice is death."

At this moment, the dark part that blocked Uchiha Tunan just now appeared again, blocking Uchiha Tunan, and said in a deep voice:

"Master Tunan, you can't leave yet."

Uchiha Tunan raised his brows, and was a little speechless at this dazed blue, and said leisurely:

"If anything, you can ask Master Naruto to come to me and be smarter."

As soon as the voice fell, Uchiha Tunan's figure disappeared without a trace.

So fast!

The Anbu pupil shrank and looked around, but he couldn't even see Uchiha Tunan's shadow.

In the end, he had to bite the bullet and leave the Sarutobi clan, and report the situation here to Sarutobi.

Uchiha Tunan considers himself a gentleman and has a standard of ethics.

As the saying goes ~www.readwn.com~ To repay grievances with virtue, how to repay virtue.

Uchiha Tunan was not someone who was so shameless that he didn't even dare to let go of the fart.

Of course, everything must pay attention to a double standard.

If it is the kind of enemy with value and strength, it is to take a step back and broaden the sky, and when is the time to repay injustice.

The war is about to begin anyway, even if Shayin Village knows that he is doing it.

Put pressure on Konoha at most.

And Sarutobi Hizen could not move himself.

Having endured the humiliation and bearing the burden for so long, he finally gained enough strength.

It's not for letting the low-powered scum ninja ride on the head to dominate.


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