"Phoenix? What a troublesome ability."

After Kizaru released a wave of light waves, he felt very troublesome as he watched Marko flying towards him unscathed.

After all, Marco is a phoenix fruit, and the blue flame on his body can heal all injuries, allowing him to be reborn from the ashes.

And Kiabou's attack just now, although all hit him, but under the blue flame, he quickly healed himself.

"Ice Cube Blast Childish Mouth!"

Qingzhi saw the opportunity, condensed the ability of frozen fruit, formed a huge ice bird, and attacked Whitebeard.


The captain of the Whitebeard [-]rd Division, the owner of the shiny fruit, Diamond Joze smashed Qingzhi's ice cube with one shoulder.

"Don't worry, Dad, I'll deal with him."

Joz confronted Qingzhi head-on, ensuring that he would not disturb Whitebeard.

Although Joz's strength is not as good as Qingzhi's, there is no problem in blocking him in a short time.

"Then please."

Whitebeard glanced at Joz, the white light above the fist was a little richer, and the cracks in the surrounding space increased a few more.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable for the navy, Qingzhi cannot defeat Joz in a short period of time, nor can he stop Whitebeard.

Not to mention the yellow ape on the other side, facing the phoenix, it is even more troublesome.Several.

Chapter 106

Garp and Sengoku have to deal with the ghost island in the sky, so naturally they can't be distracted, so the only one who will attack Whitebeard is Akainu.

But in the face of Whitebeard's full strength, can Akainu alone be able to block it?

"Whitebeard, come on!"

Akainu was not afraid at all, and the lava spread all over half of his body, condensing into a huge lava ball.

"Gu la la la la, then take this blow!"

Whitebeard suddenly punched out, the air cracked like a cobweb, and the powerful vibration force even affected the ground.

One after another cracks also appeared on the ground, and the pieces of land were lifted up, and the cracks devoured everything recklessly.

As the vibration wave approached, the buildings of the naval headquarters were cracked by this attack, and a large amount of wood chips fell out of the cracks.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

Half of Akainu's body turned into a huge dog's head, and it opened its mouth to bite into the air, and all the vibrations were bitten by it.

It's a pity that the attack power this time is very powerful. Whitebeard has developed the power of vibration to the extreme. The vibration wave directly shattered the dog's head, and continued to attack Karp and others with all his strength.

Seeing Whitebeard's attack coming, Garp and Sengoku looked at each other and could only block Whitebeard's attack first.

Because the young generation of Luffy and other navy in front of them, if they don't block them, Whitebeard's attack will hit them first.

As for the ghost island in the sky...

"Shen Wen, the ghost island in the sky is up to you."

Karp finally asked for help like Shen Wen and a few others, and now they are the only ones who can stop this ghost island in this scene.

"Let me come, I also want to fight Shenlong."

Shen Wen was about to shoot, but Sun Wukong stood up first.

Although Shen Wen explained that Kaido is not a dragon, Sun Wukong's simple head still regards Kaido as an extremely powerful opponent.

"Okay, but you might be disappointed."

Shen Wen saw that Sun Wukong wanted to make a move, but he did not stop it, and his little friends would not stop it, but were looking forward to this battle.

After all, this was their first battle after entering this world.

"Ugh, it's not going to end like this, is it? The Navy Headquarters! Turn to dust under the ghost island!"

Kaido is floating in the sky, and the ghost island is isolated. Naturally, they don't know that Garp and the others have asked Sun Wukong for help.

But he could feel that Garp and Sengoku focused their attention on Whitebeard's attack, which meant they were powerless to stop Onishima's landing.

And without the obstruction of Garp and Sengoku, is there anyone in the Navy Headquarters who can stop Onishima?

Kaido really can't think of it, just rely on those lieutenant generals?Or those giant lieutenants?

The white air wave wrapped around the whole body, just when Kaido was laughing wildly, Sun Wukong shot, and a wave of light hit the ghost island directly.


The dazzling white light lit up and enveloped the entire Ghost Island. With the current fighting power of Sun Wukong, a single Qigong ball could destroy a planet, which was nothing to the mere Ghost Island.

The sudden burst of dazzling white light attracted everyone's attention, whether it was the navy or the pirates, they subconsciously stopped fighting.

