Konoha Hypocrite

Chapter 95: Cut Aspen

   In the jungle of the country of fire, Asma is running desperately.

   Far away from the city of fire, the full moon in the night sky looks like the eyes of a goddess, staring coldly at the earth.


   The forest is full of worms, birds, and roars of wild animals.

   Asma just saw the huge thunder above the city of fire in the distance.

   there was a bad guess in his heart.

   "No, that guy is so strong, how could something happen." Asma could only comfort herself like this.

   has been running desperately for so long, Asma's physical strength is somewhat unbearable.

   He looked around vigilantly, and after making sure that no one was coming, he stopped to rest assuredly.

   I saw Asma put her hands on her knees, panting from exhaustion.

   The fine sweat on his forehead joined into a stream and ran down his cheeks.

   Even though the ninja has a superb physique, but has always maintained a high-intensity run, it is still too reluctant for Asma, who is not even a ninja now.


   At this time, a cool breeze mixed with the moisture in the forest blew on Asma's body, which was especially infiltrating.

   Asma turned her head and looked around, feeling anxious in her heart.

   I saw the moon above my head still hanging on it, exuding a cold light, casting a cold filter on this late night.

   The woods behind him were too dense, and the moonlight couldn't shine at all.

   A dark color, like a huge mouth in the abyss, full of danger.

   Asma swallowed her saliva, feeling a little cold on her body, rubbing her arms with her hands, and muttered, "No one should be chasing her."

   Even though he said that, his heart beats extremely hard.

   as if predicting something will happen later.

   Asma wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, dragged her exhausted body to find a tree hole, and got in.

   The tree hole exudes a decayed atmosphere, and many reptiles cling to the inside of the tree hole, biting the trunk.

   The reptiles wandered around Asma, making it very itchy.

   Nevertheless, in order not to be discovered, Asma did not dare to react too much and could only endure it forcibly.

   If the person being hunted finds out, the end will be worse than now. I don’t know how many times.

   Today's dreamlike experience has made Asma exhausted.

   Accompanied by the chirping of birds and insects in the jungle, Asma slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep in the tree hole.


   I don't know how long it took, but Asma was still awakened by a crawler in the tree hole.

   Unbearable, he stretched out his hand and scratched his body a few times.

   Suddenly, Asma was slightly startled.

   can be seen through the tree hole, it is still late at night outside.

   But he remembered that before he fell asleep, there was a sound of insects and birds, but now they have disappeared.

   Come to think about it carefully, this is the deep forest, where many insects, ants, birds and beasts gather, and the lack of calls is a bit abnormal.

   The surroundings are so quiet and terrible, Asma can even hear her heartbeat clearly.

   "Boom, boom, boom..."

   The beating of the heart is like a heavy hammer, especially harsh in this deadly silent environment.

   Asma could feel cold sweat on her back and fine sweat on her forehead.

   He tried his best to adjust his rapid breathing, trying to calm himself down.

   even comforted myself in my heart, perhaps this quietness is just a special natural phenomenon.

   Maybe I think too much, but when I wake up after a nap, everything will be fine.

After    tea time, Asma's mood gradually stabilized a lot.

   Just when he was worried and wanted to continue sleeping.


   A black shadow appeared at the entrance of the cave.

   Asma only felt her heartbeat stop for a moment.

  'S eyes suddenly widened, and even the reptiles on his body seemed to stop moving collectively.

   Breathing began to become rapid again, and his lips were so scared that they lost their color.

   After a while, Asma could see what it was.

   It turns out that the dark shadow is just a white dove.

   I saw the white dove tilted its head, lowered its head and pecked a few reptiles, and then spread its wings and flew away.


   Asma lowered her head and gasped for breath, a look of fear appeared on her face.

   at the same time secretly mocked himself in his heart.

   I was scared to death, Asma, why are you so timid, you are just a pigeon.

   Under such a shock, Asma was already wet with sweat and felt uncomfortable.

   Not right, do pigeons want to eat bugs?

   A question mark flashed in Asma's mind as she relaxed, and she raised her head subconsciously.

  ! ! !

   Asma's pupils suddenly contracted to the extreme, and his heartbeat stopped instantly.

   With the faint moonlight shining through the cracks in the leaves.

   Asma vaguely saw a pale face almost close to her face, as if she was looking at herself carefully.

   The dim environment and the distance are too close, so that Asma can't see the other side's appearance.

   He just felt as if he had a pair of invisible big hands pinching his neck tightly, and he was about to suffocate.

   grew up in horror, but couldn't make any sound.

   The next moment, the eyes of that face turned scarlet, and the three-wheeled Gouyu slowly rotated.

   "Asma, why are you here."

   A slightly familiar voice sounded, pulling Asma back from the extreme fear.

   Asma finally got over.

   "Asshole, why are you here? Do you know it's scary to suddenly bring your face together." Asma lowered her voice and said angrily.

   Uchi Bo Tunan took his head out of the tree hole. Although his face was pale, his expression was very gentle, and he helped his glasses and said:

   "I came here specifically for you. I'm really sorry, I scared you."

   In such a sinister situation, Asma finally met an acquaintance, and the whole person was a lot easier.

   Seeing Uchiha Tunan looked confident, Asma stretched her head out and said with a serious face:

   "You escaped too?"

   Uchi Bo Tunan smiled ~ www.readwn.com ~ did not speak.

   Asma looked around and reminded:

   "Let's pay attention and don't provoke the people of the city of fire.

  Do you know what happened to Shinnosuke. "

   Uchi Botunan did not answer Asma’s question, but asked with a smile:

   "Asma, I want to ask you a question."

   "What's the matter." Asma's hands kept grasping the bugs attached to him.

   Uchiha Tunan tilted his head and said, "Except for Shinnosuke-senpai, who does Hokage-sama admire most?"

   Asma frowned, a little dissatisfied that Uchiha Tunan spoke so loudly, what if the enemy summoned her.

   immediately lowered his voice and said, "That's enough, it must be Lord Oshemaru.

  I heard the old man say that Lord Oshemaru is his most proud disciple. "

   Uchiha Tunan nodded suddenly and murmured: "It seems that Hokage-sama cares about the inheritance of the mantle."

   Then his eyes condensed slightly, and the corner of his mouth outlines:

   "Thank you for answering my doubts. To express my gratitude, I will see you by myself."


   Before Asma could speak, the white light flashed, and Asma's head rolled to the ground.

   In the next instant, a group of dark and fierce birds flew from all directions, partly surrounding Asma's head, and partly pouring into the tree hole.

   Uchibotunan took out the handkerchief and gently wiped the blood stains on the chakra's short blade, sighing: "Sure enough, there must be my teacher."

   After all, Uchiha Tunan put the Chakra Shortblade into the scabbard.

   walked in the direction of the city of fire, his figure gradually sinking into the darkness.

  In the forest, only the tearing sound kept ringing.


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