At this moment, everyone's eyes subconsciously fell on Naruto who was resting with his eyes half closed under the tree.

"Naruto, what do you think?"

Kakashi asked

"How do you watch it? Watch it however you want, standing, sitting, lying down, whatever you want to watch it in?"

Naruto didn't care and casually said

"As a member of our team, we all want to hear your opinion."

Kakashi was speechless again.

However, Naruto at this moment also had some weight in Kakashi's heart. Based on his sharp insight just now, he could see that Naruto was no longer the Naruto of the past. The speed of his progress was so fast that even he was surprised.

"Kill them, one by one, one by one, until they surrender."

Naruto said lightly.

Then he stood up, patted his pants, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

Obviously, the lightning escape technique he had just released had completely achieved the effect he expected.

"I thought this mission would not be so fun, but now it seems that it is beyond my expectations."

"Such fun things must continue, of course, those two rubbish Chunins are not enough for me to enjoy, but Mr. Kakashi, the lightning escape you taught me is really useful, thank you."

Naruto grinned and said.

As soon as he said this, Kakashi instantly felt two unfriendly eyes staring at him.

"cough cough......Well then!

Since you all agree, let's continue with our mission!"


Obviously, Sakura's opinion was no longer important at this time.

Because Sasuke and Naruto both wanted to continue the mission, the group rested for a while and continued to walk towards the Land of Waves.

Soon they arrived at a port, and several people boarded a boat secretly picked up by a fisherman from the Land of Waves, and took advantage of the heavy fog to sneak into the Land of Waves.

Along the way, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi and others were highly nervous, always paying attention to the abnormalities around them.

Only Naruto sat leisurely on the bow, crossed his legs, and hummed,"Sister, you sit on the bow ~ Brother, I'll go on the shore ~"

Obviously, this place has not yet entered the Land of Waves. It is the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Waves. Momochi Zabuza and others will not take action at all.

"Hey, Naruto, can you be more nervous? It's all foggy here, and we don't know where the next attack will come from. It's better to be careful."

Kakashi saw this guy's careless look, and he couldn't help but feel a headache. Others were concentrating on watching the surroundings to prevent sneak attacks.

My goodness, this guy was actually humming a little tune, and it was a little tune that he couldn't understand.

"Don't be so serious, Kakashi-sensei.

Everything will work out when the time comes. Aren't you tired of being so nervous?"

Naruto waved his hand and said lightly,"He's just a useless drunkard. The worst that can happen is that the mission will fail. With the strength of an elite jonin like you, Kakashi-sensei, you should be able to bring the two losers back to Konoha."



The useless drunkard uncle:...........

Originally, Dazna wanted to teach Naruto a lesson, but when he thought of the horrific scene just now, the two Chunins turned into two pieces of charcoal in an instant. He chose to endure it. After all, a step back will open up a new world.

Not long after, the boat gradually began to approach the shore.

After several people got off the boat, they began to walk forward.

At this time, Naruto finally restrained his previous laziness and casualness.

Although Zabuza Momochi was defeated by Kakashi in the end, Kakashi's victory was not easy. Zabuza's true strength would not be the bottom even among the Jonins. It's just that he appeared too early. In addition, now they are in the Land of Waves. Although he has read the plot, the reality is changing rapidly. Who can grasp the situation 100%?

Therefore, Naruto had to pay a little attention to it. If he is not careful, he will really capsize in the ditch.

Everyone walked forward cautiously in the fog, and suddenly!

An exaggeratedly large sword pierced through the clouds and mist, and the piercing and sharp sound of breaking through the air made everyone tense up.

""Be careful! Scatter!!"

Kakashi quickly picked up Nadas and left the place in an instant.

Sasuke and Sakura had been alert to their surroundings before, so they reacted quickly after hearing Kakashi's instructions.

Then, the beheading sword avoided everyone and directly attacked Naruto at the end of the team.

Kakashi looked at the sword shooting towards Naruto at a high speed and shouted quickly:"Naruto! Be careful!"

"Earth escape, earth flow wall!!"

Naruto had been prepared for a long time. As soon as Kakashi finished the order, he reacted, made a seal, and slapped the ground.

An extremely thick earth wall was instantly built up from the ground at a very fast speed.


The beheading sword chopped directly onto the wall of the earthen wall. The blade chopped onto the wall and pierced through it, but the sword got stuck.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the sword stopped.

Sasuke looked behind him and saw that Naruto, who looked relaxed, had stopped the beheading sword in an instant. He was shocked, but his expression was changing. No one knew what this problem child was thinking.

"Hey, it was so dangerous just now, why didn't you choose to dodge at the first time, but took it head-on?" Kakashi looked at Naruto with a pained face and said.

Naruto ignored him, just walked to the wall of the earth flow, and then pulled out the knife with his hand.

"Ha, this beheading sword is quite heavy."

Naruto has been honing his physical fitness during this period, and with the crazy nutrition supplementation, he is in the stage of growing up, and his natural strength has also increased significantly.

Compared with before, I don't know how much stronger he is.

However, such a heavy sword is not practical at all in actual combat.

This made Naruto a little disappointed.

It would be great if he could have his own exclusive attack ninja tool.

Just like Sasuke's Kusanagi sword in the original drama, so cool!

Maybe, after this mission is over, I can also practice swordsmanship?

If I can practice swordsmanship to the extreme like Hawkeye, wouldn't I be invincible?

You know, in the top battle, the power of Hawkeye's sword, in the current ninja world, is definitely not worse than the wind escape spiral shuriken!

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