"It seems that the waste has been dealt with, so we can get down to business.

He raised his head, revealing a serious, fierce, and terrifying face with several scars.

"Now we can start to announce the tenth question."

Ibiki became serious, and the aura he exuded made the students in the entire examination room sit up straight.

They had come to this point with great difficulty, and they thought they could take a breath, but seeing Ibiki's state, the tense atmosphere spread again.

"The first thing you need to decide is not the answer to question 10, but whether or not to take question 10.

Seeing the atmosphere tense again, the candidates also became nervous. Ibiki was very satisfied with this and continued to put pressure on them.

"Why do you ask this?"

One candidate asked with courage.

"If you don't choose, you will be judged as a failure on the spot, and you will get zero points directly, and you and your companions will be eliminated together."Ibiki smiled and said lightly, which made the candidates tremble with fear.

"This, this is impossible"

"For things like this, I must choose to answer, otherwise wouldn’t all my previous efforts be in vain?"

"If they choose not to answer, why should they also drag me out? This rule is too unreasonable."

Ibiki became more and more satisfied and continued to put pressure on them:"If you choose to answer, but the answer is wrong, then the answerer will be disqualified from participating in the Chunin Exam forever!"

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere on the scene dropped to freezing point, and the tension was suffocating.

"How could this happen? It's so unreasonable."

"Damn it, if I answer wrong, I will only be a ninja for the rest of my life."

The candidates were extremely depressed.

They had cheated to this point, and under the watchful eyes of many examiners, they thought that as long as they answered correctly, they would pass. But if they answered wrong, they would lose the qualification to participate in the Chunin Exam forever.

This was hard for them to accept.

To take the exam, or not?

Everyone was in a dilemma.

If they chose to take the exam, but failed to answer, they would be permanently disqualified from the Chunin Exam.

Otherwise,.........Just give up this time, at worst you can take the exam again next time.

Many people began to back down.

However, their thoughts were all within Ibiki's expectations.

Or rather, the reason they had such thoughts was that Ibiki deliberately guided them.

He pressed them step by step, forcing them to make a choice in a tense and depressing atmosphere.

This was a test of people's will and determination.

"Hey, is this true? You know, there are many people here who have taken the exam more than 03 times."One candidate plucked up the courage to ask

"If you want to blame someone, just blame your bad luck for meeting me!"

"In this classroom, I am the rule!"

Ibiki looked at the candidate with a gloomy look, which made the candidate feel frightened and sit back in his seat obediently.

"I have already given you a way out. If you don't have confidence, just wait for the next opportunity. Anyway, you only have to wait for half a year."

"Then, if you choose not to answer, please raise your hands."

I have to say that Ibiki's move was very clever.

"I quit."

Soon, a young man slowly raised his hand.

He was still young and had a wonderful youth, and he didn't want to ruin his future because of a random multiple-choice question.

He cast an apologetic look at his teammates, but their expressions were full of anger, and they left the classroom helplessly.

With the beginning, the number of people who quit gradually increased, and a small number of teams withdrew from the exam one after another.

Faced with the dangerous single-plank bridge ahead and a retreat behind, their choice was naturally self-evident.

Unknowingly, the number of people in the classroom was reduced from full to two-thirds of the original.

As the candidates left, the remaining candidates were in a heavy mood, looking at each other, at a loss, and struggling between answering the questions and not answering them.

"Those who don't want to take the exam, please leave quickly and stop dawdling! My patience is limited!"

At this time, Naruto had already sat up, ready to enjoy this good show.

He knew Ibiki's methods too well. This man was very good at using psychological breakdown points to continuously exert pressure.

Ibiki also saw Naruto sitting up at this time, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the child of Yongdaimei is really a genius!

The key to the entire exam has been analyzed at the beginning of the exam.

Seeing Naruto's calm appearance, Ibiki relaxed.

"It seems that most people have left, so those who are left here should be ready to challenge the tenth question. Seeing that most people have left, Ibiki said nothing more and got straight to the point.

As soon as he said this, the candidates present immediately perked up, held their breath nervously, and listened carefully.

"So listen up, everyone who stays here,.......Passed the test!"

Ibiki's serious expression instantly turned into a look of congratulations.

Except for Naruto, this result was beyond the expectations of all the candidates.


The candidates looked at each other in surprise.

"This...what's going on?" Sakura stood up subconsciously and asked in confusion:"Isn't there still a tenth question? How did I pass it suddenly?"


"From the beginning, this thing didn't exist."

