Sun Wukong naturally sensed it, and flew to the battle location with Shen Wen.

"Boren, here we come."

Shen Wen fell to the blogger's side.

"what is this?"

Sun Wukong held a small unmanned aircraft with a sense of technology in his hand and watched it repeatedly.

"Uncle Shen Wen, you are here, look and help my father."

Boren didn't have time to look at what Sun Wukong was holding, and anxiously wanted Shen Wen to help Naruto.

And now Naruto is fighting, he has entered the nine-tailed fairy fox mode, and is fighting a woman with one punch and one kick.

The two fought very fiercely, and the bloggers were not strong enough to intervene in such a battle at all.

But in the eyes of Shen Wen and Sun Wukong, this kind of combat power is really boring, and the speed and strength of a punch and a kick are too far apart.

"who are they?"

With black hair and looking more mature than the blogger, Chuanmu looked at Shen Wen and asked suspiciously.

"Oh, they came to help us from other worlds."

The blogger briefly explained the origins of Shen Wen and the two, and now is not the time to introduce them in detail.

"Don't be nervous about bloggers, now, Naruto still has the upper hand."

Shen Wen watched the battle between the two. Although it seemed that Naruto was being suppressed, it was still a battle of physical skills, and Naruto obviously still had room to spare.

The one who invaded Konoha was the inner circle member of the shell organization, the biochemical man Diruda.

As a member of the inner formation of the shell organization, Diruda's power is very terrifying. His eyes are scientific ninja tools, which can absorb ninjutsu and chakra, and his legs can regenerate infinitely.

And it can be freely deformed. It is a very terrifying weapon, and there is a core scroll behind it, which can be connected to other bodies, and the body she is using now is a body.

Boom boom boom!

Diruda's legs were deformed, leaving huge potholes on the ground, his body flew into the sky, and his feet became longer, just like Luffy's rubber attack.

Naruto's body turned into an orange light and shadow and shuttled through his long legs, avoiding Diruda's attack.

"Melting Escape Spiral Shuriken!"

Since the battle was taking place right next to Konoha Village, Naruto couldn't use the celestial magic, the fusion dungeon, and the spiral shuriken to the extent that it could destroy the sacred tree.

Only a small spiral shuriken can be used to directly blow up Diruda's legs.

But such an attack was useless, and Diruda's legs returned to normal in an instant.

"It's amazing, this recovery ability is too powerful."

Sun Wukong looked at Diruda and exclaimed, in the Dragon Ball world, only the Muppets have such a recovery ability.

Even Piccolo didn't recover so quickly.

Of course, Diruda's recovery must also have limitations, or it requires Chakra, or requires corresponding core energy, and cannot be recovered indefinitely.

After all, Diruda is not infinite energy.

But even so, it is very difficult, and Naruto needs to spend a lot of hands and feet to defeat Diruda without killing her.

Of course, it is not so easy for Diruda to defeat Naruto. After all, Naruto has a tailed beast Chakra bodyguard, which is rough and thick and recovers quickly, and it is not so easy to be defeated.

If it weren't for the concern of the nearby Konoha Village, Diruda would not be Naruto's opponent at all.

"No, I'm going to help Dad!"

Bo Ren couldn't stand next to him, so he rushed up and hit Diruda with the disappearing spiral pill, trying to help the celebrity.

Originally, Diruda could detect the attack of Boren with the help of a small plane in the sky.

But now that the small plane was in the hands of Sun Wukong, she naturally couldn't detect Boren's attack, and couldn't absorb the spiral pill in time, and was hit in the back firmly.

However, as a transformed person, Diruda has no problem with the strength of her body. The attack of this spiral pill just shattered her clothes, revealing large areas of snow-white skin.

And the missing triangular drone trace on the back.

"It reminded me of a good idea."

Diruda looked back at Bo Ren, thinking of a note in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. .

Chapter 142

As for the extra Shen Wen and Sun Wukong, they were not in Diruda's eyes at all. Even if there were two extra people, they were just Konoha's trash ninjas.

