Naruto looked at Shino who walked over and took the initiative to say hello.

"Naruto? I went to Luffy's world, there are new types of bugs there."

Shino looked up at Naruto. He has always been taciturn and played with bugs, so his presence in the village was very low, and only Naruto would take the initiative to greet him.

So for Naruto, Shino still feels very good. .

Chapter 115

"Shino, why are you running so fast? I don't know how to wait for me."

Inuzuka Ya chased up from behind, came to Shino's side and said kindly.

In terms of taming ninja beasts, the Inuzuka family also lives on this, and there are all kinds of magical creatures in the world of pirates, so after the Boren world and Pinzhu world obtained future training techniques and ninja beast varieties .

The Inuzuka family has also set their sights on the world of pirates. If they can obtain the magical creatures of the world of pirates, it will also be of great use to them.

"Naruto! You are here too, are you going to find Luffy to play?"

Inuzuka Ya followed Shino's side and invited Naruto.


Naruto agreed with one bite, then quickly ate the burger, and was ready to act.

"Shen Wen, come along with you too."

Naruto looked at Shen Wen next to him and said.


Shen Wen thought about it and did not refuse, and followed them to the world of One Piece.

It's just that as soon as he arrived in this world, he got bad news that Luffy was no longer in the naval headquarters, but went to the new world for adventure.

Shen Wen followed Naruto, while Inuzuka Ya and Shino went to see all kinds of strange animals.

Shen Wen and the others drove the warship of the Navy Headquarters and headed in the direction of Luffy's advance. Naturally, Luffy and the others also received the message, knowing that Shen Wen and the others were here and waiting beside them.

But even so, it would take a few days to catch up with Luffy and the others.

And above the sea, a few days passed quickly.

After all, this is not a real sea, not only is it not boring, but it is full of all kinds of peculiar scenery.

"Ah! The sun was shining just now, why is it snowing now?"

Naruto wrapped his coat and looked at the snowflakes on the deck and said depressedly.

The weather on the Great Route can change, and the same is true in the New World. It was still hot in summer, but just ten minutes later, snowflakes began to fall.

This hot and cold weather made Naruto unbearable.

Shen Wen didn't feel anything, he himself was a body that was invulnerable to cold and heat, and changes in the external environment could not affect him.

"This is the great route, and the weather changes very quickly."

Shen Wen said unhurriedly, standing on the deck, he could already see that there was a ship sailing ahead.

"Naruto, Shen Wen! You are here! Hee hee..."

On the other warship, when Luffy saw Shen Wen and Naruto, he immediately showed a silly smile.

"Ah, Luffy, the weather here is really unpleasant."

Shen Wen and the two came to Luffy's boat, and Naruto complained, as for the boat when they came?It has already returned to the navy headquarters.

"Hee hee, the weather on the Great Route is interesting, isn't it?"

Luffy didn't care, but thought it was fun.

Naruto rolled his eyes, this ghost weather, only you will find it interesting.

The New World was originally the site of the Four Emperors, but now the Four Emperors have been killed, and there are no new pirates to make up for it. As a result, the New World site has become larger, but the combat power is scarce.

Therefore, the navy moved to the new world in a timely manner, established a lot of naval bases, and controlled a large number of sites in the new world.

The other two Four Emperors, Red Hair and Bigmom, didn't fare well either.

Without Whitebeard and Kaido, they are just two emperor-level combat powers, and they are also in jeopardy in the face of the continuous advancement of the navy.

Now the navy has plans to completely eliminate the emperor-class pirates, but because of the orders of the World Government and the Five Old Stars, there has been no action.

Therefore, Luffy and their adventures in the new world can be described as smooth sailing. Except for the weather of the great route, there are no other enemies.

"The world government, they probably won't be very happy to see the pirates disappear."

Shen Wen looked at the sea, and the world government obviously didn't want the pirates to disappear completely. After all, with pirates, they would be able to hold the navy, and they could also restrain all affiliated and non-affiliated countries.

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And without the pirates, the navy would probably immediately clash with the world government.

After all, the navy believes in justice, and many things in the world government are not visible, not to mention the greatest evil, the existence of Tianlong people.

But now this situation has exceeded the expectations of the world government. After all, without the checks and balances of the four emperors, it is only a matter of time before the navy will wipe out all the pirates in the world.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Luffy stood beside him and looked at Shen Wen suspiciously. It was impossible for his simple head to understand what Shen Wen said.

But don't understand, follow Luffy's own path and move forward freely.


"By the way, I can open a new world again, should I go on an adventure in a new world?"

Shen Wen did not answer Luffy's question, but changed the subject.

"New world? What kind of new world?"

Naruto also ran over and asked curiously.

"No matter what kind of world it is, I have to go and take risks!"

Luffy is much simpler, and he directly expresses his excitement to take an adventure in the past.

"I don't know what the world is, so let's open it up and see."

Before the space-time channel was opened, Shen Wen didn't know what world would be on the other side.

Moreover, Shen Wen used to open the time and space channel in the ninja world, and now he wants to try to open the channel in a different world if it will have any effect.

Or will there be any difference.

Coming to the deck on the bow, Shen Wen directly opened a new space-time channel, a black channel appeared, gradually became transparent, and you could see the situation on the opposite side.

It is also a vast sea, and it is still uncertain what kind of world it is.

"There is no change in the space-time channel, it seems that the ship is used as a carrier."

Shen Wen looked at the space-time passage in front of him, and did not leave the deck because of the sailing of the warship. It seemed that it was fixed on the deck and moved with the movement of the hull.Several.

Chapter 116

"What world is on the other side?"

Naruto and Luffy both came over and asked curiously.

"I don't know, I can only see the boundless sea."

Shen Wen said helplessly, the opposite is a sea, and there is not even a fish, how can he know what world is on the opposite side.

"Don't you know? Then let's go and have a look."

Luffy is about to drive the warship into the space-time channel and go to another world to explore.

"The situation on the other side is still unclear. We can't let so many people pass by. Let's go over and check first."

Naruto quickly stopped Luffy's impulsive move.

It's better to be careful with this kind of thing.

"OK then."

Luffy found a small boat, and the three put the boat on the other side of the passage, and then prepared to explore.

However, they just came to the other side of the passage, and immediately encountered huge waves coming from the side.

"what's going on?"

Shen Wen quickly closed the space-time channel, and the boat rose to the highest point of the waves under the waves.

"I don't know, but Luffy, hurry up."

Shen Wen didn't know what the current situation was, but the current situation didn't give them much time to think.

The three of them could only follow the boat along the waves, ignorant of their destination.

"Look at the front, are you familiar with it?"

Suddenly Naruto pointed to the front and said that the boat was at the top of the big waves, but it calmed down and moved forward steadily.

"It's the Navy Headquarters!"

Shen Wen was stunned. In front of him was the familiar Crescent Moon Bay, on which was the naval headquarters. On the other side of Crescent Moon Bay, the same big waves were constantly approaching.

"Ah, are we back again?"

Luffy looked ahead, feeling a little depressed. He didn't expect that after a lap, they actually came back. It was a waste of time.

"It's not the navy headquarters of your world, it's the navy headquarters of another world."

Naruto understands a little bit. After all, he has seen several parallel worlds. After seeing this naval headquarters, he immediately reacted.


A series of question marks appeared on Luffy's small head. He really didn't know what Naruto meant.

What the naval headquarters of this world, the naval headquarters of another world, I don't understand at all.

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