"How can I not be disappointed in Konoha? And not disappointed in you?

Konoha, which I tried my best to protect, what does it mean to me?

My child is growing up in such an environment?"

At this moment, a trace of disgust and disappointment flashed in Minato's eyes, and the Sandaime noticed it.

In the wide cuffs of the Sandaime, his hands were slightly moving, as if he was doing something.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had to do this, he didn't know how Minato would react next, nor did he know how he should deal with it.

The most important thing is that if Minato really has ulterior motives, he doesn't know how much of his original strength he can exert through this chakra borrowed from Naruto's body, all of this must be prevented in advance.

"Sandaime, don't be so nervous. I am not here to start a war with you today, and I have no intention of being an enemy of Konoha. After all, Konoha is the one I protect with my life." Minato said coldly, his tone revealed a threat and warning.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked, he understood Minato's intention.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen also knew that Minato had great strength and deterrence. If he wanted to take Naruto away from the village, then with his Flying Thunder God, how could he, an old man, stop him?

No one in the entire Konoha could stop him.

However, Minato did not do so, which made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel ashamed and respectful.

"Minato, I am sorry for you two." Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath, was silent for a while, and then continued:"I know I have made some wrong decisions, and I am willing to take responsibility for my mistakes."

""Naruto" was slightly relieved when he heard this, this was one of his plans.

He was betting that his cheap father still had a high prestige in Konoha! He was betting that his cheap father still had enough face in Konoha, but the result was within expectations.

Even the third generation, old Biden, gave his father enough face.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed deeply, this time he did not make excuses, but apologized sincerely.

Compared with Minato's contribution to Konoha, how ridiculous his actions were!

"Sandaime, I don't have much time left with this chakra."

Minato sat up straight, looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen calmly and said.

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately sat up straight, looked at"Minato" seriously and said:"Yondaime, if you have any instructions, just tell me, I will do it to the best of my ability!

" Minato nodded slightly, and said seriously:"I can ignore everything about Naruto's past.

Don't worry, the few chakras I have left are used to guard the seal of the Nine-Tails.

I will not borrow Naruto's body unless it is absolutely necessary.

Don't worry.


Sarutobi Hiruzen heard Minato's misunderstanding, although he wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, he didn't speak, just listened to Minato's words quietly.

"So to make a long story short, I have three conditions, listen to them carefully."

Minato did not ask him if he agreed or not, and directly said it in a tone of giving instructions.

The moral condemnation made Sarutobi Hiruzen's conscience very uneasy, and he could not refute it at all. He just said:"You tell me, as long as it does not endanger the village, I can agree to it!"

Minato said in a serious tone:"The 24-hour all-round surveillance of Naruto by the Anbu will be withdrawn from now on!"

"Do you know why Naruto listened to Mizuki this time? He wanted to defect from Konoha?

A big reason was because of the surveillance of the Anbu!

Over the years, I have heard him complain about this matter more than once late at night."

"Children will have a rebellious period. If you push them too hard, they will rebel. Do you understand what I mean?"

Minato looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said.

Sarutobi Hiruzen paused, his eyebrows still a little tangled. If he withdrew, he would not be able to get the latest news about Naruto. What if.........

"Don't worry, I still have a lot of chakra left in Naruto, enough to pull his heart back to Konoha, don't you trust me?"

Minato looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said lightly

"In that case, I will follow your arrangement, Fourth Hokage. From now on, all ANBU surveillance on Naruto will be cancelled."Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and stopped worrying about it. Compared with the Fourth Hokage's contribution to Konoha, this is nothing.

"Second, I often see Naruto eating expired food, canned food, doesn't he have money?

Where did all the wealth left by Kushina and I go?"

Minato looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen calmly, with a sense of dignity.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's old face instantly turned red, he stammered.

"Um, Yongdai-sister, part of your wealth was used to rebuild Konoha after the war, and part of it was saved to provide Naruto with living expenses."

"Why does Naruto always eat expired food and canned food?......."

Minato looked at him coldly and snorted

"Forget it, since the village is built for Konoha, forget it, but remember, you must give Naruto some money, 50 million should not be too much, right?

Naruto is in the growth period, how can he eat some food without nutrition and energy every day?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded repeatedly,"No problem! I will have someone deliver it to Naruto’s home tomorrow." This matter itself was his own decision, and he did not inform anyone at all, so now that Minato asked in person, he was almost ashamed, how could he refute it?

"Naruto's current residence......."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said immediately,"Please rest assured, I will have someone arrange for Naruto to return to your original residence tomorrow. This time, Konoha will never mistreat you and your son again!"

After hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's answer, Minato nodded slightly without any expression.

For Naruto, these should have belonged to him. Even if they were asked to return them all intact, it would be a matter of course! Not to mention, this old Biden actually took so much of his father's wealth and spent so much money on rebuilding Konoha without authorization. It was a good thing that he didn't ask him to settle the score. Minato said


���He stood up, looked into the distance, and said calmly:"I hope what happened today will not happen to Naruto again. Such stimulation of Naruto will inevitably cause him to rebel. Don't blame me for not reminding you, Sandaime."

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked a little embarrassed, and after a few dry coughs, he replied:"This will never happen again, please rest assured, Fourth Hokage."

Alas, Sarutobi Hiruzen regretted it to death at this time. When Mizuki instigated Naruto to steal the Book of Seals, he had actually been watching through the crystal ball. If he had decisively taken action at that time to take down the traitor Mizuki, how could these things happen later?!

However, he never expected that Naruto still had a few chakras left by the Fourth Hokage in his body. Fortunately, he did not deliberately make things difficult for Naruto, otherwise, the situation today might be even more embarrassing................

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