Chapter 56

Yuren Village, the base of Akatsuki's organization.

The people who had gone out had now returned to the base, and they had already evacuated from Konoha.

In this Konoha invasion war, the Akatsuki organization can be said to have the advantage, and even killed Konoha's elder Danzo.

World War I played the prestige of the Xiao organization.

It also let the ninja world know their horror, forcing the ninja world to unite.

"Sasuke that guy, really can't believe it."

Mian Ma said unwillingly, if it wasn't for Sasuke's sudden reversal, Konoha would now be in ruins.

"But that's fine. With a leader, the people in the ninja world can unite better."

Jiraiya is also quite satisfied with the current situation. After all, Konoha is still preserved, but a Danzo died.

Seeing that the people in Xiao's organization were discussing what happened next, Shen Wen opened the space-time channel and left, returning to his own world.

"The fourth rune is about to appear."

Shen Wen returned to his room, ignoring Naruto who came to ask the guilt, carefully feeling the appearance of the fourth space-time rune in his body.

As the sun rises, the fourth time and space rune is condensed and the fourth world can be opened.

I don't know what the world is like.

Shen Wen also came to Hokage Rock, and then opened the rune to form a space-time channel.

"This is... Hokage's office?"

Looking at the familiar scene on the other side of the passage, Shen Wen was a little surprised. He didn't expect to drive directly to Hokage's office this time.

The golden light flashed, and a man appeared in front of the passage. The man had golden hair, wore a Hokage Royal God robe, and looked at Shen Wen with a serious face.

"Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato."

Shen Wen looked at Namikaze Minato calmly, not expecting this world to be a world where Minato still exists.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Minato asked cautiously, being able to directly appear in the Hokage office through time-space ninjutsu, the opponent's strength must not be underestimated.

"I didn't expect to meet you, my name is Shen Wen, and I can be regarded as a ninja of Konoha."

Shen Wen looked at the water gate and came directly into his world through the passage of time and space.

"Konoha's ninja? I didn't expect Konoha to have a strong man like you, even I, Hokage, don't know."

Watergate took a step back, leaving enough space for Shen Wen.

"Although I am a ninja of Konoha, I am not a ninja of your world or your era, so it is normal for you not to know."

Shen Wen naturally heard the temptation in Minato's words and said with a smile.

"A different world?"

Minato was stunned, if it was a different space, then he still knew it, but in a different world, it touched his blind spot of knowledge.

"Yes, I came from another world, and that world is now the sixth Hokage."

Shen Wen looked at the decoration of Hokage's office and said.

The layout of the current fourth generation period is no different from that of the sixth generation of Hokage.

"Oh yes, soon your son Naruto will become the seventh Hokage."

Shen Wen said another message again.

"Naruto, these are just your side words. I don't know how you want to confirm what you said?"

Minato was stunned when he heard Naruto's news, but soon recovered.

"Well...then wait a minute, I'll call Naruto over."

Shen Wen thought for a while, then went back directly from the passage, and then came to the Hokage Tower.

Now Naruto is studying the knowledge related to Hokage, spending a lot of time every day, really hard work.

"Kakashi, Naruto, you are actually together."

Shen Wen came to the place where Naruto was, and was surprised to find that Kakashi was also here.

Because Kakashi needs to deal with Naruto, Tsunade has always taught Naruto, and Kakashi rarely appears here to watch Naruto.

"Come here today to assess Naruto's academic progress, do you have anything to do with Naruto?"

Kakashi looked away from the book and said to Shen Wen.

"Well, I opened a new space-time channel, and the opposite is a past space-time, and the fourth generation is still alive."

Shen Wen nodded, this time he came to Naruto for business.

"The world where the teacher is still alive..."

Kakashi was startled, and thoughts suddenly rose in his heart. Since the teacher is not dead, it means that the Nine-Tails Incident has not yet happened, and there may still be a chance to stop Obito, or even Rin...

"Dad is still alive! Then I haven't been born yet?"

Naruto also looked up at Shen Wen at once, and being able to see his father and mother alive was an extravagant hope for Naruto.

"Yes, do you want to come with me?"

Shen Wen looked at Naruto, who was full of anticipation, and issued an invitation to go together.

"You won't suddenly send me back this time, will you?"

Naruto looked at Shen Wen vigilantly. In the previous world, Shen Wen kicked him back at once, but made him walk in the forest for a long time before returning to Konoha.

"Not anymore."

Shen Wen shook his head. After all, the numb-faced world is special. There are some things that Naruto cannot participate in, so he is allowed to go back, and this world doesn't need it.

"I'll go too, and let's call Sasuke with you."

Kakashi also wants to go with him. He is going to the world of Minato to save Obito.

Shen Wen and Kakashi waited before coming to the space-time channel. After a while, Naruto came with Sasuke.

But it's not just Sasuke, there are also Zorana and Boren.

"The world where Grandpa is still alive? That must be interesting."

The blogger said excitedly.

"The Uchiha family has not been destroyed? Is it really a big family?"

Sarana confirmed to Sasuke.

The only surviving descendant of the Uchiha clan, I really can't imagine that Uchiha is actually a former great clan.

"Okay, let's go over there."

Naruto said excitedly, while Kakashi had been negotiating with Minato on the other side.

After Shen Wen left, Minato waited on the other side of the passage, and of course also observed Konoha Village in another world. .

Chapter 57

Looking at Konoha Village in another world, Minato can see many buildings that are familiar.

Shen Wen's appearance was too bizarre. Without confirming safety, Minato did not intend to notify anyone, not even the third Hokage.

When Shen Wen appeared with Kakashi, Minato was shocked.

Although more than ten years have passed, Minato can still recognize that it is Kakashi, his own disciple.

This made him initially believe Shen Wen's words. Of course, whether it is Kakashi or not can only be determined after sensing Kakashi's Chakra.

"Okay, let's go."

Naruto took the lead, and the group walked through the passage and came to Minato.

"Welcome, although I don't know most of them, you are still welcome."

Minato had a gentle smile on his face, and although he only knew one Kakashi, he still showed a friendly attitude.

"Dad, we finally meet!"

Naruto came to Minato with a smile and said with a smile on his face.

Bo and Zoryana were very surprised, it was the first time they had seen such an expression on Naruto's face.

"You are Naruto, it's hard work for you."

Minato was stunned for a moment, but soon he had a guess in his heart and reached out and touched Naruto's head.

"Okay, the relationship between father and son can be discussed later, let me introduce, this is Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Fuyue's son, this is Naruto's son Boren, Uzumaki Boren, this is Sasuke's daughter, Uchiha Zorana."

Shen Wen interrupted the touching reunion scene of father and son, and introduced the people around him one by one.

"Boren, Zoriana, how are you, you probably haven't seen me before."

Minato watched Bo and Zoryana greet him, the two children should have never seen him.

"Not only them, but even Sasuke and Naruto have never seen you alive."

Shen Wen added by the side that the truth was more cruel than what Watergate had guessed.

"Really? It seems that a lot of things will happen in the future."

Minato was stunned for a moment, and then said in a heavy tone.


Naruto didn't hide it either. He told what was going to happen next, and Kakashi added it next to him.

"So that's the case, the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and the Uchiha family..."

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