Garp and Sengoku came to Whitebeard, and the three generals went to help Luffy and the others to deal with the Kaido pirates.

".々Sengoku, I didn't expect that there are such terrifying people in your navy, but there was no news at all before."

Whitebeard looked at the Warring States, and then looked in the direction of Shen Wen and the others.

Just now, Sun Wukong's fighting strength really shocked him. If Sun Wukong shot him, Whitebeard was not sure that he would be safe and sound.

"Even without them, Whitebeard, you should understand that you came here just to die."

Garp looked at Whitebeard and said, with his wisdom, it was impossible not to think of this, but he came anyway.

At Whitebeard's age, even without Shen Wen and the others, this time they attacked the Navy headquarters, and Whitebeard would not be able to return intact.

"Yeah, your decision will not only cause you to die here, but also cause significant losses to your pirate group."

Sengoku also said beside him.

He also felt that Bai Hu's decision was not rational.

"You're right, of course I know the consequences of doing this, but I can't just die silently like this."

"Although I always wanted to be a competent dad, I still failed. I shouldn't have brought them to the Navy Headquarters and caused such a loss."

Looking at the members of the pirate group who kept falling or being arrested, Whitebeard felt a little uncomfortable.

He regarded these people as his sons and cared for them wholeheartedly, but now, for their own selfishness, they have to be buried with him in this naval headquarters.

This made Whitebeard very sad and made him a little regretful.

"Dad, what are you talking about! We are your sons, of course we have to fulfill your dreams!"

Marko looked at the white beard beside him and said sincerely.Farmer.

Chapter 109

"Marko, let everyone retreat, retreat to the new world!"

Whitebeard looked at Marco and made a decision in his heart. He must not let his sons continue to wear down here. He wants to protect the sons who are still alive.


Marko was stunned for a moment, an idea came to his mind, and he looked at Whitebeard in shock.

"What? Don't you even listen to my captain?"

Whitebeard gave Marco a majestic look with a look that couldn't be rejected.

"I see."

Marco fell silent. Now that Whitebeard had made a decision, he couldn't continue to refute, he could only listen.

The blue flames burned, forming a pair of blue wings, and Marko was about to inform everyone to evacuate.

"Don't want to go!"

Karp wouldn't miss such a good opportunity. As soon as he jumped up, an iron fist hit Marko.

"Kapp, the old man is still here!"

Whitebeard said coldly, the air continued to vibrate, and cracks appeared out of thin air, forcing Karp.

In the face of Whitebeard's attack, Garp could only defend, allowing Marco to seize the opportunity to leave.

"It's time for this war to end."

On the high platform, Shen Wen looked at the battlefield below and said.

Although Kaido and Whitebeard have joined forces, their strength has greatly increased, but this time the navy has also gone all out, and the top management will no longer fish for all, and the outbreak of combat power should not be underestimated.

And now that Garp and Sengoku are teaming up to fight against Whitebeard, he is completely in a passive state.

Garp and Sengoku joined forces, even Whitebeard couldn't resist for a long time, and eventually he would be arrested.

However, there is no doubt about the power of Whitebeard, even if Karp and Sengoku join forces, they can't stop the ubiquitous shock force.

Whitebeard broke out with all his strength, buying a lot of time for the members of the Pirates to retreat.

At the same time, the ability of the shaking fruit was fully activated, and the islands where the navy headquarters was located were shaken open after cracks, and the headquarters was completely destroyed.

In the end, instead of being caught, Whitebeard was exhausted and died of exhaustion.

With the withdrawal of the Whitebeard Pirates, Garp and Sengoku did not let people continue to pursue them. After Whitebeard went all out, the damage was enormous, and it also blocked the way of pursuit.

What's more, there are people from the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and they have to send all the Beasts Pirates to prison.

However, when facing Kaido, Garp and Sengoku were in a bit of trouble.

It's not the first time the navy has caught Kaido, the death sentence alone has been sentenced 40 times, but none have been able to kill him.

Facing Kaido, the navy can only detain him, but cannot kill him.

In the end, Kaido was still locked in the underwater prison, and he could only be locked in the sixth layer of infinite hell first. The specific treatment can only be discussed later.

"This time it was our navy's mistake that made you see a joke."

Warring States came to Shen Wen and others, and said apologetically.

After all, it was to let them see the scene of the navy being breached, and the Warring States period was still a little embarrassed.