"If we must say it is question 10, then the two choices just now are actually"

"Wait." Temari then asked,"What about the previous nine questions? Are you kidding us?""

"I can't say I'm teasing you." Ibiki looked relaxed, and his tense face finally relaxed.

He continued to answer Temari's question:"The essence of the first nine questions is to test your ability to obtain intelligence."

"First of all, I have already given you the rules of the exam at the beginning."

"One point will be deducted for each time you are caught. This rule means that cheating is allowed."

"Therefore, this exam mainly depends on whether your cheating methods are sophisticated. If we don't catch those people who were eliminated before, those cheap methods are simply an insult to our examiners."

"Of course, these questions are not something you Genin can answer, so in order to allow you to better obtain information, I have arranged some Chunin who know the answers among you candidates, and they are lurking among you."

Ibiki's words made everyone present suddenly realize, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they were glad that they didn't leave.

"However, you who have passed the first nine tests have already proven your ability to obtain intelligence."

"Those of you who choose to answer question 10 undoubtedly have the courage to lead your teammates to break through the siege."

"Therefore, congratulations, you have passed."

Ibiki smiled again and sincerely wished everyone well.

Suddenly, there was a"bang".

A huge black unknown round object broke through the window and landed in front of the podium. Several kunai were nailed to the wall, stretching a piece of black cloth.

"Now is not the time to be happy!"

Beige windbreaker, hair tied into a purple ponytail, wearing mesh clothes, wrapped in exaggerated plump

"I am the examiner of the second exam, Mitarashi Anko!"

Mitarashi Anko makes a brilliant appearance!

This carefree personality makes Naruto sneer.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's enough!"Ibiki poked his head out from behind the cloth and said with a headache.

There was a sudden silence on the field. No one responded to Hongdou, and they all looked at her with strange eyes.

This made Hongdou blush.

Can this brainless and careless guy really be an examiner?

This was the first thought of the candidates.

In any case, they felt that this person was not very reliable.

"What? There are still so many people. Ibiki, you are a little soft this year."Hongdou coughed a few times and changed the subject.

"There is no other way. There are many excellent candidates this year. Don't underestimate them. Among them, there are some very interesting ones."

"Oh, interesting guy." Hongdou also became interested,"Tell me about it. The one you pointed out must not be a simple person."

"That won't do." Ibiki smiled and continued,"Don't worry, gold will shine wherever it goes. You will see it when the exam starts."

"Tsk, you are just being mysterious."

Hongdou curled her lips in disdain, then looked at the examinee, licked her lips, and showed a malicious smile.

"We can't have so many of them. If there are too many, the third exam will be a bit troublesome. Let's cut them in half first."

The malicious smile made the nerves of the candidates in the entire venue tense again. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Today's exam is over, you can go now. As for where to gather for tomorrow's exam, go ask your instructor, then, disband!"

After throwing the smoke bomb, this unconventional woman disappeared on the spot.

"You can leave now.���"

Ibiki scratched the back of his head with a headache and said to the candidates.

The candidates looked at each other and left the classroom together.[]

It was already sunset, and the sun was setting.

Ibiki collected the test papers, and finally, he stopped at the position where Naruto had just been.

The test paper was still upside down, with traces of saliva on it.

"Haha, I've never seen anyone sleep in the examination room. He didn't even write. He was probably the first person to hand in a blank paper in this kind of exam."Ibiki smiled bitterly, put the test paper away and turned it over.

When Ibiki saw the front of the test paper, he froze, his pupils shrank, and he looked stunned. The test paper was densely filled with answers, the handwriting was neat, and the formulas were listed in an orderly manner with a beginning and an end. Ibiki looked at the answers and found that the answers on the test paper were all correct, and they were no different from the standard answers!

This guy was obviously paying attention the whole time, and he was obviously sleeping the whole time.

"how so."

Ibiki was stunned for a moment, and stood there for a long time without saying a word.

At this time, Naruto was wandering aimlessly on the street with his hands in his pockets.

After coming out of the examination room, he did not look for Sasuke and Sakura, but left directly.

Because the location of tomorrow's exam is probably in the Forest of Death, he did not plan to look for Kakashi.

But he did not go home either, but went to the training ground and walked by the stream, as if he was taking a stroll.

Standing by the stream, Naruto was blowing the evening breeze, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

He has been thinking all this time.

In the Forest of Death, he will definitely meet Orochimaru, after all, Orochimaru's target is Sasuke.

