"The strength of Pirate Supernova is strong and weak, but they have all made big mistakes and are a great threat to the world."

Ace also came over. The reward order set by the navy was only a partial reference for strength, destructive power and the degree of threat to the navy and the world government.

It is also an important reference standard for setting the reward amount.

Therefore, pirates with high bounties are not necessarily strong, but they are likely to be vicious people.

Shen Wen looked at Ace and didn't know what to say. If the world hadn't changed, all three of you brothers would be one of the most vicious pirates.

"Oh, it turned out to be a bunch of vicious guys, then let me kill them."

Naruto was very positive, and he was very interested in these pirates.

Through the red soil continent, Luffy and the others soon came to the new world, and they were the first island they encountered after the new world.

It was after Vega Punk's laboratory, Punk Hassad.

This island was originally full of life, and there was also a Vega Punk laboratory, and biochemical experiments were done here, all of which were poison gas and human experiments.

After an accident, Vega Punk's laboratory exploded, turning the island into a place of death, shrouded in endless poisonous gas.

And the world government abandoned those prisoners who were experimenting with humans and left.

And also blocked the island of death, keeping the navy and the world government from getting close.

"Experimenting with humans is too much!"

After Naruto heard about Punk Hassad, his brows were furrowed. He was very resistant to such an inhuman experiment.

There is also such a mad scientist in the ninja world, that is, Orochimaru, but after Orochimaru's human experiment was discovered, he was kicked out of Konoha Village and became a traitor.

In the pirate world, the world government cooperated with Vega Punk to conduct human experiments.

"Yeah, then the scientists are crazy, I really don't know why the world government would agree."

Sabo is also very angry, for this kind of human experiment, neither he nor most of the navy can accept it.

As for Luffy?

His rubber head had no idea what human experimentation was.

"Wow, what a big fire!"

The warship gradually docked, but saw a huge line of fire. On the island of Punk Hassad, there was a large area in the burning flames.

"How is this going?"

Everyone looked at the flames burning on the island in surprise, which was too strange.

"Go in and see."

Ace looked at the flame with one hand, and the sea of ​​fire in front of him split to both sides in an instant. As the owner of the burning fruit, he could naturally control the flame.

The sea of ​​​​fire separated, revealing a passable passage, the warship docked, and the flaming flames slowly extinguished under the control of Ace.

"Hoo! Who are you?"

Suddenly there was a gust of wind in the sky, and a loud voice echoed above.

"what is that?"

Naruto looked up, and in the shadow, a creature with red skin all over his body and a pair of horns above the mouth of the blood basin was slowly falling.

"It's a dragon, and it looks like a fire dragon."

Shen Wen looked at the falling fire dragon and knew that this guy was an artificial creature created by Vega Punk.

"Wow! Dragon! We are the navy, do you want to join us? Become my subordinate?"

When Luffy saw the strange creature, he couldn't help but get excited and yelled at the fire dragon.

"Navy? Get out of here!"

Hearing Luffy revealing the identity of the navy, the dragon seemed to be provoked, and suddenly roared, and an endless stream of flames spewed out of his mouth.


The flame temperature of the fire dragon is very high, and its power is also very strong, but there is no ordinary person here, and it is easy to avoid the fire dragon's attack.

"Let me chop it off!"

Zoro was attacked inexplicably, and he was very upset. With two knives in hand, he slashed at the fire dragon...  


The fire dragon's skin was rough and thick, and Sauron's attack was actually taken down by it, and one person and one dragon suddenly froze in place.

"Look at me, rubber pistol!"

Luffy ran over from the side and punched the fire dragon on the head, knocking its head out.

However, with the hardness of the dragon's skin, such an attack could not hurt it at all.


Sasuke appeared next to the fire dragon, and the Kusanagi sword was easily inserted into the fire dragon's body.


The body was penetrated, and under the pain, the fire dragon struggled to twist its body.


As the dragon's body twisted, Luffy suddenly discovered that there was a human lower body attached to it.

"It's noisy, Chidoriyu!"

Sasuke only felt the noise for the howl of the fire dragon, and the thunder light immediately spread to the fire dragon's body along the Kusanagi sword.

On the other side, Luffy also rescued the human lower body on the fire dragon before the lightning arrived, so that he was not electrocuted.

Chidori flow's super-large electric current directly hit the body, and even the fire dragon couldn't resist it. After twitching and writing it down, it fell to the ground.

"Ah! I broke him!"

After knocking down the fire dragon, there was a terrified voice from Luffy. It turned out that the human lower body he pulled down was really only the lower body, and the upper part of the waist was completely gone.

That's why Luffy thinks he has cut people off.


The exclamations came one after another, and everyone thought that Luffy had killed people.

"Stop arguing, he's not dead, he can still feel his vitality, a very interesting ability."

Shen Wen stopped their screams. This lower body was seen by Luo of Qiwuhai. His surgical fruit ability was extremely peculiar. As long as his strength was sufficient, he could cut open anything.

And when cutting the human body, as long as he doesn't want to, the other party won't die.

And what Shen Wen saw in the ninja world who was dismembered and survived was only Uchiha Madara in the Six Paths mode. .

Chapter 82

"not dead!"

Everyone looked at Shen Wen in astonishment. It was the first time they had seen such an incredible thing.

"Can you survive with only half of your body? It's amazing!"

Luffy was the first to react. He has thick nerves, not to mention that he has seen too many strange things in the sea.

So Luffy reacted faster than the people in Naruto World.

"Don't stop me, I'm going to find Qiwu Poster for revenge!"

Suddenly half of his body stood up from the ground and made a sound. Shen Wen was also very curious. With only half of his body left, how did he make the sound?

However, Shen Wen didn't find any clues by looking at it with white eyes and sensing it with Chakra. It seems that the ability of the Devil Fruit is really amazing.

A pair of legs forced Luffy back, and then ran in one direction.

"Ah, don't run!"

When Luffy saw that those legs wanted to run, he immediately caught up with 13 and easily caught him back.


Suddenly there was an abnormality in the induction, and something was rapidly approaching.

"Luffy, come back!"

Ace was startled, and hurriedly greeted Luffy to come back, not to leave the crowd too far.


One after another poisonous gas was coming from all directions, and it was the poisonous gas of hypnotic gas.

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

Shen Wen didn't want these poisonous gas to approach him, so Jieyin opened his mouth and spit, the strong wind centered on him, blowing towards the surroundings, blowing away the approaching poisonous gas.

A few figures walked out of the poisonous gas in a daze. They were a little dazed. They couldn't think of why the wind direction suddenly changed, causing their poisonous gas to be blown back.

Bang bang bang!

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji shot at the same time, smashing the anti-virus suits on all the figures in an instant, revealing their true colors.

But the result surprised them very much. The people behind these anti-virus suits were not humans, but strange creatures.

Their upper body is human, but their lower body is full of strange animals, or huge lizards, or huge goats.

"What are these? Strange new races?"

Naruto was stunned. He had never seen such a strange creature, but there seemed to be many strange races in this world, which might be a new race.

"No, we haven't met."

Luffy said blankly, they had never seen these centaurs. After all, although there are many races in this world, this strange centaur is not the original race.

"Their bodies seem to be stitched together."

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