"He is Uchiha Obito. He didn't die back then, but was rescued by Madara Uchiha and cultivated as a pawn."

One-armed Sasuke felt that Kakashi was having a hard time mustering up his courage, so he decided to help him.

"With soil..."

Kakashi's heart was shocked, and when he heard the name again, and also heard such a surprising thing, he couldn't help but be in a trance.

However, Kakashi is a Jōnin after all. He has experienced endless wars, and his mind is extremely tough, and he recovered quickly.

Kakashi finally stretched out his hand and lifted Obito's mask.

Under the mask is a familiar and unfamiliar face, half of which is a familiar face with soil, and the other half is a twisted face.

"Obito, are you really alive? Why not Konoha? Why don't you come to see me?"

Kakashi looked at Obito in front of him, and tears instantly filled his eyes.

"How do you know that he hasn't come back to Konoha? Maybe for so many years, every time you go to the grave, he hides and watches."

Shen Wen crossed his legs and said sarcastically.

The originally very sad atmosphere was diluted a lot by Shen Wen's words.

"Of course he went back to Konoha, otherwise why would the nine tails suddenly appear?"

The one-armed Sasuke looked at Obito, and he didn't have any good feelings for Obito, after all, he was not Naruto.

"Kuwei, Obito, it was you that day..."

Of course Kakashi knew about the abnormality of the nine-tails, and he also knew that the original nine-tails were controlled by the Shaker.

It's just that he didn't expect that the one who controlled the nine tails would actually be his friend Obito.

"That's right, I did those things, including the Fourth Ninja World War after that."

Obito's identity has been exposed, so many things, even if he doesn't say it, Kakashi can know.

"The Fourth Ninja World War? You have been caught now, what are you talking about the Fourth Ninja World War?"

Tsunade looked up at Obito, she knew about this Uchiha's junior, but she didn't have that deep impression.

Unexpectedly, hidden behind it would be such an unremarkable Uchiha clan.

"The Fourth Ninja World War, even without me, will definitely continue."

With a chuckle, Tsunade didn't even know what was going on in the Fourth Ninja World War.

What kind of people are doing what kind of calculations behind them. .

Chapter 11

"How is this possible, didn't you start the Ninja World War?"

Tsunade frowned. He couldn't understand. The black hand who started the war had already been caught. It stands to reason that the war should not continue.

"Hokage-sama, you seem to have misunderstood something, I said before that the Fourth Ninja World War was caused by Madara Uchiha.

And Uchiha Obito is just a pawn of Madara. "

Shen Wen reminded Tsunade again that he had said it before that it was the fourth ninja war planned by Madara Uchiha.

"Uchiha Madara, he... you mean, the real Uchiha Madara isn't dead yet?"

Tsunade looked at Obito, brushed his thoughts, and asked in surprise.

In the previous information of Konoha, Obito was Uchiha Madara, so Tsunade also subconsciously believed that Uchiha Madara that Shen Wen said earlier was Obito.

After Shen Wen emphasized it again, she realized that Shen Wen was talking about the real Uchiha Madara.

"Already dead, but resurrecting the dead is not impossible."

One-armed Sasuke also knows this history, and he also knows that Uchiha Madara is indeed dead, but for the ninja world, the resurrection of the dead is not impossible.

"Reincarnation Eye!"

Tsunade immediately thought of the eye of reincarnation. There are many ways to revive the ninja world, but the one that can truly resurrect is to use the eye of reincarnation.

"That's right, resurrection with the eye of reincarnation, that is Madara Uchiha's plan."

Shen Wen snapped his fingers, indicating that Tsunade's guess was very correct, and using the reincarnation eye to resurrect was also Uchiha Madara's plan.

"You know so much, you even know Madara's plan."

Obito looked at Shen Wen unexpectedly, unexpectedly they actually knew Madara Uchiha's plan.

"It is said that he is from the future of a parallel world, Madara's plan has already been exposed in the future."

Shen Wen pointed to the one-armed Sasuke and said.

"Furthermore, Madara Uchiha is not the ultimate enemy. He is just a pawn. The so-called Eye of the Moon is not what you think."

Shen Wen understated it and told a big secret.

