Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 224: Learning strange

On the plain near the city of fire.

The soft clouds float in the sky, like wisps of smoke.

The first two days entered the early summer season. In addition, there has been no rain for a while, and the land has gradually become very hot.

The hot wind rushing in from the window was blowing the ends of Uchi Hatunan's hair wantonly, making his hair a little messy.

Uchibotunan's physique is far superior to ordinary people, and even though it is too hot outside, he doesn't feel much.

Just quietly watching the strange force ninjutsu scroll spread out on the tabletop.

Today's Uchiha Tunan Club's ninjutsu is almost innumerable by himself.

Even Sarutobi Hisaki, known as the Doctor of Ninjutsu, is not necessarily more ninjutsu than Uchiha Tunankai.

Most of these ninjutsus are tasteless to Uchipotunan.

Because the effects of these ninjutsu are mostly overlapping.

Uchiha Tunan has learned so much ninjutsu, of course.

The main thing is to let yourself have a deeper understanding of the principles of ninjutsu.

In this way, you can understand by analogy and quickly understand when you encounter practical advanced ninjutsu.

It's like the strange power ninjutsu now placed in front of Uchiha Tunan.

The strange force ninjutsu was created by Senju Kuma, and it was Tsunade who really carried forward this technique.

Of course, the reason why Tsunade loves the strange power ninjutsu is mainly to cooperate with her own Yin seal and the technique of the hundred tyrants.

After all, everyone's energy is limited, and they need to take the route that suits them.

But who's Uchiha Tunan is linked up?

If there are people who hang up, it is natural that all the good things are caught in one go.

After Uchiha Tunampin finished reading the content on the scroll, he gently raised his right hand, his mind controlled the flow of chakras in his body along the special meridian points, and finally gathered on the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, Uchi Hatunan felt that his right hand became infinitely powerful, and the power ignited in his body, as if he had the ability to crush everything.

It's just that this place is on a train after all, Uchi Hatunan is not the kind of ignorant person, and has no plans to test the effect.

Suddenly, Guan Gu Yifeng opened the door of the cab, and a heat wave hit.

The hot weather, coupled with the fact that the cab is close to the boiler, naturally makes the temperature much higher than that of the cab.

Sekiya Ipaka, who was caught from the water, hurriedly closed the door tightly to prevent the heat wave from affecting Uchi Hatunan.

At Uchiha Tunan, he nodded apologetically, and then quickly walked across the aisle to the back car.

Soon after, I saw Sekiya Ichifeng bringing a slightly rich meal to Uchiha Tunan to put it down.

"Master Tunan, it's time for lunch, there are only these things in the car.

If you have anything you want to eat, you can tell me. When the next stop, I will stop and buy it. "

The food on the plate is very varied, and it is already very rich. It can be seen that Guan Gu Yifeng has spent his thoughts.

Uchiha Tunan looked at the food on the plate, took off his glasses and put it aside:

"No, I'm not picky eaters.

But there are so many things that I can't finish it by myself, so you can sit down and eat together. "

Guan Gu Yifeng waved his hand quickly:

"I don't need it, I don't need it.

I brought my own lunch box. "

Uchiha Tunan smiled slightly:

"Sit down, you don't have to be polite with me.

Chat with me by the way. "

"That.... Okay." Sekiya Ikaze sat down opposite Uchiha Tunan a little awkwardly.

When Uchiha Tunan saw only one pair of chopsticks, his heart moved.

I saw a stone shot through the window and fell into Uchiha Tunan's palm.

The shape of the stone changed at the next moment and gradually differentiated into a pair of stone chopsticks.

The heat waves coming in from outside the window spread across the faces of Uchiha Tunan and Sekiya Ichifeng.

Uchiha Tunan thought it was okay, but Sekiya Kazuka was different.

He wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead with the sleeve of his uniform, and smiled at Uchiha Tunan.

Uchiha Tunan hooked up the corner of his mouth.

Uchiha Tunan wiped the stone chopsticks with a paper towel, and then handed it to Sekigu Ichifeng.

"This job seems to be very hard."

Guan Gu Yifeng stretched out his hands and respectfully accepted the stone chopsticks:

"Just work harder in the summer, just get through it.

Is ninjutsu so magical? "

He was also a little surprised that Uchi Hatunan's operation just now opened his eyes.

Uchiha Tunan’s mouth was outlined slightly, and he picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the dish into his mouth and chewed:

"What do you do except driving."

Guan Gu Yifeng smiled slightly restrained and said:

"Look at books from all walks of life. After all, this thing has just come out, and no one knows whether it will be eliminated in the future.

I have to leave myself a few more ways. "

With that, under Uchiha Tunan's gaze, he picked up the stone chopsticks and took a bite of green vegetables into his mouth and chewed slowly.

Uchiha Tunan lightly nodded and said:

"I usually like reading books, and expanding knowledge is a good thing for anyone.

Are you interested in being a ninja? "

Perhaps Uchi Hatunan’s topic changed too quickly, Seki Yakaze was taken aback for a moment, and he dared not say anything:


A surprise appeared on his face, but then he lowered his eyes, shook his head and said:

"I heard that ninjas need talent.