"What a strong white light! It contains extremely powerful destructive energy."

Marko looked at the white light on the horizon, the energy contained in it was much stronger than the light wave emitted by the Kiwi in front of him, which made him feel frightened.

Even with his phoenix ability, he didn't want to go in and test the strength of the energy.

"So scary, is that guy a monster?"

There was no smile on Kizaru's face. This terrible sentence was the real thought in his heart.

He also felt extremely frightened by the power contained in that light wave.


Joz called out to Whitebeard worriedly. This attack made him extremely uneasy. With his diamond body, he might not be able to stop this attack.

"Ah, it looks like the navy has hidden powers we don't know about."

Whitebeard's tone was also full of worry...

It was originally thought that the two big and four emperors would join forces to break through the Navy Headquarters. When the time comes, the Blackbeard will be captured and publicly executed as a deterrent. This is also an excellent thing for the Whitebeard Pirates.

But I didn't expect that the navy still hides a power that I don't know.

That group of people sitting next to Garp, any one of them can have such power, is really terrible.

"It seems that the Navy has hidden a lot of secrets that we don't know."

Hawkeye looked at the white light in the sky, and then turned to Shen Wen and the others who were very calm, and said softly.

Even as Qiwuhai, he had never heard of such a group of people in the navy.

"The thief haha ​​... hahaha ... isn't this good? We are Qiwuhai and a group of the world government. The stronger the navy, the more safer we will be?"

The smile on Blackbeard's face was a bit far-fetched. He originally planned to go to Push City to recruit his team after the battle.

But now seeing the hidden combat power of the navy, I immediately dismissed this idea, and I should be more honest recently.

"The Qiwuhai exists to balance the stability of the navy and the four emperors. If the navy has the combat power to annihilate the four emperors, do you think they still need the Qiwuhai?"

The Pirate Queen glanced at Blackbeard and said coldly.

This made Blackbeard's face froze all of a sudden. Of course he knew what the Empress said, but he just subconsciously didn't want to accept it.

Because he found that the current navy is not something he can resist.

The white light quickly disappeared, and along with it, the ghost island in the sky, Sun Wukong completely destroyed the ghost island with one blow.

dong dong dong...

In the sky, a person fell down. Ghost Island is not an empty island, but it is full of members of the Beast Pirates.

Kaido directly regarded the ghost island as a pirate ship and drove over. Not only did he use the ghost island to smash the naval headquarters, but also let his crew appear directly behind or in the middle of the navy, giving the navy a big surprise. .

Chapter 107

It's a pity that Sun Wukong first gave Kaido a big surprise, and a qigong wave blew the ghost island.

As these members of the Beast Pirates were not bombed together, they were also stunned a lot, but fortunately, it was all the soldiers who fainted.

Cadres such as the Three Disasters, the Six Sons of the Sky, the True Fight, and the Barbarian did not faint and landed on the ground smoothly.

Immediately, the corresponding navy rushed up and restrained the cadres of these Beast Pirates.

"Who are you? The Navy?"

Kaido looked at Sun Wukong, and the attack that destroyed the ghost island really made him a little stunned. There is still such a character in the navy.

Isn't it said that only ancient weapons have the ability to destroy an island with one blow?How can the Navy do it?

But Sun Wukong doesn't look like a navy, there is no navy's white robe of justice, and he has never seen it before, let alone any intelligence.

What's more, if the navy has such combat power, why hide it?

"I'm Sun Wukong. I heard that you are very strong. Let's fight at 13."

Sun Wukong declared himself home and challenged Kaido at the same time.

"Challenge me? Well, cluck, cluck, then I'll agree to your challenge!"

Kaido's huge dragon head made a terrifying sound, and the dragon's roar turned into thunder and struck down, but it didn't hit Sun Wukong.

"Bad wind!"

Kaido opened his mouth and used an attack that was completely different from the heat breath, sending out wind blades one after another, tearing Sun Wukong apart.

"Is this your attack?"

Sun Wukong's body was constantly shaking, and the wind blade that came at high speed was too slow in his eyes, and he could easily dodge it.

"Then I'm going to attack."

Sun Wukong flew the last wind blade into the sky and made a counterattack.


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