Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 254: Devil May Cry Howling Demon Weihehe

at dusk.


   The air is moist and dull.


   The sky was gloomy and watery, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to accumulate strength.


   Sand hidden village camp.


  Jiezhai camp has always chosen a flat and relatively high place since ancient times.


   The camp in Shayin Village is not a pure tent.


  Because there is a strong wind from the country of wind every day here.


   So they are all semi-circular huts built quickly with special stones, and a curtain is hung on the outside.


   Since the attack on Konoha's camp was unsuccessful some time ago, the ninjas in Sandyakura have been attacking Konoha's strongholds in a team rotation system.


   But all the strongholds are in a small terrain, and there are more attackers to no avail.


   This also caused most of the sand hidden village ninjas to be on standby and stationed here.


   The center of the camp is also the highest point.


   Hai Lao Zang looked at the large amount of information in front of him, and his whole brows were frowned upon.


   It is not a defeat in the war, but a certain scale of turmoil in the Kingdom of Wind.


  The country of wind daimyo is also putting pressure on Shayin Village.


   What needs to be done now is to enter the country of fire.


   Either grab the food, or force the country of fire to open trade and release the hoarded food.


   But now the entire coalition forces of Shagakura and Iwagakura are blocked by a boy like Uchiha Tunan.


   This made Eilaozang think of someone.


   Sansho Fish Hanzo who launched the Second Ninja War.


   One person hangs on the Three Kingdoms.


   In the end, Konoha was the only one who could resist with three forbearance.


   Saying that it sounds good is to resist, if it is not sound, it is because Hanzo discovered that Yuyin Village's background is too thin.


   His strength alone is not enough to support his ambitions.


   This time Hanzo chose to be neutral, but Konoha produced another Uchi Hatunan that was similar to Hanzo.


   The same tricky, the same battlefield invincible.


   The only thing that is fortunate is that this Uchipotunan has to carry serious sequelae every time he fights.




   Hai Lao Zang sighed heavily, got up and went to the window, opened the curtain, and looked at the distant scenery.


   "Personal strength can really reach this point."


   The slender rain swayed with the wind, drifted into the camp, and soaked Eilaozang's face.


   There seems to be a curtain of water hung between the sky and the earth, and everything becomes misty.


   Gradually, the wind is getting stronger, the rain screen is shaking, getting denser and stronger, it has become a downpour.


  As the rain gets bigger, the whole world is much clearer and no longer so hazy.


   Upon seeing this, Hai Lao Zang gently closed the window, then drew the curtains, turned around and prepared to return to his seat to sit down, and continue to analyze the information.


   However, when Eilao Zang turned around, he suddenly frowned and thought for a moment.


   Something is wrong.


   Hai Lao Zang came to the window again, only opened the curtains, narrowed his eyes, and looked far away intently.


   Faintly, Eilao Zang saw a figure standing in the valley far away.


   Even the ninja’s eyesight is very good, but because the distance is too far, coupled with the rain screen, it is impossible to see clearly.


   This location is still far from the cordon of the camp, so I don’t have to worry too much.


   And this figure does not seem to be wearing a Konoha Ninja uniform, not sure if it is an enemy...


   "A bit familiar," Eilaozang murmured.


   Valley Center.


   Uchiha Tunan looked around for a while, and was quite satisfied with the topography here.


   immediately closed his eyes, secretly brewing.


   The Xianshu Chakra in his body was quickly mobilized, flowing like a madman, converging toward the throat, and the momentum of the whole body was rapidly rising.




  Thunder rang in the middle of the low clouds, making people's ears buzzing.


   The storm came completely, and the heavy rain rolled over like a huge waterfall, covering the sky and wasteland.


   Uchibotunan’s black windbreaker had been soaked in rain, but it was lifted up by the violent chakra airflow.


   But seeing Uchiha Tunan slowly raised his head, arms opened, as if he wanted to embrace the whole world.




   The sky is blasting thunders continuously, as if the sky and the earth are afraid of something.


   "What is that person doing... I seem to have seen it somewhere..."


   Eilao Zang saw the figure in the rain and opened his hands, instinctively feeling a trace of horror.


   Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Eilaozang's mind, and an arrogant black figure appeared on the top of the cliff that night.


  In an instant, the two figures overlapped in Eilao Zang's mind.


   Hai Lao Zang shrank his pupils, took a deep breath, pushed open the window, put his hands on the edge of the window, and shouted: "Enemy attack!"


   In the valley, Uchiha Tunan suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes opened the kaleidoscope unconsciously because of the rapid circulation of the body chakra.


   The scarlet kaleidoscope of writing wheels circulates rapidly, and Uchiha Tunan has a cruel smile on his face.