I guess I don't have the talent in this area. "

Uchiha Tunan ate the food and said lightly:

"What is talent.

Physique, personality, and way of thinking about exploring things.

These things are called talents.

However, these things can be changed. "

Guan Gu Yifeng frowned when he heard the words, and said in a low voice, "Master Tunan, do you mean to change through hard work?"

Uchiha Tunan chuckled and shook his head:

"Effort? What is hard work?

I have met a father and son, and their talents are very poor.

But in the eyes of others, they work harder than anyone else.

The amount of training every day is terrifying.

But theirs is not called hard work, theirs is more of self-movement and self-hypnosis.

They can suffer from physical suffering, but they cannot suffer from mental suffering.

As I said, talent includes physique, personality, and the way of thinking to explore things.

They just blindly pursue physique.

Of course, this still pays off.

But this world, and even every individual, is diversified.

When a person finds that he has worked hard but did not get the expected return.

Then you should think about whether something went wrong.

There are many strong people in this world, and each one can be used as a reference to understand their own shortcomings.

But most people chose to ignore it.

I admit that there is one sentence that is right. The best one is for you.

But a few people have tried it and learned about other things.

They are more about guarding what they only have, and using these words to comfort me.

One way to death. "

Uchiha Tunan had said so much, and seeing that Ichikaze Sekiya seemed to have heard it, he took a sip of the tea beside him and continued:

"You have actually accounted for the two most important things in talent.

Character and way of thinking.

A calm personality is always more suitable for survival in this world than a detached personality.

As for the way of thinking, the opposite is true.

You have done both of these.

When you are at ease, you still want to use knowledge to continuously enrich yourself and change yourself.

People always instinctively want to change others and change the world, but it is difficult to calm down and change themselves.

This is nature, and it is also a shackle.

Only people who are mature and reasonable can break the shackles. "

Hearing this, Guan Gu Yifeng frowned and said: "Why do people have such shackles?"

Uchiha Tunan sighed:

"Without this shackle, when a person's xinxing is not mature enough, he will go crazy.

I don't know if you have noticed that some people will not admit it or even yell when you tell him you have done something wrong.

In fact, he knew in his heart that he was wrong, but he couldn't break the shackles in his heart.

But some people will frown and think, and finally tell you.

Hey, what you said is quite right, I did make a mistake before.

Self-denial is anti-human, but reason can suppress this humanity. "

Kazuki Sekigu nodded when he heard the words, and stared at Uchiha Tunan with a look of admiration:

"Every time I meet the people of Tu Nan, I can always hear the understanding that I usually can't hear.

These words are really thought-provoking. "

Uchiha Tunan smiled slightly, wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and said:

"Ninjas can be said to be the highest class in this world.

You are only one step away from the ninja, and that is physique.

I can help you with this. "

A look of joy appeared on Guan Gu Yifeng's face, but Xuanyi frowned again and said in a deep voice:

"Master Tunan, thanks to you last time, I was allowed to be a human again.

I can't repay your kindness. "

Uchiha Tunan chuckled and shook his head:

"You are willing to wait for me for so long in the city of fire, and I also want to express my gratitude to you.

Don't be squeamish, when you have the strength, it will be easier to repay me. "

Guan Gu nodded vigorously and said, "Master Tunan, thank you, you are such a good person."

When Uchiha Tunan heard the words, the smile on his face grew thicker, and he beckoned to Sekigu, "Come here."

Ichikaze Sekiya immediately leaned forward and moved towards Uchiha Tunan.

"Forbearance, it hurts."

As soon as the voice fell, Uchi Hatunan's right hand was already pressed on top of his head.

Guan Gu Yifeng's eyes glared suddenly, and his whole person slammed back into the seat, covered his head with his hands, and started twitching and wailing under the severe pain.


Uchiha Tunan gently shook his head, glanced at the unfinished meal before him, lifted his chopsticks and ate gracefully.

After all, Guan Gu Yifeng had already agreed with him.

Since he wants to repay himself.

Naturally, Uchi Bo Tunan gave him such an opportunity, which is considered to be an investment in advance.

I hope he can be a dark horse, soaring all the way.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Guan Gu leaned back on the seat in a dying wind, his dry and cracked lips trembled slightly, and said in an inaudible voice:

"Master Tunan...I already...have the physique of a ninja."

At this time, Uchiha Tunan had already finished his meal, and was sipping tea while looking at the scenery outside the window.

Hearing Sekiya Ipaka speak, Uchiha Tunan turned his head and pushed what was in front of him to Sekiya Ipaka's words:

"These ten chakra potions and this secret technique are for you.

I hope that when I see you next time, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will make me admire.

When you feel that you have reached the level of ninja, go and be a wandering ninja.

Be careful, the war is about to begin, don't lose your life. "

When Guan Gu heard the words, he stared at the things on the table, his eyes burst into fanaticism.

He knows that starting today, his destiny has been changed.

I am no longer the ordinary person who runs around for a living.

All this depends on the gift of the man opposite.

I saw Sekiya Ichifeng supporting his weak body strongly, came to the aisle, knelt towards Uchiha Tunan, and slammed his head three times:

"Thank you, Lord Tunan."


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