Konoha: I am Naruto's Brother, Golden Glitter

243. Ninja World · Present World Cultural Exchange In Academy City

All the people in the world watching the live broadcast fell silent.

Then, a sense of doubt immediately gushed out.

They doubt the veracity of this event!

Start searching for the truth!

But the people in charge of several big countries are silent.

Because they watched their live broadcast through their astronomical telescopes.

The three moons of Jupiter were indeed destroyed.

Even Jupiter was affected, and a huge concave hole appeared directly on the surface of Jupiter.

This impact may even cause a change in the orbit of Jupiter!

All of this proves that the words of the king of the Uruk Empire are true or false.

These big countries are somewhat autistic at this time.

Is this the realm that human beings can achieve?

Even without relying on manpower, this level of destruction is enough for them to be unable to resist.

Soon, under the proof of astronomy enthusiasts.

The three moons of Jupiter were indeed destroyed.

After the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar. Do people really have such abilities?

In an instant, Uzumaki Mizuki was given faith by many people and treated directly as a god.

The spell chanted when liberating the Deviation Sword is regarded as a symbol of God!

The style of the weapon, the Deviation Sword, immediately began to be sold in figure stores, and the sales volume was excellent.

"Wang, leaders of various countries in the world are contacting me, hoping to have an interview with you.

The day after the destruction of Jupiter's three guards, Aaron Reiss Tower came to report on it.

"I'm not interested. In a few days, someone from me will come over, and I'll meet them then."

"Let's destroy the hidden world and see if those demon gods can really destroy the world."

Uzumaki Mizuki said.

With the clone of World Tree, it is almost equivalent to creating a safe area in the system.

The Majin comes in this place, Uzumaki Mizuki is not in vain.

But specifically, one needs to personally experience the opponent's strength before making a judgment.


Ya Reiss towered excitedly.

After answering, he immediately disappeared in front of Uzumaki Mizuki, and began to prepare to destroy the hidden world.

At the same time, Uzumaki Mizuki is helping Misaka Mikoto strengthen her body so that she can adapt to the two powers of Chakra and spiritual power.

Through the power of the World Tree, it took about a day to upgrade Misaka Mikoto's body to a secondary Six Paths body about the same level as Naruto Sasuke.

It is still far from Kaguya Ji's.

But it is basically the top body in the ninja world.

Then, take out a Zanpakutō of lightning attribute and give it to Misaka Mikoto to use.

Under Uzumaki Mizuki's guidance, she began experimenting with Shikai.

The relationship between the two had undergone a qualitative change yesterday.

However, Misaka Mikoto is still young, not yet sixteen years old, and Uzumaki Mizuki is not easy to start with.

Guide Misaka Mikoto to become stronger first, and then do other things slowly.

"The few of you, in this city, are responsible for teaching Chakra and the practice of spiritual power, and absorb all the knowledge you can absorb by the way.

"A Reiss tower has prepared a lot of things over the years, and it will be of great help to you if you can learn it."

At the same time, Uzumaki and Mizuki let the three of Orochimaru begin to instruct the people here in Academy City to practice.

At the same time, there are many excellent scientists in this city.

After they learn it, they can completely expand it virally, and at the same time, they may be able to figure out more things.

In the three worlds, the research ability area here in Academy City!

Both Shinigami and ninja worlds do not have systematic science, and they all rely on the top leaders to figure it out.

It is completely incomparable with this kind of sophisticated pyramid research.

It is difficult for one person's research to compare with that of a collective.

Unless it is the kind that needs inspiration, otherwise, trial and error is the easiest way, and manpower is also the most consumed in trial and error.


Orochimaru they naturally have no opinion.

I dare not have an opinion.

At the same time, absorbing the technology of Academy City is also of great help to them.

In fact, they have also learned a lot, but they have not yet fully mastered the technology of Academy City.

In just a few days, many outsiders flooded into Academy City.

Many radicals are planning to use suicide attacks, wanting to prove that they are not afraid of death, so don't try to conquer them.

Both the discipline committee and the security guards are busy.

In the end there were still casualties.

However, Uzumaki Mizuki would send a clone out every night, using time regression to easily revive the dead and wounded for treatment.

Those who attacked would naturally not revive them.

This matter was not hidden, and it was exposed soon, which further aroused those religious fanatics, thinking that Uzumaki Mizuki is the god who came to save the world!

At the same time, those attackers were dejected one by one.

One's own life has no value at all.

To die is to die in vain.

Who would want to do something like this!

At the same time, Uzumaki Mizuki did the resurrection, which made these people feel fear.

This is the domain of God!

They dare not continue to provoke!

After a few days, the cooling time of the portal is up.

Uzumaki Mizuki directly sent a clone back, and arranged for the two worlds of Ninja World and Shinigami to send people to be responsible for communication.

The person in charge of Ninja World is still Nagato.

On Shinigami's side, it was Ishida Ryuseki who came over.

Ishida Longxian is now in the world, so he can be said to be the second in command.

It is mainly responsible for guiding people in the world to practice such things, which is equivalent to the Whampoa Military Academy.

And this time, I came here to be in charge of communication, not to divide the territory.

Naturally, the leader in this world is not interested in coming here.


After those people passed through the crossing gate, they saw Uzumaki Mizuki standing outside the crossing gate, half kneeling on the ground respectfully.

Dozens of people have come to the ninja world, and there are many in this world.

On the side of Ninja World 677, Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru and other young generations also came. Naturally, Naruto was not sent here, and the others were basically newly trained subordinates of his cheap father.

On the human side, Xu sent a Grimmjow, and on the Shinigami side, Byakuya Kuchiki brought Abarai Renji, and most of them were human beings in this world.

"This time is considered an exchange. The world has not been completely conquered, and it will take a year."

"The specific affairs will be handled by Nagato and assisted by Ishida Tatsuzuru."

"It's okay to show your strength occasionally, but don't leave this city, it's still a little unsafe."

Uzumaki Mizuki asked here.

At the same time, divide the work arrangements.

Naturally, he trusted Nagato and entrusted him with the main tasks.

The real world has only stabilized not long ago, and Nagato has always been in charge.

Ishida Longxian is closer to the principal than the ruler, so naturally he will not be assigned to do this kind of work.

But after all, there are two worlds, and the third officer is just right.

Others, Uzumaki Mizuki doesn't think so much.


Everyone responded quickly.

Also surprised by Uzumaki Mizuki said that there is still danger in this world.

This made them somewhat nervous, but more excited.

On the Erzhuzi side, they are ready to show their strengths, so go back and take a good breath of Naruto.

He has been unable to come out, but he came out to see other worlds first!

But he didn't think about the danger at all!.

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