Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 226: Strategies tricky to provoke high-levels

After half an hour.

On the roof of Naruto Rock.

The high blue sky is inlaid with marbled clouds, and from time to time there are several birds cutting through the clouds.

The fallen leaves were colorful, and a gentle breeze was blowing gently on the trees on the top of the mountain, and a few leaves slowly floated down and flew towards Konoha.

Uchiha Tunan came to the fence, closed his eyes and opened his arms with enjoyment and took a deep breath, then slowly opened his eyes and looked at the busy pedestrians on the street below.

Danzo next to him had been waiting here for a long time, tapping his finger on the railing and said:

"The war is coming faster than the old man expected."

Uchibotunan arched slightly, leaning his elbows on the railing, and said leisurely: "The time that should come will come, and the longer the depression, the more fierce it will erupt."

Danzo glanced at Uchiha Tunan sideways, and said solemnly:

"You don't seem to worry about Konoha's situation at all. This time, the four great nations besieged the country of fire.

Our top combat power has lost so much in the past few years.

Even the old man felt the pressure. "

Uchiha Tunan chuckled, "Hokage-sama doesn't worry about it. I'm not worried about it."

Danzo hesitated for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Your ninja level has been promoted to Shangnin.

Now is the time of war, Sarutobi Hizaki's right to speak is far better than that of the old man.

Because of your existence, he specially arranged for the Uchiha clan to attack the Hidden Fog Village.

The entire coastline is a defensive line, and coupled with ninjutsu restraint, the Uchiha clan can only adopt defensive strategies.

In this way, it would be very difficult for the Uchiha clan to make military exploits. "

Uchiha Tunan's eyes narrowed, and immediately answered:

"Then I will be transferred to Lujiu's command, so that the Uchiha clan loses high-end combat power.

No matter how much credit I make on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain, the commander-in-chief of Lu Jiu will account for the majority.

Victory, it was Nara Shikahisa's command.

If I lose, it's because the people below me are not strong enough to do things.

Master Naruto has a good calculation, as long as Konoha can survive, then his position will be more stable.

Lu Jiu deserves credit for winning the Yanyin Village.

Hyuga is credited for winning the Shayin Village.

The credit for winning Yunyin Village is from Teacher Watergate.

The Pig Deer Butterfly and the Hyuga clan are all loyal supporters of the Naruto Lords.

Even if Ms. Watergate has a good relationship with me, he is still loyal to Hokage-sama.

The arrangement is very good, isn't it? "

Tuan Zang was silent for a while.

These doorways, ordinary ninjas don't think so much at all.

Even if he knew that the Uchiha clan's strategy against the misty village was problematic.

But the Uchiha clan is unpleasant in the village.

No one wants to support them.

Whether ninjas or civilians, most of them would like to see the Uchiha clan deflated.

Sarutobi Hitoshi's simple layout, immediately became invincible.

Danzo took a deep breath and looked at Uchiha Tunan Road:

"Although the old man can't deal with Rizhan.

But in this situation, the old man does not want to see you make a move that is not conducive to Konoha.

As long as the war is over, the Uchiha clan should have the benefits, the old man is willing to fight for you. "

Uchiha Tunan snorted when he heard the words, and looked at Danzo with a weird look:

"Master Danzo, you may be mistaken.

I care about Konoha, not Uchiha.

Most of the Uchiha clan are unruly people.

I never thought about fighting for any benefits for this clan.

My heart is filled with Konoha, not a narrow family. "

Danzo was overjoyed when he heard this, he was very disgusted with the Uchiha clan.

But because of Uchi Hatunan's relationship, he had to restrain the disgust in his heart.

Never thought that Uchiha Tunan had no sense of belonging to the Uchiha clan.

In this way, it would be great.

I saw a long-lost smile on Tuan Zang's face with a cold face and said: "Tunan, the old man really did not read you wrong."

Uchiha Tunan looked at the scenery below, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said leisurely:

"Master Danzo, even if Konoha doesn't lose in this war, he will lose a lot.

Master Naruto's strategic arrangement was obviously problematic, but everyone didn't investigate it.

But if the loss is too great, someone needs to bear the responsibility. "

Upon reminding Uchi Bo Tunan, Danzo seemed to have grasped some key point, and said in a low voice: "What do you mean..."

Sometimes, the words needless to say are too clear.

Uchiha Tunan raised his palm, gently grasped a leaf that was passing by with two fingers, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it lightly, smiled and said, "At that time, I will fully support you to become the fourth generation of Hokage."

Danzo only felt a raging burst in his heart, his breathing was slightly cramped and said, "Do you have any requests."

Uchiha Tunan spread his hands and said in disbelief:

"Danzo-sama, what are you talking about?

Everything I do is for Konoha's prosperity and stability.

Isn’t I, Uchipotunan, in your heart the kind of person who is not profitable and cannot afford to be early. "

Tuan Zang raised his brow slightly, and didn't know what to say.

Let's say Uchi Hatunan is selfish.

Whether it is the content in the diary or his behavior all the time, people can't find the slightest fault.

But let's say he has no selfish intentions.

Danzo really couldn't believe it.

After all, Uchiha Tunan’s daily insights and tactics are not comparable to ordinary ninjas.

Danzo didn't think that a smart person would be completely selfless and fearless, so he should be a little bit careful.

Seeing Danzo not speaking, Uchiha Tunan said in a low voice:

"I hope Danzo will not forget me when he becomes Hokage.

I have always been eager to serve the villagers and gain their approval.

This is the value and meaning of my life.

If possible, the root leader or the secret leader are good positions for serving the villagers. "

With that said, Uchiha Tunan opened the kaleidoscope to look at Danzo, pointed his eyes and said:

"By the way, during the war, I suggest that you be careful not to let the Uchiha clan suffer too many casualties.

After all, with my eyes, just a little mobilization, and the Uchiha clan will be used by us. "

Seeing Uchi Hatunan opening the kaleidoscope, Danzo narrowed his instinctive eyes slightly, avoiding Uchi Hatunan's sight, and nodded silently.

What a joke, it's a kaleidoscope writing round eyes, who dares to look straight.

Seeing that Danzo was so cautious, Uchiha Tunan chuckled and shook his head, then turned and walked under the roof.

"By the way, there seem to be many capable people hidden among the Konoha villagers.

I suggest that Master Danzang pay more attention to them and draw them to his own command as soon as possible.

If you are Hokage, Konoha will have a future.

I said. "

Uchiha Tunan came to talk to Danzo so much, naturally, he didn't really want to help Danzo ascend the position of Naruto.

But I want Danzo to understand that the Uchiha clan is his own people to use.

Let Danzo help in the logistics, lest the Uchiha clan die too many people.

These are all grain reserves.

If you die too much, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Uchipotunan will have a sense of guilt for wasting food.

After a long time, Danzo exhaled heavily and raised his palms to make a gesture.

The next moment, a cat-faced ninja appeared behind Tuanzang, kneeling down on one knee and said:

"Master Danzo."

"Check Konoha's villagers, and if they are strong enough to endure, call them to the roots."


The cat face ninja immediately cast his instantaneous technique to leave.

Tuan Zang turned around and looked up at the statue on the Hokage Rock, showing a fiery color, and muttered:

"Sun Slash, I am the best candidate for Hokage.

Everything, for Konoha. "


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