At the same time, in the far suburbs of Konoha Village.

In order not to affect the normal life of the villagers and to facilitate the handling of some hidden affairs, the Anbu base of Konoha Village was built outside the village and quite far away from the village.

This ensures that the Anbu base will not be affected and destroyed.

In the Anbu base deep underground, Hashirama Senju sat in the main seat, looking at the stacks of documents in front of him with a gloomy face, his chest rising and falling with his breathing, and his lips tightly biting his white teeth.

After checking all the documents, Hashirama Senju slowly put down the information in his hand.

Under the dim light, the information showed a photo of a blond boy and his name, age and other information...

Naruto almost destroyed the entire Konoha Village, and it was hard not to attract attention.

Therefore, after calming the emotions of the Konoha villagers and taking over the control of Konoha, Hashirama Senju immediately retrieved Naruto's information.

I thought it was just a routine matter, but after reading these materials, Hashirama Senju's blood pressure soared instantly, and the emotions that had just calmed down fluctuated again.

Fortunately, he is now a filthy body, otherwise Senju Hashirama would definitely explode his lungs.

However, even so, Senju Hashirama still felt a tightness in his chest, and an unknown anger burned in his chest.

Looking through the information in his hand, Naruto's short twelve years of life have been recorded.

After reading it, Senju Hashirama clenched his fists, feeling ashamed and angry.

The feat of the fourth generation who sacrificed himself to seal the Nine-Tails was admired by future generations. The fourth generation was undoubtedly a hero, a hero who protected the entire Konoha.

However, after his death, his descendants were treated like this.

At this moment, Senju Hashirama understood Naruto's previous behavior.

Just like the white-haired guy, although he was already middle-aged and had rich life experience, he was still forced to commit suicide by public opinion. It can be seen that people's words are terrible!

Then, for a newborn baby who has grown up in a harsh environment for more than ten years, it is not difficult to imagine how serious the negative emotions in his heart will be.

It can be seen how much pain and hatred this child has carried over the years!

Senju Hashirama felt a sour feeling in his heart just by looking at these paper materials.

He couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Is this the pain you are enduring? Fourth generation, the village is sorry for you.……"

""Monkey, you deserve to die!"

Senju Hashirama gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

Senju Hashirama, who was usually easy-going, rarely got so irritable and out of control.

This time, the fluctuation was greater than any of his previous times.

First, he was angered by Naruto's behavior, and then he learned about Naruto's experience. He had strong negative emotions towards Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, and at the same time, he was full of guilt towards Naruto in his heart. The negative emotions and anger in his chest became stronger and stronger.

Senju Hashirama leaned back in his chair, sighed, and felt very tired.

This kind of fatigue did not come from the body, but from the mind.

He could have stayed quietly in Huangquan, but he was pulled out abruptly, and he had to deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen and others. The mess left by the group of people, and cleaning up their mess.

The more Hashirama Senju thought about it, the angrier he became.

At this moment, his heart was filled with murderous intent.

Hashirama Senju really regarded Konoha as his most precious thing. He and his close friends, as well as many people who trusted him and followed him, built this big family together, but because of some termites, the whole village was in a mess.

New seedlings were constantly cut off and became nutrients to sustain the survival of those rotten tree roots.

If these people were still alive, Hashirama Senju would definitely pull them out as soon as possible and let them receive the punishment they deserved!

Suddenly, a blue figure flashed by, and Tobirama Senju appeared in the room.

His face was very ugly, terribly gloomy, and there was almost unsuppressible anger hidden deep in his eyes.

""Tobirama, what's wrong with you?"

Senju Hashirama frowned and asked when he saw the newcomer.

"Come with me, and you will know for yourself."

As soon as Senju Tobirama finished speaking, he did not say anything, but walked forward and put his hand on the other's shoulder.

Then, the two figures quickly disappeared from the spot.

The scene in front of his eyes changed, and he found himself in a huge dark room, with a cold breath in the air.

In the center of the room were many glass petri dishes, which contained unknown substances.

What is this place?

Senju Hashirama asked with a gloomy face and a cold tone.

After investigation, the experimental subjects in these petri dishes are all... all from the Uchiha clan.

Senju Tobirama hesitated for a moment, and still... was a truthful answer.

At the same time, he also informed Senju Hashirama in detail about the Uchiha clan extermination.

Upon hearing the news, Senju Hashirama could no longer control his emotions, his eyes became fierce, his voice was like thunder, and his anger echoed throughout the base. The violent chakra in his body burst out uncontrollably, instantly destroying the glass culture dishes one by one.

This is the Root Base, an organization independent of the Anbu but managed by it.

It can be understood as one of the most special branches of the Anbu.

This base is just one of the many Root bases, and there are several similar bases.