"You really know the eye of the moon."

Obito calmed down, slightly accepting the fact that the one-armed Sasuke came from the future.

"What is the eye of the moon?"

Naruto asked curiously, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"The so-called eye of the moon, you can simply understand it as the eye on the moon. Madara Uchiha intends to become the pillar force of the Ten Tails, and then project the power of the eye of reincarnation on the moon."

"Then use the light of the moon to release an illusion called Infinite Moon Reading."

"This is an illusion that covers the entire world, allowing everyone to live in an illusion, and the scene in this illusion is a beautiful world centered on everyone."

"Through such an illusion, people's selfish desires can be realized, so as to achieve eternal peace."

Shen Wen spread out his hands and explained Uchiha Madara's Moon Eye plan.

Except for Obito and one-armed Sasuke, who knew the plan for a long time, everyone else was shocked by Madara Uchiha's crazy plan.

"This is the Moon Eye Project? Unlimited Moon Reading? Is there really such a terrifying ninjutsu?"

Kakashi murmured, he couldn't believe it, the madness of Infinite Monthly Reading made him unacceptable.

Even Tsunade was silent, she had never heard of Ninjutsu like Infinite Moon Read.

"What kind of peace is this! Let everyone be immersed in illusion, what is this self-deceiving false peace?"

Naruto firmly said that although the current Naruto still has no experience with things, his beliefs have already appeared.

"How can the kid who has been living in Konoha know the cruelty of the ninja world, but since Sasuke is still alive, it means Madara's plan has failed."

Obito scoffed at Naruto's words. In his opinion, Naruto was just huddled in Konoha, and he had never seen the cruelty of the ninja world.

"No, his plan was successful, and the Infinite Monthly Reading was launched smoothly, but there were some changes. In the end, Naruto and Sasuke canceled the Unlimited Monthly Reading."

Shen Wen refuted Obito's words. Although Madara's result was dramatic, Infinite Monthly Reading was indeed a success.

Madara Uchiha's plan was also considered a success.

"Really? That's not bad, his arm was broken by Madara."

Obito's expression was complicated, and he couldn't tell whether it was regret or joy.

"No, my arm isn't from Banda."

One-armed Sasuke shook his head, his arm was not hit by Madara Uchiha.

"Who else would there be? If you can fight Uchiha Madara, or even stop him, you are also the strongest in the ninja world. Who can interrupt your arm?"

Obito was really puzzled, the one-armed Sasuke had already fought with Madara Uchiha, and even stopped Madara Uchiha and lifted the infinite moon reading.

His strength must already be at the top of the ninja world, and there are not many ninjas who can fight against him, let alone break his arm.

"you do not need to know."

The one-armed Sasuke turned his head and said that he passed through the passage and seemed to see a familiar figure.

"It's Naruto, Sasuke's arm was interrupted by Naruto."

One-armed Sasuke didn't say it, Shen Wen said it for him.


Naruto was startled, pointed at himself and said in surprise, he never thought that he would break Sasuke's arm.

"Yes, Sasuke wants to be Hokage, and you also want to be Hokage, so you broke Sasuke's arm cruelly."

Shen Wen exaggeratedly said beside him, attracting a fierce look from Sasuke with one arm.

"So Sasuke, you want to be Hokage too!"

Sakura looked at the current Sasuke, Tsunade, Kakashi, and Obito in surprise.

Even Sasuke himself was very surprised.

"Do I want to be Hokage in the future?"

Sasuke looked at the one-armed Sasuke in a confirmation-like manner. He really couldn't imagine what he had experienced to think of being a Hokage.

The current Sasuke is full of hatred for Konoha, and his mind is full of thoughts of destroying Konoha.

He never imagined that his future self would actually want to be Hokage. .

Chapter 12

"He's right. A lot of things happened in the fourth ninja war. After the end, I have the plan to be a Hokage."

The one-armed Sasuke did not deny it, but admitted that he did intend to be Hokage.

After being confirmed by the one-armed Sasuke, Naruto and the others were stunned.

I can't imagine that the man who is full of hatred for Konoha now will think of being Hokage in the future.

"Naruto! You are too much!"

Sakura roared into Naruto's ear, her tone very angry.

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