Facing Orochimaru, this real shadow-level strongman, Naruto knew that he would definitely not be able to kill him directly at the moment.

But at least he doesn't have to be afraid of him.

Moreover, there are some things on Orochimaru that he wants.

He can do something with Orochimaru.

While thinking, he left the stream.

On the way home, he passed by Ichiraku Ramen.

It has been a while since I came here last time.

Naruto looked at the sign and felt a little emotional.

"Would you like a bowl of ramen?"

The familiar greeting made Naruto look up and saw Ichiraku with a kind face. Although he was sweating, he still greeted him enthusiastically.

"What a coincidence."

Naruto also found that, besides himself, other Konoha Xiaoqiang were also eating ramen here.

Because they had an exam tomorrow, everyone wanted to come and see and improve their relationship.

Although Naruto had changed, Shikamaru and others still greeted him, but their voices were a little unnatural.

"No need, you guys eat, see you later."

His tone was cold, as if he were a stranger.

Naruto turned around and left.

He didn't need these ties of Konoha. He would only get deeper and deeper, and in the end he couldn't extricate himself.

Naruto was very clear about this.

Shikamaru watched Naruto's lonely back disappear into the darkness, and couldn't help but clench his fists slightly.

"What happened to this guy?

He felt that Naruto was becoming more and more unfamiliar, and he could no longer see him clearly.��

That lonely back figure touched Shikamaru's heart.

Am I overthinking?

Shikamaru pursed his lips and finally said nothing.

After returning home, he felt a little hungry, so Naruto walked into the kitchen and took out the meat from the refrigerator. He skillfully fried it in the pan, made two more breads, and paired them with salad dressing.

"What’s so delicious about that kind of ramen? Can it have the flavor of the meat I fried?"

"I don't want it at all!"

Naruto sat at the table, picked up the knife and fork, skillfully cut a piece of beef into small pieces, put it into his mouth, and chewed it with big mouthfuls.

Under the light, the lonely figure revealed a hint of loneliness..........

The next day, at the entrance of the Forest of Death. All the candidates who stayed the day before have gathered here, however, Mitarashi Anko has not yet appeared.

Although there is still a long time before the scheduled exam time, everyone has already arrived early.

Naruto leaned against a big tree, giving people a feeling of indifference.

His domineering aura shocked everyone the day before, and now no one dared to approach him easily.

Even Sasuke and Sakura, who were teammates, chose to chat with other candidates instead of approaching Naruto.

At this time, a Genin with a huge sand gourd on his back walked towards Naruto.

It was Gaara, followed by the nervous Temari and Kankuro.

Although he was shocked by yesterday's domineering aura, Gaara was not intimidated.

He has a tail in his body, and although he cannot match the opponent in murderous aura, he does not think he will lose in actual combat.

"Uzumaki Naruto, that thing......"Gaara took a deep breath, looked at Naruto leaning against the tree, and said.

Naruto opened his eyes, looked at the person in front of him, and instantly remembered this incident.

"Well, you want me to help you strengthen the seal, right?"

Gaara did not deny it, but nodded and agreed, and said sincerely:"Please!"

These three words instantly surprised Temari and Kankuro behind him.

This murderous brother......

When did he become so polite? So courteous? ?

He actually said please to a Konoha Genin?

Naruto walked up and patted Gaara on the shoulder, as if everything was so natural.

However, with such a simple move, Temari and Kanjiro behind Gaara unconsciously took a step back, looking at Gaara nervously, fearing that he would have any overreaction. However

, Gaara, who usually disliked others touching his body the most, did not push Naruto away.

Instead, he was a little unnatural, like a shy child.

This scene made Temari and Kanjiro's eyes widen.

However, Naruto simply reinforced the seal for Gaara last time, and this reinforcement can only last for one or two days, and the seal will become loose again afterwards.

How could he help Gaara completely solve the chakra problem of the one-tail in his body as soon as they met?

Only in this way will Gaara take the initiative to find him again. However

, despite this, it was the first time that Gaara enjoyed such a good sleep in the past few days.

After all, ninjas are still gods in essence.

Even the most powerful ninjas need sleep. It is impossible to be like a cultivator who does not eat, drink or sleep every day and still maintain sufficient energy.

That is not a human being, but an immortal.

Fortunately, after a few days of rest, Gaara's body and mind were completely relieved in his dreams.

For ordinary people, normal sleep is nothing special, but for Gaara, being able to sleep peacefully and enjoy a sweet dream is simply a luxury.

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