"Take it easy, how should I put it, I'm from another world."

Shen Wen thought about it, and he didn't expect to meet Sasuke for the first time, so he didn't think of how to explain it to Sasuke.

"Another world? Otsutsuki?"

Hearing Shen Wen's words, Sasuke became even more nervous, the Kusanagi sword was slightly unsheathed, ready to slash at Shen Wen at any time.

"No, no, it's not Otsutsuki, Otsutsuki is from another planet, and I'm from another world."

Shen Wen waved his hands again and again, Otsutsuki is just a race in the universe, they shuttled to different planets to plant divine trees.

And Shen Wen is even more high-end, he is from another parallel world.

"Hey, so what did you learn from Uncle Snake? You just learned to fight, didn't you learn anything about his science and technology?"

Seeing Sasuke's dazed look, Shen Wen was a little speechless.

After all, he is someone who has studied with Uncle Snake, but he still doesn't know anything about the parallel world. Sure enough, the science of the ninja world needs to continue to develop.

"You seem to know me very well, and you also know about Orochimaru."

Sasuke did not respond to Shen Wen's statement, and still did not give up his guard.

"Of course I understand. To put it simply, I lived in your past time and space, and now I can contact you only through this time and space channel."

"In our time and space, Naruto just defeated Payne."

Shen Wen changed a statement that Sasuke could well understand.

The time and space of adult Sasuke has popularized scientific knowledge, and the concept of space ninjutsu has been in the ninja world since ancient times.

So adult Sasuke can still understand things like crossing time.

"Past time and space? Interesting? How do you prove it?"

Shen Wen's explanation made Sasuke understand the current situation, but he doesn't completely trust Shen Wen now, so naturally it is impossible for Shen Wen to believe whatever he says.

"I can't prove it right now. Why don't you come over as a shadow clone and verify it yourself."

Shen Wen shrugged, the only verification method he could think of right now was the shadow clone.


Sasuke thought for a while, agreed, and opened the way with a shadow clone. For a ninja of his level, there was no problem.

Even if Shen Wen has any means, the shadow clone will be destroyed without affecting the main body.

And Sasuke has enough confidence that even if it's just a shadow clone, he can take down Shen Wen.

Sasuke didn't make the move to seal the seal, and directly separated a shadow clone, ready to let the shadow clone step into the space-time channel.

"By the way, the time-space channel is not free. If you want to pass the time-space channel, you need to pay something."

Shen Wen said suddenly as he watched Sasuke's shadow clone trying to step into the space-time channel.

"what do you need?"

Sasuke stared at Shen Wen and said coldly.

"Don't make such a scary expression, just use your chakra to pay for it."

Sasuke has a lot of good things. Sharinyan, Samsara Sharinyan, and various fire escape ninjutsu from the Uchiha family are all things of very high value.

However, Shen Wen did not ask for such a thing for the first time, but chose Sasuke's Chakra.

"Don't worry, you don't need to do anything, as long as you nod and agree, there will be no loss to you."

Seeing that Sasuke was still unmoved, Shen Wen explained again.

Speaking of which, chakra is far more important than a wheel eye, which is the foundation of a ninja.

Without Chakra, no matter how strong the bloodline is, no amount of ninjutsu can be used.

Just look at Kakashi. He copied thousands of ninjutsu, but limited by the amount of chakra, he couldn't use a few in a battle.

Sasuke's shadow clone continued to move forward and entered the space-time channel smoothly. Obviously, he had agreed to Shen Wen's transaction. .

Chapter 3

The shadow clone passed the passage of time and space smoothly and stood in front of Shen Wen.

Shen Wen did not close the space-time channel, and Sasuke on the other side could still see everything on this side.

As Sasuke's shadow clone passed through the space-time channel, the transaction between him and Shen Wen was completed.

A huge chakra fed back into Shen Wen's body through the time-space channel rune, and the huge chakra far exceeding the shadow level was continuously introduced into Shen Wen's body.

Let him have the illusion that he will be blown up.

However, after the reconciliation of the space-time channel, although this chakra is huge, it is very docile and will not cause any harm to Shen Wen.

