Shen Wen looked at Snow Maiden and decided to let Naruto take the shot. After all, Sakura's ability to face the Devil Fruit of the Nature Department was still too reluctant.

"Okay, look at me!"

Naruto responded with one bite, and then the familiar shadow clone plus Spiral Pill as a test, but was blocked by Snow Maiden's Snow Barrier.

"If it's a nature department, then..."

Naruto tested Snow Maiden's defense methods. Although the snow barrier is hard, it can be broken with a spiral pill.

But Snow Maiden has the natural fruit ability and can turn into snowflakes. This is not something that Spiral Pill can deal with.

"Xianfa Super Jade Spiral Pill!"

Naruto's eyes were dyed with a layer of orange eyeshadow, and he used the fairy mode. With the power of nature, he could definitely attack the natural devil fruit ability.


The huge spiral pill was dozens of times stronger than before, and its power was naturally more terrifying, breaking the snow girl's barrier with ease.

When Snow Maiden wanted to elementalize and escape, she found that even after elementalization, she was still hit by the attack of the super-large jade spiral pill.

Under Xianfa Super Jade Spiral Pill, Snow Maiden was instantly killed.

On the other hand, when Sasuke's full body Susanoo flew towards Bram, even the small clone that was launched with it was attracted.

Use the Vientiane Sky to bring all Bram clones together and come to Bram's main body.

The originally huge Bram looked petite and cute in front of the complete Susanoo.

However, in the face of such a poison, Sasuke would not be soft-hearted and directly seal it.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

After the seal was completed, the huge Susanoo also opened his mouth and spit out raging fire, instantly surrounding the entire Bram.


A violent explosion followed, and the island under Bram was blown through, exposing the sea.

Even with such a strong explosion, it did not cause any damage to Sasuke, and Susanoo could not only be used as an attack, but its defense was also extremely strong.

In the raging fire, in the smoke and dust of the violent explosion, Susanoo stood tall and tall, like a god.

Naruto and Sasuke solved their opponents, Zoro, Sanji, Smoker and Law also solved their opponents one after another.

But Luffy is in trouble.

Caesar's poisonous gas is useless to Luffy, but Luffy can attack Caesar with his armed arrogance.

It stands to reason that it should be a crushing situation, but Luffy is now down.

Because Caesar's ability can control the surrounding air, as long as the air around Luffy is evacuated, Luffy will naturally faint from hypoxia without breathing.

".々You are just like that, watch me kill you all!"

After defeating Luffy, Caesar was obviously a little off. Looking at Shen Wen and others, he said arrogantly.

Shen Wen didn't speak, just waved one hand, and the sea water next to him was immediately pulled, forming a water column and pouring it on Caesar's body.

In an instant, Caesar returned to his normal appearance, and then immersed himself in the sea water feebly.

"Okay, let's catch him."

Shen Wen swayed, as if he had done a trivial thing, and said lightly.

Luo and Smog subconsciously took a few steps back, away from Shen Wen.

Because they are also devil fruit capable, Shen Wen's water control technique really scared them. .

Chapter 89

"How is this going?"

Sakura looked at Caesar, who was easily solved, a little confused. Just now, Shen Wen didn't use the water escape ninjutsu, but just poured sea water on Caesar's body.

This Caesar has no ability to resist, which is really amazing.

"Oh, devil fruit people will be disgusted by the sea. As long as they touch the sea, they will be powerless and unable to use the power of the devil fruit."

Shen Wen looked at Caesar, and explained to Xiao Ying and the others the weaknesses of Devil Fruit users.

"So, if we can escape by water..."

Xiao Sakura was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that a devil fruit person would have such a weakness. If she knew how to escape, wouldn't she just beat her?

"It's not that simple. First of all, you need sea water. Did you escape the sea water of this world?"

Shen Wen interrupted Xiao Sakura's beautiful dream. The water escape ninjutsu needs to collect the surrounding water to activate it. If it is fine in the sea, it may really be able to escape the sea water.

But on land, the water that escapes may be fresh water, and it does not have the effect of restraining the devil fruit ability.

