Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 244: It's raining and sunny

Early the next morning.


   The soil after heavy rain is full of moisture and corruption.


   As the sky pales, a thick morning mist rises from the earth, covering the entire village.


   After a long time, a flaming sun rose in the purple mist, emitting dazzling flames around.


   As the temperature rises, the white morning mist melts into the air, and the whole world becomes clear and bright.


   "Gu Gu Gu~"


   "Jike jiji!!!"


   In the sky, a few white doves happily followed in groups, and the fleeing birds were enjoying themselves one by one.


   A few feathers fell precariously towards the room below.


   One of the feathers wiped on the eaves, and one turned over and fell on the window sill.


   Sunlight shot into the room through a corner of the curtain, the person on the bed turned over, blocked the light with his hand, frowned and opened his misty eyes.


   Into the purpose, it is a gentle and calm profile.


"you're awake."


   The soft magnetic voice sounded.


   Uchiha Tunan by the bed put down his book.


   got up and went to the window, and stretched out his hand to pull the curtain open.


   The bright sunshine shone into the bedroom, making people feel warm.


   "Being more in the sun is good for your body and it is easier to grow taller."


   The little boy on the bed slowly sat up.


   Uchipotunan picked up the container with the baby soaked in the bed and gently put it in his arms.


   The little boy looked at the container in his arms and was stunned, the confusion in his eyes disappeared instantly.


   The nightmare scene from last night suddenly appeared in his mind, and his whole body began to tremble crazily, and the hands holding the container tightened.


   Uchiha Tunan came to the bed and sat down, reached out and rubbed the boy's silver-gray hair, and calmly said:


   "Don't worry, your disease is a genetic defect that causes partial loss of skin and muscle and joint function.


  Even if there is no cure for the root cause, it can be nourished by palm fairy technique to restore tissue activity and achieve the symptoms. "


   I don't know whether it was Uchiha Tunan's gentle behavior or the relaxed atmosphere at this time.


   The little boy's mood gradually calmed down, and he raised his head and looked around the room.


   I saw that the current room was clean and tidy, and the walls were all white, as if they had just been repainted.


   On the fresh petals on the window sill, there are still small crystal water drops.


   A piece of feather lay quietly next to it, with a faint fragrance in the air.


   The whole world seems to be so harmonious and comfortable.


   The hellish scene last night, but it was a nightmare.


   The little boy lowered his head, looked at the baby in the container madly, and muttered, "Am I dreaming?"


   Uchiha Tunan smiled slightly and said softly:


  "How could it be a dream?


   No matter how terrifying the dream is, it cannot match the cruelty and despair of reality.


   You were busy most of the night last night, because you were exhausted because of lack of energy.


   When I came in, you were covered with blood.


   There are blood and minced meat all over the room.


   I took advantage of the time I took a bath for you.


   divided several clones together to clean up the room.


   also buried your parents in the back of the house by the way.


   Does it look more comfortable now?


   By the way, what is your name. "




   The little boy frowned gradually, but he couldn't remember his name for a while.


   Uchiha Tunan smiled softly, stretched out his hand to embrace the little boy's shoulder, hugged him in his arms, patted his shoulder and said:


   "I can't remember, right? Your memory is missing.


   But after my treatment, the situation did not continue to deteriorate.


   Now at least you still remember your parents. "


   The little boy heard the words "parents", his eyes appeared crystal clear, and he muttered:


   "Is my memory missing? Why do I feel nothing."


   Uchi Bo Tunan patiently explained:


   "People with amnesia generally cannot feel their amnesia.


   is like if there is no reminder from others, people will never think of something they have forgotten. "

   The little boy quietly looked at the baby curled up in the green solution, gently stroked the wall of the container and said, "Thank you, you are a good person."


   Uchi Bo Tunan raised his brows when he heard the words, and chuckled lightly:


   "I am not a good person, I can only say that to you, I am my own person.


   I really have to count, I'm much worse than those guys.


   is an out-and-out badass. "


   The little boy raised his head with a puzzled expression, looked at Uchiha Tunan’s sunny side face and said:


   "Are you a bad guy too? It doesn't look like it at all."


   Uchiha Tunan shrugged and smiled:


   "If there are only two definitions of a good person and a bad person in this world, I can be classified as a bad person."


   Uchiha Tunan did not intend to pretend to be in front of him for this future subordinate.


  In the beginning, Uchiha Tunan and the great elders can open up half a heart-to-heart conversation.


   Then the Great Elder died, Uchi Hatunan and Danzo became like-minded friends.


   But the war will end sooner or later. At that time, the two will inevitably have a conflict of interest, and the brotherly friendship will also be broken.


   Sometimes, Uchi Hatunan also wants to have someone to talk to to solve his social needs.


  Social needs are not a necessity for Uchi Hatunan.


   But if there is, it would be better.


   "Why do you want to help me, I remember they seem to know you, aren't you together."


   The little boy pondered for a long time and asked the question in his mind.


   Uchi Bo Tunan pondered for a moment, and said leisurely:


  "Good people and good people will live in harmony and help each other.


   But bad guys will only use each other, and they have no use value to me.




   If you die, you die.


   Anyway, this world, except for his own life.


   The lives of others are worthless. "


   The little boy lowered his head when he heard the words, his eyes were slightly dim and said: "So you want to use me."


   Uchiha Tunan nodded and said:


   "Yes, I want to use you.


   I saved you and your brother.


   Let the two of you have the right to breathe in the sun.


   Be a person with principles and learn to know what to do.


   Besides, although I use you, I have no idea of ​​hurting you.


   You and your brother following me are a good home, aren’t they? "


   The little boy didn't think about it for too long, so he nodded silently and said, "Okay."


   Uchiha Tunan’s mouth raised a gentle smile and said:


   "Introduce me, my name is Uchiha Tunan, Konoha Ninja.


   You and your brother will follow me back to Konoha.


   I will move you to the family tree of the Hagiki family.


   In this way, you also have a noble surname~www.readwn.com~ You call it Dou, as for your brother, call it Yi.


   Qimudou and Qimuyi are very good names, aren’t they? "


   "The flag wood pocket... the flag wood remains....."


   Flag Mudou repeated these two names several times, then looked up at Uchiha Tunan Road:




   Yi... Will he survive? "


   Uchiha Tunan pondered for a moment, touched his chin and said:


  "He hasn't fully developed yet.


   The solution in this container has been modified by me last night, and it is similar to the amniotic fluid environment.


   As long as he pours certain nutrients into the container every day, he can grow up healthy.


   As for the congenital genetic defects of the two of you, I can cure you at any time when I have almost done my research. "


   After speaking, Uchiha Tunan Yuyu got up and walked out of the bedroom.


   "Come out and tell your parents individually.


   Come again next time, I guess you are all grown up. "


   Qi Mudou pursed his mouth when he heard the words, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.


   immediately got out of the bed holding the container, and followed Uchiha Tunan to leave the house.

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