"It's alright, the movement of your battle is much worse than that of Goku and the others."

Shen Wen shook his head and didn't care, thinking about the battle between Sun Wukong and the others, destroying a city first. In contrast, the battle of the Navy Headquarters was far worse.

"But the navy headquarters has been destroyed. Is the project to study Devil Fruit still there?"

Bulma was most interested in the research on Devil Fruits and asked quickly.

  "Don't worry, the research on Devil Fruits is not carried out in the naval headquarters, but in the base of Vega Punk."

Sengoku gave Bulma a reassuring answer. The research on Devil Fruit has always been carried out by Vega Punk, and his research base is not in the Navy headquarters.

As the smartest person in the world and a scientist who has led the world in science and technology for [-] years, Vegapunk's research base is naturally extremely secret and highly guarded.

Although Vegapunk is said to be a scientist of the Navy Headquarters, in fact, he has always been in direct contact with the World Government, and many projects are set by the World Government.

And many of his research results have also been fed back to the world government.

However, the naval headquarters provided protection to Vega Punk, and naturally there was a way to contact him, even if it was a way to bypass the pawns of the World Government.

The Orochimaru from Naruto World was the channel provided by the Navy Headquarters, allowing him and Vega Punk to work together to study.

"That's good, can you take me to see it?"

Bulma immediately became interested, and she despised other technologies, whether it was pacifist or artificial human technology, or transformation technology that transforms humans into robots.

For Bulma, those skills are too simple, she doesn't need to learn at all, after all, the android technology in Dragon Ball World can create androids that are stronger than Super Saiyans.

So the only thing in this world that can interest Bulma is the research on Devil Fruits.

Sengoku naturally did not refuse. After leaving the navy to clean the battlefield, Sengoku took Bulma and the others to Vegapunk's laboratory.

For the next few days, Bulma stayed in the laboratory, and Vegeta and Sun Wukong could only stay in the world of children.

Fortunately, there are many novelties in the pirate world, which are very attractive to Sun Wukong.

For example, various strange races, such as giant sea kings.

The sea kings are very huge, but whether they are Saiyans or martial artists, they have an excellent appetite, and a group of people can eat a hundred-meter-long sea beast in one meal.

Fortunately, the world of One Piece is vast, with plenty of food, and huge creatures like the sea kings, which can satisfy their appetite.

However, it is obviously not enough to just eat fish and sea beasts, and other foods are necessary.

Then at Shen Wen's suggestion, they came to Wan Guo.

This is the territory of bigmom, the sphere of influence of the Big Mom Pirates.

And this country not only has a variety of magical races, but also a variety of cuisines. .

Chapter 110

Hearing that there are various delicacies in Myriad Kingdoms, even Beerus and Whis could not bear it, so the group quickly headed to Myriad Kingdoms.

"It's a little weird."

As soon as they entered the territory of Myriad Kingdoms, Whis and Beerus felt the abnormality of Myriad Kingdoms. The soul power here is very mixed, and many things that should not have life have also gained life.

"I really want to destroy them."

Beerus' eyes gleamed dangerously, and it was his job to destroy objects that shouldn't have life.

The others were stunned when they heard Beerus' words, and then - they all advised him not to be impulsive.

Beerus' shot will obviously not only destroy one country, but may destroy the entire planet - destroy it.

Entering the world, the first is a forest. When everyone walked into the forest, they soon saw a flowing river.

However, what flows in this river is not ordinary river water, but juice, which is a river of juice.

"This river is full of juice. It's incredible."

Kling looked at the flowing river of juice and felt incredible too.

The Monkey King next to him didn't care so much, and immediately started drinking. Beerus also took a sip. Although it was not particularly delicious, the taste was acceptable.

After crossing the Juice River, the sect continued to advance, and soon entered the world, and saw all kinds of food, and also saw strange houses made of food.

"Those things are novel, but they're not delicious."

A morning passed, and Beerus opened his mouth to express his evaluation. The food of Wanguo is indeed amazing and novel.

But more are cookies, cakes and other desserts. For Beerus, there are too few tricks, and they don't match the taste.

"I feel okay."

With food in his mouth, Sun Wukong said vaguely that he himself is not a picky eater and eats everything.

Of course, it would be even better if it was meat.

"You idiot, who only knows how to eat, how can you compare to me?"

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