"Moreover, many devil fruit people are not afraid of sea water, such as Akainu, which can evaporate sea water, such as Qingzhi, and can also freeze sea water."

Shen Wen went on to say that Devil Fruits are all kinds of strange things. Although they have the weakness of sea water, they also have ways to avoid sea water.

While Shen Wen and the others were chatting, Luo had already handcuffed Caesar with a sea floor stone, and this time he was completely unable to escape.

"Hey, I caught Caesar this time, so Doflamingo is next, right?"

Luffy came to Luo's side, and the next plan was to deal with Doflamingo.

"Yes, but Doflamingo is not Caesar, he is more difficult to deal with, and he is Qiwuhai, but you are the navy, and it is more difficult to shoot."

Luo nodded, looked at the three of Luffy, and said worriedly.

"We are not the navy, we can do it."

Shen Wen took the three of Naruto and said that they were not the navy, or even pirates, and there was absolutely no problem in taking action.

"Speaking of which, are we missing someone here?"

Smog looked at the number of people and said suddenly.

"It's that samurai uncle who's gone."

After looking around, it turned out that Luffy discovered the abnormality first, and noticed that Kinemon was gone.

Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of rummaging through the rubble, turned their heads to look, and saw Jinweimen walking out with a little boy.

"Thank you, everyone, this is my son, Momanosuke."

Kinemon brought Momonosuke to the front of the crowd and thanked them solemnly.

"It's nothing, it's just fine for the uncle to find his son."

Luffy said nonchalantly, he never took a cold for this kind of gratitude.

After a lively celebration, everyone planned to leave the island and start heading towards Dressrosa.

Punk Hazard was not far from Dressrosa, and in one day, everyone arrived at Dressrosa.

On this day, a lot of things happened. Luo and Doflamingo made a deal, using Caesar in exchange for his dismissal of Qiwuhai.

"You are trading first, let's enter this country to explore some information."

Shen Wen found Luo who was making plans and said.

Now Luo is still making plans with a serious look on his face. He would never have thought that his plans were completely useless.

"Alright, but you have to pay attention, you can't reveal your identity."

Luo nodded, he knew that Shen Wen and the others were new partners of the navy, and they had not missed out on the sea, not even his Qiwuhai.

So if you want to come to Doflamingo, you don't know them. In this case, it is excellent for them to investigate intelligence.

"Don't worry, we have a transformation technique."

Naruto said indifferently, people in this world do not know ninjutsu, and it is difficult to see through transformation.

A burst of white smoke flashed, and the four of them completely changed their appearances.

Naruto became Naruko, of course, wearing clothes, Sasuke, Sakura changed at will, and Shen Wen also changed into a completely different appearance.

"It's amazing ninjutsu."

Luo looked at the four people whose faces had changed drastically in front of him, and was very shocked.

In this world, only imitation fruit can turn into someone else's appearance, and other people's disguise is just a wig and a fake beard.

In contrast, the transformation of a ninja is simply a magical skill.

"Yeah, it's so powerful, I can't see any flaws at all!"

Zoro also said in surprise.

"It's perfect, it's so perfect!"

Sanji surrounded Naruko, looking completely fascinated.

"Yo ho ho, this beautiful lady, can you show me how fat you are?"

Brook also ran over, wanting to see Naruko's fat times.

"Ah? No problem."

Naruto didn't know why Brook made such a request, but he did not refuse, and even prepared to do it.

"Don't promise it casually!"

Sakura couldn't stand it any longer, and punched Naruto in the head. Does this idiot really understand nothing at all?

"Don't make perverted requests casually!"

On the other hand, Nami also knocked Brook to the ground with one punch, and this guy's perverted request is really embarrassing to ask.

After a farce, Shen Wen and the four entered Dressrosa.

"Wow, this place looks pretty good."

Entering Dressrosa, Nami looked at the lively people with smiles on their faces, and suddenly felt that the country was not bad.

"You can't just look at things on the surface, this country is not so glamorous."

Shen Wen reminded Nami that behind this country lies a creepy darkness.

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