(aced) Looking at Hashirama Senju who was so angry that he lost his mind, Tobirama Senju wiped the sweat from his forehead and was secretly horrified.

He knew his brother best and had never seen him so angry.

Tobirama Senju had no good feelings towards the Uchiha clan. After all, the two families had a feud, and his brothers were also killed by the Uchiha clan. It was not easy to let go of this hatred.

When he was in power, he tried to ignore the management of the Uchiha clan as much as possible, and secretly suppressed their development.

Because Tobirama Senju had conducted in-depth research on the Uchiha clan, he knew how extreme this family was, and naturally it was impossible for them to grow and become a hidden danger in the village.

But he could swear to heaven that although he suppressed it secretly, he never thought of exterminating the Uchiha clan, and he didn't even think about hurting them.

He just wanted to suppress it a little, as long as they didn't threaten the village, he could accept it. They are all people in the village, they are all his own people. If they do too much, it will not look good.

Unexpectedly, several of his apprentices were even more ruthless than him!

They directly wiped out the Uchiha clan completely.

What is even more unacceptable is that these four people did not do it themselves, but cleverly used the power of the Uchiha clan to make them kill each other.

This made Senju Tobirama feel indescribable anger and helplessness. Senju Hashirama may be more empathetic to the pain of the Uchiha clan's extermination than Senju Tobirama.

At that time, Uchiha Madara invited his clansmen to leave Konoha together, but the Uchiha clansmen were accustomed to a comfortable life and were unwilling to leave, so they chose to stay with Senju Hashirama.

These Uchiha clansmen trusted him and had high expectations for him, so they settled down in Konoha. Now they have been secretly framed by Konoha and slaughtered.

Although this has nothing to do with Senju Hashirama directly, he still feels guilty and painful in his heart.

Brother, come with me.

Senju Tobirama took a deep breath, looked at Senju Hashirama, whose emotions had calmed down a little, and said.

What else?

Senju Hashirama turned around with a cold face and stared at Senju Tobirama with cold eyes. The pressure from his out-of-control emotions made Senju Tobirama shut up instantly.

After hesitating for a moment, Senju Tobirama said,"Yes, but you have to be mentally prepared this time........It belongs to our Senju clan."

Speaking of this, Senju Tobirama's face also became grim.……

"With a"click", the door was pushed open and Senju Hashirama walked out.

He found himself in a long corridor tunnel, and Uchiha Shisui was sitting on the floor, with his back against the wall, his head drooped, his face pale, as if he had lost his soul.

Senju Hashirama guessed that he should have entered that room as well. Seeing him so decadent, Senju Hashirama felt guilty and speechless. As soon as he raised his head, he saw a door in front of him, just opposite the room he walked out of. There were two words hanging on the door, which made Senju Hashirama feel dizzy and his mind went blank.


With a gurgling sound in his throat, Senju Hashirama's throat rolled, and he swallowed nervously, his pupils trembling.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly and held the door handle. Although he had guessed the scene behind the door, he still didn't have the courage to open the door. Or rather, he didn't dare.

Standing at the door, his eyes gradually became dull and confused...

At this time, Senju Tobirama came over, held his hand, gently turned the door handle, and with a click, the door slowly opened.


Qianshoufeng���Gently push the door open. Because it has not been opened for a long time, the door hinge is rusty, and it makes a harsh iron friction sound when it is opened.

In this strange and quiet environment, the sound seems extremely harsh...

Senju Hashirama walked into the room like a zombie, his eyes dull.

The room was filled with petri dishes, which contained faces of people, some familiar, some unfamiliar, some old, some young, some male and some female.

They were all naked, soaked in cold unknown liquid, and had long lost signs of life.

Senju Hashirama gritted his teeth and walked through these cold petri dishes step by step.

This is the largest biological experiment base established by the roots, and the room is huge.

He walked to the end of the room and his eyes fell on a petri dish.

It was a boy over ten years old, with yellowish hair and a tender face. Although his face was injured by the explosion, he still recognized the boy at a glance-Senju Nawaki. Nawaki is the grandson of Senju Hashirama. The year he died, Nawaki was only two or three years old. Although his appearance has changed since he grew up, Hashirama Senju can still recognize him.

Seeing Rope Tree, Hashirama Senju felt mixed emotions and was heartbroken.

Hashirama Senju's legs went limp and he sat on the ground helplessly.

"I, I'm sorry for you!!!"

Senju Hashirama could no longer bear it, and the sadness in his heart was instantly ignited, and his emotions poured out like a flood.

He staggered to the petri dish, touched the cold glass, and his psychological defenses were completely broken. Senju Tobirama walked forward. Although he had seen the hellish scene here, he still felt heartbroken when he saw it again.

"This is the consequence of the decision you made."