It's just that Shen Wen can't adapt to the sudden acquisition of such a huge chakra.

Although Sasuke's Chakra is not as good as Naruto, he also uses Hitomitsu and Ninjutsu to eat.

But after all, he is a master of the Sixth Dao level, and his chakra volume is still far beyond that of a shadow-level powerhouse.


Just when Shen Wen felt the amount of chakra at the super shadow level, the sharp Kusanagi sword was already on his neck.

"Now that you are in front of me, I can kill you at any time."

Sasuke's shadow clone stared at Shen Wen and said coldly.

"Yes, but why worry so much, why not look at the world."

Shen Wen pointed to the window next to him, Sasuke's shadow avatar had already come over, and then it would be easy to convince him that it was all.

As long as he sees another world with his own eyes, Sasuke will naturally believe what he says, and naturally he will not hurt him.

Sasuke's shadow clone looked at the window next to him. Of course he knew the purpose of his coming, and dealing with Shen Wen was only secondary.

His main purpose was naturally to confirm the authenticity of Shen Wen's words.

Putting the Kusanagi sword on Shen Wen's neck, Sasuke slowly came to the window, and the Sharinyan and Samsara Sharinyan activated at the same time, he wanted to make sure that he would not fall into the illusion.

Shen Wen gently opened a corner of the curtain, revealing the world behind the window.

It was a dilapidated world, and endless ruins could be seen in the darkness.

Although there are Yamato's wood Dun can quickly restore some living places.

But Konoha wants to restore the prosperity of the past is obviously not so fast.

It was dark outside, but under the eyes of the writing wheel, Sasuke could still see this world, this familiar and unfamiliar world.

The world where Shen Wen is located has just experienced the Penn invasion and is undergoing post-disaster reconstruction. Naturally, it is not as prosperous as Konoha where Sasuke is located.

But Sasuke has also experienced this period of time, and naturally he knows what the situation is now.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Sasuke's first reaction was to confirm whether he was hallucinating.

It turned out that what was in front of me was not an illusion, everything was real.

As a member of the Uchiha family, he also has the most advanced eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and reincarnation writing wheel eye.

Sasuke is confident that no one can let himself fall into illusion without knowing it.

"how can that be!"

Sasuke looked out the window and muttered.

"It's incredible, isn't it, but the world is so amazing."

Shen Wen came to Sasuke's side, knowing that he had believed everything he said.

"It's incredible to actually go back to the past."

Sasuke took back the Kusanagi sword and said in disbelief.

"No, I didn't go back to the past, but came to another world. The biggest difference between the two worlds is my existence."

Shen Wen corrected Sasuke's mistake. This is not going back to the past, but coming to another world. These are two different concepts.

In the original Naruto, the situation of traveling through time is also shown.

But in that case, the memory of the person involved must be sealed, that is, history cannot be changed.

And now in another world, no matter what you do, it will not have an impact on the original world.

"Another world? That is to say..."

Sasuke is still very smart and reacts quickly.

"Yes, you can do anything here, and it will not affect the original time and space.

And this place has just experienced the Penn invasion, what will happen next, I don't need to tell you? "

Shen Wen affirmed Sasuke's idea, and specifically mentioned the current timeline.

Because the next thing is this world, Sasuke makes a big noise of the Five Shadows Talks, and the Fourth Ninja World War begins.

The impact of this series of major events is extremely far-reaching, but for the current timeline, everything can be stopped.


Sasuke in front of him turned into a puff of white smoke, he canceled the shadow avatar technique, and then passed the relevant information to his own body.

"How is it? Is it confirmed this time?"

Shen Wen came to the space-time passage, looked at Sasuke opposite and said with a smile.

"It's incredible, so can anyone pass through this space-time channel?"

Sasuke was still a little unbelievable when he received the memory of the shadow clone, but the investigation of his shadow clone could not go wrong.

"Of course, anyone can pass as long as they pay a certain price."

Shen Wen said with certainty.

Now with Sasuke's chakra volume, his strength has been greatly improved, and the time and size of the space-time channel that can exist has also been greatly enhanced.

"I want to go."

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