   Immediately opened his mouth slowly, as if he was going to scream up to the sky.


   Eilazo, who was staring at Uchiha Tunan from a distance, subconsciously held his breath, and his muscles tightened unnaturally.

   The rain is still falling, and the thunder keeps ringing.


   The whole world seems to freeze.


   The next moment.


   A scene that frightened Eilaozang happened.


   I saw invisible energy waves appearing in the air, crushing the falling rainwater into mist one after another, and pushing the mist to form layers of white waves, attacking towards the Shayin Village camp.


   The speed of the white waves is extremely fast, and he has come to Eilao Zang in the blink of an eye.




   A powerful wave of air instantly hit Eilaozang's face.


   The rush of white waves, like a thousand horses, trampled on everything on the earth.


   Hai Lao Zang's two long white eyebrows were blown up, and there were more than a dozen waves in just one second.


  At the moment the air wave arrived, the entire Shayin Village camp was like a pot fried.


   "Enemy attack!"


   "Someone is performing a large-scale ninjutsu."


   "In the direction of the valley!"


   "I will kill him."




   "One room, what's wrong with you."


   "What's the matter, why do I feel weak all over."


   "It's so uncomfortable~"




The mystery of    infrasound waves is that the previous vibration and the next vibration are superimposed and resonated.


   As Devil May Cry continues to grow longer and longer, its power will grow stronger.


   Three seconds later, insects and animals with a radius of tens of kilometers all fled madly into the distance.


   Five seconds later, wrinkles were visible in the air, but there was still no sound.


   Ten seconds later, the refraction of the air was completely disturbed, making it difficult to distinguish the north, south, east and west.


   The earth began to tremble slightly, and the water on the ground was like a small ocean, and it began to splash.


   Fifteen seconds later, the whole world was bright and dark, like a flash of light, and the buildings in the Shayin Village camp began to appear cracks and collapsed every inch.


   Twenty seconds later, the water on the surface and the air was completely gone, the building collapsed, the internal organs of the village under the sandyin village burst, and the seven orifices bleed and died.


   Twenty-five seconds later, the rubble on the surface began to beat, and the Chakra, which Zhongren used to maintain his body, began to be disturbed one by one, wailing and struggling in extreme pain.


   Twenty-eight seconds later, no one in Zhongren survived, and the weaker Shangren was struggling to die.


   The bouncing gravel on the ground exploded and shattered into fine gravel.


   The earth trembled frantically, cracks appeared, and the hills not far away collapsed one after another.


   Thirty seconds later, the dark clouds in the sky surged, as if being quickly pulled away by a pair of big hands, revealing the blue sky.


   The afterglow of the setting sun shone and fell on the ground.


   At the same time, Uchiha Tunan, who was bathed in the golden red sunlight, closed his mouth and slowly lowered his arm.


   glanced indifferently at the Shayin Village camp in the far distance, slightly outlined the corners of his mouth, and spit out two words: "Yes."


   After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tunan took off his semi-moist windbreaker, folded it quickly, and hung it on his arm.


   turned around calmly and gracefully, with his back facing the sunset, stepping on the hot fine sand, and heading away.


   Uchiha Tunan didn't bother to pay attention to how many ninjas from Sandyakura were killed this time.


  The lives of enemy villages are just numbers.


   was not completely cleared, it was because the world needed a sand hidden village to contain Konoha.


   Shayin Village camp is now in ruins.


   After a long time, a pleated arm came out from the ruins.


   Immediately, Eilao crawled out of the ruins with a dusty face.


   The whole person was embarrassed, but he didn't have the energy to pay attention to it.


   I saw Eilaozang looking around for a while, and all of them came out of the ruins with haggard faces.










   Hai Lao Zang just stood there, UU reading www.uukānshu.com and counting foolishly.


   After counting to the back, no one has emerged from the rubble.


   But this number is that Eilao Zang can't accept it anyway.


   But seeing Hai Lao Zang's mouth keep trembling, he only felt that his back collapsed a lot, and he couldn't hold it up.


   On the horizon, the setting sun sank half of his body.


  The oblique afterglow illuminates half of Eilao Zang's body, and the remaining half draws a long shadow on the ground.


   The Shinnins who survived all looked at Eilaozang with blank eyes, waiting for him to give orders.


   Hai Laozang was silent for a long time, and took a deep breath, trying to scream for revenge.


   But the words got stuck in the throat for a while and couldn't say anything.


   A deep sense of powerlessness arises from my heart.


   Hai Lao Zang had to admit at this moment that he was old.


  After a long time, Eilao said with a hoarse voice:


  "Go and call all the remaining children back.


   Let's not fight anymore...


go home. "

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