Senju Tobirama gritted his teeth and did not try to comfort her, but instead looked angry.

"Back then, you gave an order to abolish the Senju surname and let all the members of the Senju clan integrate into Konoha Village, which led to the dispersion of the power of the Senju clan and became the first target of political struggle. All of this was caused by your stupid decision!!" (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tobirama Senju was furious and mercilessly accused Hashirama Senju.

Hashirama Senju had a simple personality and great strength, which led to no one daring to attack him when he was alive. Instead, he made a series of wrong decisions.

Canceling the surname of the Senju clan was one of the biggest mistakes!

Hashirama Senju was worried that after his death, the Senju clan would have conflicts and competition with other Konoha families because of him, so he set an example and took the initiative to cancel his family surname, completely integrating the prosperous Senju clan into Konoha Village.

He hoped that in this way, the Senju clan would no longer be a thorn in the eyes of other families and reduce their pressure.

However, this decision eventually led to the decline of the Senju clan.

At the beginning, Hashirama Senju was determined to integrate the Senju clan into Konoha Village, but this process was not easy. First of all, as a prominent family, the Senju clan... The Senju clan, their pride and self-esteem made it difficult for them to accept intermarriage with civilians, and even became civilians.

Secondly, the Senju clan is large in number, and if they want to integrate, it will take at least hundreds of years of accumulation and hard work, and it cannot be accomplished overnight.

However, Hashirama Senju yearned for peace and established Konoha Village. With the help of Uchiha Madara and Senju Tobirama, he established a series of perfect systems. This is undoubtedly a great plan that will benefit future generations.

But he ignored some long-term issues, such as the inheritance of the family and the interests of family members, which eventually led to a series of wrong decisions on his part.

Hashirama Senju's original intention was to protect his companions and family, but his decisions led to many tragedies. For example, Uchiha Madara's rebellion and the decision to cancel the surname of the Senju clan made him regret it, because his younger brother Senju Tobirama saw the essence of this decision at a glance.

His mistakes and excessive insistence on his own opinions eventually caused Konoha to lose the Senju family.

"Do I have to live with the Uchiha? Tsk, that's really unpleasant, but if it's Hashirama's decision, then that's the only way.……"

"This is an inevitable result. We are pursuing peace and cannot let the war continue. As long as we follow Master Hashirama, we will not go wrong!"

"Master Hashirama, do it with confidence. We will always trust you!"

I watched my clansmen die one after another. They followed me to fight and trusted me without reservation, but they died one by one.

Even after death, they were sealed in petri dishes for research.

Even death cannot bring peace.

Suddenly, my nose was sour, and the indescribable anger in my heart blocked my chest. I couldn't suppress my grief.

"Yes, I harmed you.……"

Senju Hashirama was holding the petri dish of Rope Tree, his eyes had lost their luster. At this moment, he had long lost the demeanor of the ninja god of the past.

He was in a low mood, as if he was stupid, muttering to himself:"It was me who harmed you......Why? Why did it become like this?.......

Shengshu, it's grandpa who's sorry for you........"

Seeing his brother like this, the anger and dissatisfaction in Senju Tobirama's heart gradually subsided. He sighed, as if escaping the reality of this room, and left silently...

The next day, Naruto and others packed their bags and continued on their way.

In the evening, several people stood in the desert full of yellow sand.

The strong wind blew from time to time, bringing fine sand to hit the face, making people feel very painful.

"Just send it here, it's time to say goodbye"[]

Naruto stopped not far from the Sand Village.

He didn't have to go to the Sand Village to appreciate the customs of the Wind Country. It would be nice to go to other places in the Wind Country.

Moreover, he knew that Konoha would definitely put him on the wanted list. As a wanted criminal of Konoha, he didn't care. However, considering Gaara and others, he could only send him here.

"What? Why don't you come to my village and have some fun?"Gaara was a little reluctant and tried to persuade him to stay.

He had been lacking love for a long time, and finally met a true companion. How could he let go easily?

Naruto smiled, stretched out his right hand, and gently touched Gaara's forehead with his index and middle fingers.

"It won't work this time, maybe next time, Gaara."

Naruto said, and turned away without any regrets. Gaara looked a little disappointed, and lowered his head slightly.

"Hey, Gaara, you have to work hard to become stronger. I hope that next time we meet, you will be stronger than you are now."Naruto's voice suddenly sounded, and Gaara looked up in surprise.

Naruto stood at the edge of the yellow sand, tilted his head and chuckled:"When you become the Kazekage and completely control the Sand Village, I won't have to worry so much. I will definitely find you then."

Gaara laughed after hearing this.

The innocent smile unique to children was on his tender little face, and he silently watched Naruto disappear in the endless yellow sand.

Become the Kazekage? Naruto-kun! There will be such a day!.

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