"What do you know, Naruto is still so young, he is an LSP, what if he brings a bad Naruto?"

Kushinai was instantly angry, and even Minato couldn't persuade him.

"Let's take Naruto with us in the future, and you, Minato, you can't work all the time, and you have to come back to teach Naruto."

Kushina held Minato's ears and said domineeringly.

"Yes, I see, Kushina."

Minato hurriedly accompanied him, but he did not dare to refute Kushina in this regard.

"Oh, I don't have enough food to cook. Let's make some more. Let's talk first."

Kushina suddenly remembered that she only cooked meals for two people, and now with Naruto and Bo Ren, the meal is definitely not enough now. .

Chapter 62

"Kushina, don't go, let me come, you can talk to Naruto more."

Minato stopped Kushina. Now that Kushina was about to give birth, Minato naturally didn't want her to continue to work hard.

Minato went on to cook, and Kushina naturally sat down and continued chatting with Naruto.

"Right, Boren, who is your mother?"

After chatting for a while, after getting to know Naruto, Kushina asked the blogger.

"Is it from the Uchiha family? Mikoto told me before that if she had a daughter, she would marry Naruto."

Before the blogger could speak, Kushina made a guess on his own, and the first one to guess was the Uchiha family.

After all, she and Mikoto have a good relationship, and the dates of their pregnancy are also similar, so the time of birth of the child will not be too far apart.

"The Uchiha family is a boy named Sasuke Uchiha."

Minato's voice came from the kitchen, answering Kushina's question.

"You talk more!" 13

Kushina roared in dissatisfaction.

"My mother is Hinata Hinata."

The blogger finally had a chance to answer and said quickly.

"Hi Xiang's family, that's not bad."

Kushina didn't have any dissatisfaction, and the three continued to chat.

Soon Watergate prepared the meal, and the family had a lively meal.

Minato didn't tell Kushina about what was going to happen, and Naruto naturally wouldn't say it, they could just deal with these things.

The next day, Minato, Naruto, Sasuke, Boruto, Sarana, and Fuyue gathered together and began to make arrangements for the night of the Nine Tails.

Now there is not much time before Kushina's production, they need to deal with some things as soon as possible and make arrangements in advance.

"I think it's better to kill Danzo first, lest he come out and make trouble again."

Sasuke makes a proposal for Danzo.

"I agree."

Fuyue agreed with his son's idea. He knew what was going to happen in the future, and he felt that Danzo could not stay.

Naruto didn't comment, even he felt that Danzo was likely to do something.

"Danzo is after all an elder and the leader of Gen. Killing him will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Minato frowned, it wasn't that he couldn't kill Danzo, but how to kill it was a problem.

After all, Danzo was an elder, and if he killed him rashly, it would definitely cause a riot.

"Let me do it, I'll kill him quietly."

Sasuke took the initiative to ask Ying, and wanted to kill Danzo. He had killed Danzo many times, and he was considered experienced.

Today's Danzo doesn't even have inter-column cells and a writing wheel eye arm, making it easier to kill.

Now that the time is urgent, it is too late to collect the evidence of the group, so Minato can only agree to Sasuke's method.

The space fluctuated, and Sasuke left the office directly and headed for Gen's base camp.

Minato took his eyes back and continued to talk about the next arrangement.

Speaking of which, there are only two battlefields on the night of the Nine Tails, one is Uchiha Obito, and the other is Nine Tails who was channeled out, or to protect Kushina from being channeled out.

Therefore, there is actually only one real enemy, and that is Uchiha Obito.

"Actually, just follow the previous arrangement. As long as we keep Kushina, there will be no problem."

Fuyue said, in fact, their enemy is only one, that is Obito.

And Obito's goal is the nine tails, as long as they guard Kushina, there will be no problem.

"We know all the information about Obito. Although his divine power is difficult to deal with, Sasuke is there to completely restrain him."

Naruto analyzed and said, and agreed with Fuyue's idea, but the previous arrangement still needs to be reinforced, at least not allowing Obito to directly enter the enchantment.

In the end, Minato decided to proceed according to the original plan, of course, to strengthen the defense against time and space ninjutsu.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye came the day of Kushina's production.

The two little guys, Bo and Zorana, have already gone back, while Naruto and Sasuke stayed.

Just in case, Naruto also found Shen Wen back.

"It doesn't look like it's going to be peaceful tonight."

Shen Wen sat on a large rock and looked up at the sky. At this moment, even the stars were hiding behind the dark clouds, as if he could sense the murderous aura that pervaded him.

The space fluctuated, distorted like a vortex, and a figure wrapped in black robes appeared, staring at the peaceful Konoha Village.

The production goes well, although the seal in the body will weaken when the human column force is producing.

But with Sasuke there, the powerful pupil power suppressed the power of the nine tails, so that it could not make trouble.

Outside, Obito tried to break into the barrier directly, and the psychic nine tails controlled it.

But there was a problem when entering, the reinforced barrier and Sasuke's pupil power made the surroundings as stable as golden soup.

Even Obito's divine power cannot directly penetrate the barrier and enter the room.

"You really came, Obito."

Feeling the barrier being touched, Minato instantly appeared in front of Obito.

Facing Obito who was wrapped in a black robe, Minato broke his identity in one bite.

"Fourth Hokage, Uchiha Obito is dead, are you too sad?"

Of course, Obito would not admit his identity and directly deny it.

"Obito, how long are you going to disguise?"

Naruto also followed to identify Obito.

"Who are you? Does Konoha have a ninja like you? Or the helper that the fourth generation found?"

Obito put his eyes on Naruto, and after thinking about it, Konoha did not seem to have a ninja like him.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, and I will be a Naruto ninja in the future."

Naruto pointed to himself and said loudly.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, just hit him directly."

Sasuke instantly appeared beside Obito and kicked it.


Obito snorted coldly, with divine might, it was impossible to hit him with such means. .

Chapter 63


But the result was beyond Obito's expectations. His divine might did not activate, the space seemed to be imprisoned, and divine might could no longer move the space.

Obito was kicked firmly by Sasuke and flew out, leaving a long trace on the ground.

"Cough, what's going on?"

The failure of Shenwei made Obito suddenly stunned. The omnipotent Shenwei was his trump card, but now it has directly failed.

This suddenly filled Obito's heart with unease.

Sasuke didn't have the habit of talking nonsense in battle, so he rushed up again, and the lightning flashed on Kusanagi's sword, obviously coming with killing intent.

"Fire Escape Dragon Fire Technique!"

Obito opened and spit out a large flame, the dragon-shaped flame roared out, and the scorching high temperature baked the surrounding.

Sasuke's Samsara eyes moved, and his body rushed into the flames without stopping.

"what happened?"

Obito was stunned when he saw Sasuke's style of play. The high temperature of the flame is not something that the human body can withstand, unless it is a ninja of Taijutsu who specializes in exercising the body.

Otherwise, even if it is a shadow level, you have to use ninjutsu to resist it, and rush directly into the flames, which is completely courting death.

So Sasuke's actions made Obito incomprehensible. He didn't believe that Sasuke couldn't react in time to rush in.

With Sasuke's movements, the dragon-shaped flame quickly became smaller, and finally disappeared completely. The ninjutsu was absorbed by the Samsara Eye, and Sasuke rushed over without any influence.

At a critical moment, Obito used the earth to burrow into the ground to leave, and Sasuke's Kusanagi sword, the blade completely submerged into the ground.

Obito avoided his own attack, but Sasuke did not show any change in expression. He knew that Obito could not leave.

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