Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 232: Undress and open a big river

I saw Uchiha Tunan unbuttoning his shirt on the towering rock pillars, and said loudly:

"From the moment I stand here, when the war will end, I have the final say."

After that, he ripped off his shirt and threw it to the rear.

The light of the rising sun shone on Uchiha Tunan's body from behind, reflecting his back in gold.

In the eyes of the ninjas in Shayin Village and Yanyin Village, because of the backlight, only the black outline of the towering stone pillars and a pair of scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes can be seen.

Uchiha Tunan's visually bursting posture is in sharp contrast with the previous gentle image.

At this moment, Onoki's body had quietly performed the super light rock technique, moving a huge boulder on the distant mountain to the clouds above Uchiha Tunan.

Die, Konoha imp.

From everyone's perspective, the huge boulder suddenly emerged from the clouds and smashed down toward Uchiha Tunan with a whistling force.

As the boulder gets closer and closer to the ground, the shadow gets bigger and bigger.


Nara Lukisa's pupils suddenly shrank, and he shouted violently. At the same time, he quickly informed the Akudo clan with his heart:

"Quickly, support it with doubling technique!"

Qiu Dao Dingzuo replied with a panic expression in his heart: "No, the stone pillar is too high, and the doubling technique can't reach it."

However, Uchiha Tunan just turned his eyes slightly, and glanced at the boulder that had fallen above him.

At this time, Onoki's eyes were cold, and his hands were sealed and said: "The art of earth escape·super-heavy rock."

The speed of the boulder suddenly increased by a few minutes, and the kinetic energy contained in it skyrocketed countless times under the gravitational blessing of the super-heavy rock art.

In a short while, the boulder was about to touch the top of Uchiha Tunan's head.

Onoki's face also showed a triumphant smile.

If he didn't hide, he was looking for death.

I really thought it was just an ordinary stone.

When the ninja on Konoha's side saw this, the same thought flashed in his mind.

It's over...

But seeing Uchiha Tunan lightly raised his right hand and made a knock on the door.

Between the electric light and flint, it lightly knocked on the heavy boulder.


A trembling scene happened.

Uchiha Tunan knocked the boulder to pieces with a single tap.

Countless rubble sputtered, falling on the ground and smashing deep pits.

Onoki's eyes were about to stare out, and he exclaimed in disbelief, "How is it possible!"

"Ding, get Hinata Cangjie's approval."

"Ding, get approval from Qiu Dao Yan Song."

"Ding, get the same approval from Qiu Dao."

"Ding, get Narahu's approval."

"Ding, get Yamanaka's approval."


A series of system prompts kept ringing in Uchiha Tunan's heart.

"Too...too strong..."

"Is this the strength that rivals Sannin..."

"By the way, I also participated in the last Ninja World War, Sannin doesn't seem to be so exaggerated, right."

"This guy seems to be displaying the strange power of Tsunade-sama just now."


"Damn, is this guy so strong in ninjutsu."


But seeing Uchiha Tunan patted the dust on the back of his right hand, he raised his head and sneered:

"Little old man, at such an old age, he still plays the game of stoning people."

After speaking, Uchiha Tunan turned his head to look at the Konoha ninja behind him despite the angry gaze of the ninja from Iwakura Village on the other side.

He waved his hand and said with a gentle expression:

"Master Lu Jiu, let them go back, don't influence me to kill."


Nara Lukisa was relieved from the shock, and immediately nodded and ordered:

"Everyone retreats to make room for Master Tunan."

Uchiha Tunan has been extremely arrogant since his appearance until now.

But the feelings of different positions are different.

For Konoha Ninja, it will only be uncomfortable.

Think about it, your teammates slaughtered the four sides, rubbed the enemy in the ground, and kept screaming at each other with sneers from their mouths.

Do you hate it, you just feel full of security.

At this time, the three generations of Fengying were secretly using sand and iron to spread from the ground towards Uchiha Tunan.

Although Shatie's sneaking movement, ordinary ninjas couldn't detect it.

But the three generations of Fengying knew that for Uchi Hatunan's level of power, it would definitely be the first to notice.

Therefore, this requires someone to make bait to attract Uchi Hatunan's attention.

"He has only one person, and Chakra is also limited.

As long as we kill him, we must win this battle.

Don't be afraid, everyone, rush to me. "

Following the command of the three generations of Kazekage, even if the ninja of Sandyakura was afraid in his heart, he still bite the bullet and rushed towards Uchiha Tunan.

Three generations of Fengying naturally did not want to let the ninjas of his own village act as cannon fodder, and let the ninjas of Yanyin Village watch the show.

Immediately looking at Ohnoki who flew back to the Yanyin Village position with cold eyes, he said in a cold tone: "Master Tuying, we are allies."

Onoki naturally understood the meaning of the three generations of Fengying, and immediately shouted: "Ninja of Yanyin Village, let's go together."

As soon as the voice fell, a dense torrent of ninjas rushed towards the south of Uchiha.

"Come on."

"Kill him!"


Uchiha Tunan on the stone pillar put his arms around his chest, quietly watching the crowd rushing towards him, and muttered:

"Sure enough, the people who can be the shadow of a village are all ruthless characters."

The sand iron deep in the ground is not too conspicuous for Uchi Hatunan, who has the blessing of white eyes.

The battlefield was too big, and the ordinary Hyuga clan couldn't see that far away with the white eyes.

But don't forget one point, the sight distance of the white eyes is linked to the strength.

When the mighty crowd is about to rush to the front.

Uchiha Tunan calmly closed the seal.

Immediately he shouted loudly: "Xianfa·Tuliu Dahe."


The entire battlefield shook suddenly.

I saw that the ground, which had been extinguished by the fierce fire but burned into scorched earth, softened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The next moment, mud like a sea tide gushes out from under the stone pillars, rushing towards the rushing crowd.

The dark brown mud flow is like waves, constantly rolling and flapping.

"Tudun·Wanli Diliubi."

However, as soon as the Wanli Earth Flow Wall appeared, it was washed down by the mud flow.

The power of the fairy law is not comparable to ordinary ninjutsu, this is a qualitative difference.

Seeing that the thousands of miles of earth-liu walls that have done so many times are useless, the ninjas are immediately dumbfounded.

Stopped one after another.

Some people choose to turn around and run away, but others choose to use ninjutsu to resist.

"Earth Escape·The Art of Earth Flow Wall~www.readwn.com~The Art of Water Escape·Water Array Wall."

"Damn...I can only escape from fire..."

"It's too late, hurry up the mountain."


However, no matter what kind of escape technique they used, just a little hesitation, they missed the best chance to escape.

The mud flow like a huge thunder rolled on the ground like a thousand horses, violent and whistling.

Chasing the ninja army running back.

In every blink of an eye, countless ninjas are submerged in it.

The mud flow continued to rush towards the positions of Yanyin Village and Shayin Village amid countless shouts and neighs.

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