The clone left at the training ground died, and sent back the memory of training.

As for the Rasengan, he had just learned it in the past few days. He trained according to the water ball method of Jiraiya in the original drama, and then used the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, and soon he had learned it.

And yesterday, he was trying to develop the combination of Rasengan + wind attribute chakra based on the description of the original drama, that is, the Rasenshuriken. Adding wind attribute chakra to the Rasengan is a very dangerous thing. If you are not careful, the Rasengan will explode and you will accidentally hurt yourself.

The development of this kind of ninjutsu can only be done with clones. If the original body is used to do it, it is estimated that the first experiment will have to be amputated.

However, although he failed in the Rasenshuriken, the Hatake sword technique he studied yesterday finally had some progress. The chakra was condensed on the Ryujin Jakka sword, forming a very high density and very high temperature flame.

Combined with the one-sword style derived from the Hatake sword technique, the fire attribute chakra can be condensed into a fire dragon and slashed towards the enemy!

This fire dragon is not like the Fire Style Ninjutsu Great Fireball Technique.

It is not like Madara's Great Fire Extinguishing, but more like a brand new move.

The biggest advantage of Fire Style is the range AOE damage, but a person can defeat 1,000 ninjas by exhausting all his chakra, but in this case, those 1,000 ninjas are likely to be injured, but not completely dead!

In other words, the range is indeed enough, but the strength is far from the effect of a one-hit kill!

The flying dragon flame of this sword style is the ultimate compression of chakra! Although the range is small, the strength is not comparable to the Great Fireball!

Now, during the Chunin Exam, even if I meet Orochimaru, I won't panic.

Moreover, there is another most important ninjutsu, which is [Eight Gates]. Naruto will not forget the red beast of Konoha that almost kicked out the finale, Might Guy's kick [Night Guy]!

I can't use this trick myself, but Naruto has always believed that the correct way to use [Eight Gates] is not like that at all!

Moreover, the way that Might Guy and Rock Lee used the [Eight Gates] was completely wrong.

After the swordsmanship and Rasengan Shuriken were studied, we could slowly study the correct way to open the [Eight Gates]!

After all, it is better to bite off more than you can chew, and taking it step by step is the most stable way!..............

""No need to bother! You're here!" Sakura looked at Naruto and excitedly greeted him.

In any place and in any world, women always have a heart that admires the strong. Besides, Naruto's hair has grown longer.

At first glance, he even looks more and more like Minato Namikaze.

In addition, during this period of time, the 12-year-old Naruto has received a lot of nutritional supplements, and his height is much taller than before.

Even Kakashi, who hadn't seen Naruto for a few days, was a little dazed for a moment. Although he had seen him many times, he always felt a little lost and confused in his heart, as if he was in a dream and saw his teacher

"Oh, good morning." Naruto replied indifferently.

It was this response that made Sakura's eyes light up instantly........He responded to her?

Did I hear it right?

Sakura's manic personality screamed madly, and Naruto actually responded to her!!

It seems that Naruto no longer cares about the past, this is the biggest progress!

Thinking of this, Sakura couldn't help but feel happy.

Of course, Naruto didn't know these at all, and didn't want to know.

In front of absolute power, women are nothing, and will only interfere with becoming stronger!

However, ahem, occasional relaxation is not a bad thing. If you keep your nerves tense for a long time, you will only feel more and more tired.

Chakra can be restored a lot in a short time, and physical strength can be restored a lot in a short time through rest and energy replenishment. Even injuries can be restored through medical ninja treatment.

But the spirit is the only problem. If the spirit is traumatized, there is no way to effectively treat and restore it.

You can only rest.

Otherwise, when Kakashi faced Uchiha Itachi for the first time, he was hit by the moon reading and rested for a long time before he recovered.

""What? Are you busy with training recently? I haven't seen you much." Sakura asked curiously. Naruto nodded indifferently. Although his character was like this, at least he was also a human being. He would not have a bitter face every day, as if he had a grudge against everyone.

So Naruto did not confront Sakura early in the morning.

"I see. It seems that Natuo has really changed a lot. You used to make trouble and play around in the village, but now you are so hardworking and powerful. I don't know what happened........."

Sakura hadn't finished her words when Naruto looked at her and Sakura shut up instantly..........

Sigh, it's my fault for being too talkative. Naruto is no longer so disgusted with me, why do I have to be so talkative!

Sakura was secretly blaming herself.

Is he powerful? Does Sakura also think Naruto is powerful?

These words were heard by Sasuke, who was looking at Naruto unhappily.

"Oh my! How did you train? How did you gain strength so quickly?"Sasuke looked at him indifferently, and asked reluctantly.

"Huh!? I didn't expect you to ask me for advice? Tsk tsk, this is too rare, a genius of the Uchiha family."

Naruto didn't expect that this proud Uchiha Sasuke would be willing to lose face and ask him how to practice.

It seems that he was really anxious. The last time he fought Momochi Zabuza, he must have been���The murderous aura of the slasher must have frightened him awake.

Hearing this, Sasuke's mouth twitched. He had already asked the question in a very embarrassing way, and he asked it in front of the teacher and Sakura!

Unexpectedly, Naruto didn't forget to mock him! How could he be repaired!

"Stop looking down on others! Naruto!"

"If you have the guts, fight me one on one! Don't you need multiple clones to fight me?!"Sasuke was so angry that he took out his kunai and yelled at Naruto.

"Sass........."Xiaoying looked at the tension between the two people as soon as they met, and there was a hint of worry between her brows. She spoke nervously

"You shut up! I must kill you! No way! The glory of the Uchiha clan will never be trampled under your feet and humiliated!"

Naruto looked at the furious Sasuke, and of course he understood what he felt in his heart.

As a once high-ranking Konoha genius, as the most likely hope to revive Konoha's Uchiha clan.

Even Neji, the recognized genius of the Hyuga clan, was not taken seriously by him.

He carried the belief of revenge for the entire clan and the hope of reviving the Uchiha clan. During this mission to the Land of Waves, he truly realized his own weakness.

Naruto chuckled,"Sakura, do you know what's wrong with Sasuke?"

"In the early morning, he barked like a dog.

I remember that Akamaru beside Inuzuka Kiba seemed to be quieter than him."

Sakura looked a little embarrassed and smiled bitterly:"No, this....."

"Well, since you two are so excited, why don't you have a competition here? I can also take a good look at the results of your recent training."

"The Chunin Exam is coming soon, please take your seats. Kakashi instantly appeared between the two of them, smiled at them, and said:

"Haha, I wanted to save some face for you, but since you are looking for death so early in the morning, I can't do anything about it. Sass." Naruto shrugged and said indifferently

"I said, Mr. Kakashi, I didn't use too much force, it should be okay." Naruto raised his eyebrows and smiled at Kakashi.

"Oh, it's just a test, no need to ask for help........"Before Kakashi could finish his words, he was rudely interrupted by Sasuke.

"What the hell! Oh my god! Stop looking down on our Uchiha clan!"

Sasuke grabbed the kunai, stepped hard, and rushed towards Naruto in an instant!

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