Chapter 69

With the effect of Naruto's sealing technique, the battle is over.

Under the powerful power of the sealing technique, Akainu was sealed in place, unable to move, and naturally lost.

"This time, Naruto wins."

Although not reconciled, Sengoku still announced the results of the game and announced the victory of Naruto.

This has caused huge waves in the navy, and the admiral is the highest combat power of the navy headquarters.

He has been fighting the sea for many years, but he has never failed, which has also created the invincible name of the general.

But now, Admiral Akainu has been defeated by Naruto, a so-called ninja who has never appeared on the sea.

How can this not surprise the naval soldiers, and even find it difficult to accept.

Naruto ignored them and happily returned to his team.

"Win! Naruto."

"Hmph, there's no shame in the tail of the crane."

Sakura and Sasuke had different reactions, but they were still very happy.

After all, it represents the world of their ninjas.

"That's right, but that Akainu's power is also amazing. If it wasn't for the sealing technique being effective, it would be very difficult to defeat him."

Naruto said happily, but he didn't look down on Akainu either.

The powerful attack power of the incarnation of magma is extremely deadly for the fragile ninja.

Once hit once, the ninja's body is completely incapacitated.

"Awesome, the ninja's methods, strange and powerful, are eye-opening."

Warring States turned to look at Shen Wen and said sincerely.

Compared with the complicated ninjutsu of ninjas, the fighting method of the navy and pirates is much simpler, nothing more than the ability of taijutsu and devil fruit.

Although there are many kinds of abilities of devil fruit, a devil fruit has only one ability.

Not like ninjutsu, one person can master multiple abilities.

"You're welcome, Naruto's strength is considered to be the top in the ninja world, but to be honest, he still has too little ninjutsu."

Shen Wen said modestly.

But what he said was the truth. What was Naruto's ninjutsu?

Self-created seduction technique, good shadow clone, and then all kinds of balls.

Although Maruko is full of tricks, it is only an extended ninjutsu developed based on a single ninjutsu.

The real escaping techniques of various attributes, Naruto mastered really limited, almost none.

"Anyway, we lost the first game, let's start the second game."

Warring States didn't know if Shen Wen was telling the truth, but he didn't want to continue the topic.

Shen Wen smiled but did not speak.

Akainu's defeat did not exceed Shen Wen's expectations. After all, Naruto is one of the strongest in the ninja world, and only a handful of people can beat him.

Although Akainu is also the top combat power in the Pirate World, there are three generals on the same level as him, and the strength of the two generals in the future is not much worse than him.

Or the world's largest swordsman, the four emperors, the five old stars who do not know the depths, Garp, Sengoku, the three-army marshal Sora, as well as the powerhouses such as Long and Yim.

And this is just the navy, there will definitely be strong people in other organizations of the world government, such as the cp organization...

Moreover, Shen Wen felt that the Tianlong people may not be all waste, and there may also be strong people hidden.

There are cosmic pirates in outer space, and no one knows how powerful they are. Just looking at technology, they are extremely powerful.

Therefore, although Akainu is powerful, it is far from reaching the top level of the Pirate World, so it is normal for him to be defeated by Naruto.

However, of course the Warring States period and these navies did not know this. Seeing the defeat of the invincible navy admiral, there was naturally a haze in their hearts.

The second battle is Sasuke versus Aokiji.

Both of them are cold types, they didn't speak to each other, they just looked at each other coldly.

"Battle begins!"

As the words of the Warring States fell, Sasuke and Aokiji acted at the same time, and Shunjin and Shaved launched at the same time.


There was a loud noise in the air, and Sasuke and Aokiji had collided.

Sasuke's eyes were blood red, and he had already opened the writing wheel. The extreme dynamic vision allowed him to see Aokiji's movements clearly.

Aokiji can see Sasuke's movements when he sees the color cover.

Neither of them had the ability to use them, they were just fighting physical skills against each other. The assistant held the Kusanagi sword, and the dazzling swordsmanship was cold and dazzling.

A skating blade was condensed in Qingzhi's hand, and the dark armed color was wrapped around the skating blade, making the fragile skating blade stronger than steel.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the collision continued to spread, and circles of air ripples appeared in the air, and the ground became pitted under the impact of the huge force.

It's sizzling!

The dazzling lightning flashes, and the rushing lightning is wrapped around the Kusanagi sword, bringing extreme sharpness and destructive power.


Lightning flashed, the tough ice blade was cut off, and the long sword with thunder light slashed towards Qingzhi's shoulder.


The jet-black arrogance wrapped around Aokiji's shoulders, blocking Sasuke's slash.


Sasuke was a little surprised when the attack was blocked. He looked down at the writing wheel, and the black on the broken ice blade faded away, revealing the pure white ice crystals inside.

"I see!"

Sasuke understood a little, these black substances are a kind of ability of Aokiji, which can strengthen the defense, and can wrap around objects.

Sasuke was slightly surprised, but he quickly reacted. With the help of the anti-shock force, he jumped back and jumped into the air.


A sharp object pierced the air, and several shuriken shot at Aokiji at different angles.

"Shuriken? No, there's something else!"

Aokiji flashed a few shuriken, and vaguely felt that there was something else.

"Writing Wheel Eye·Fighting Windmill Three Swords!"

Sasuke used a shuriken technique that had not been used for a long time.

As the fingers turned, the wire was pulled, and the flying shuriken was pulled back, spinning back and forth in the air, tying the green pheasant firmly.


The spinning shuriken hit Aokiji's back, the steel wire in the assistant suddenly tightened, and the dense cracks covered Aokiji's body, as if a delicate porcelain was about to be shattered. .

Chapter 70


As the steel wire in the assistant's assistant was tightened, Aokiji's body instantly collapsed and turned into pieces of ice.

But this time no one was surprised. Sasuke and the others also knew that the Admiral, even if it cracked, would not die.

Sure enough, the battle didn't end. At the moment when the green pheasant split, the extreme cold broke out, freezing the steel wire, and quickly spreading towards Sasuke.

Sasuke decisively gave up the steel wire in his hand, put the Kusanagi sword into the scabbard, and made a seal with both hands.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

After the seal was over, Sasuke put his finger to his mouth, and as he exhaled, a huge fireball was spit out.

The flames rose, the temperature rose rapidly, and the coolness that had just risen was completely suppressed.

"Not enough, this level of flame is useless to Admiral Aokiji."

Ace looked at the fireball in the field, shook his head and said.

Also using flames, he has the most say in the current situation.


Sure enough, the cold wind with endless icy aura blew past, and a huge ice ball hit the Hao Fireball.


The ice and fire collided, and thick steam was instantly generated, and the diffuse white steam enveloped the surroundings.


Shen Wen waved his hand, and a gust of wind whistled, blowing away the white steam.

Sasuke and Aokiji fought against each other, and they were exactly where they were at the beginning.

"Using the power of lightning and fire at the same time, is this a ninja?"

Qingzhi looked at Sasuke and felt a headache at the diversification of ninja methods.

"You are also very powerful. Although you can only control ice, you are extremely skilled, and the black armament is also very powerful."

Sasuke also praised that Qingzhi is a general, and the development of Devil Fruits is deep enough to control ice art with one hand.

And Sasuke also realized that the existence of armed color domineering.

"The warm-up is over, let's start!"

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