You must know that even Konoha's Hokage is not her opponent, so why worry about Konoha's ninja?

But why is the thing in the black-haired hedgehog's hand so familiar?

"Isn't that my drone?"

Diruda finally recognized it, and in the hands of Sun Wukong is her core drone.

That thing is her core, and it contains her core data. If you don't have a body, you can make another one, and then revive it through the core drone.

But if the core drone doesn't, it's really dead.

"Hey, is this thing yours? I watched it fly into the sky, and I thought no one wanted it."

Sun Wukong looked at Diruda and felt a little embarrassed. After all, he took other people's things and was discovered by others. He was really embarrassed.


Looking at Sun Wukong's smiling face, Diruda suddenly became annoyed.

"Don't think that if you happen to get my drone, you can threaten me. I can solve it in one fell swoop like you."

Diruda quickly rushed in front of Sun Wukong, kicked out his long legs and kicked Sun Wukong's head.

"What do you mean? I'm not going to threaten you."

Sun Wukong raised his arm and blocked Diruda's attack lightly.

But Diruda's words made him frown, he didn't expect to threaten others with what he was holding.

"Since it's yours, I'll give it back to you."

Sun Wukong reached out and threw the drone over. He was not interested in this kind of technological thing, and he would not want to explore what it was.

Diruda was a little stunned when she saw that Sun Wukong returned the core drone to her so easily, but he still quickly reached out to catch his core drone.

It's a pity that Sun Wukong didn't know what it was, but Shen Wen knew it, a Vientiane Heavenly Guide, sucked the core drone over.

"This thing is very important to you, so I can't give it back to you so easily."

Shen Wen took Diruda's core drone, which is her lifeline. With the core drone, Diruda can continue to live.

"Damn bug, give it back to me!"

Diruda changed his target and rushed towards Shen Wen, his long legs changed form, turned into a long knife, and cut to Shen Wen's head.


Shen Wen's shot was not as restrained as Sun Wukong's, and he directly kicked Diruda's deformed foot with one kick, and kicked her in the stomach, kicking Diruda upside down and flying out.

"Shen Wen, why are you here?"

Diruda flew out, and Naruto finally noticed the arrival of Shen Wen and Sun Wukong.

"It's the blogger who said you've encountered a new enemy, so let us come and help."

Shen Wen said simply.

He came here to help, while Sun Wukong was simply itchy. He wanted to fight and watch the battles of people from other worlds.

"It turns out to be like this. In fact, you don't use it. It's the blogger who makes a fuss. I can handle it."

Naruto nodded, then glanced at Bo Ren. In this situation, he can handle it without any need for foreign aid.

"Don't be brave, you can also feel the strength of your opponent. I told you before that the Otsutsugi clan is terrible."

Shen Wen patted Naruto, he knew that Naruto just didn't want to trouble him.

He had said before about the relationship between the shell organization and the Otsutsugi clan, and now Naruto has really met them.

"I mean it, I haven't shown my strength yet, I'm just warming up now."

A confident expression appeared on Naruto's face. He had heard Shen Wen's information about the Otsutsuki clan before.

Naturally, preparations were made during this period of time, so how could it be exactly the same as before?

"Hokage, we already know your power clearly, you can't become stronger at all."

Diruda ruthlessly demolished the stage next to him, but they had all the information about Naruto Naruto, and they were clear about his fighting power.

Although very powerful, their shell organization is still able to deal with it.

"Naruto, let's see your new power."

Shen Wen looked at Diruda, isn't this a good opponent?

Just right to show off Naruto's new power.


Naruto nodded and faced Diruda again, and in his chakra coat, nine tails actually grew out.

".々 That's..."

Shen Wen was stunned for a moment. This scene looked familiar, but he didn't dare to confirm it for a while.

"It's a devil fruit! It turns out that Dad still has such power!"

Bo Ren was shocked, even he didn't know that Naruto even had the power of Devil Fruit.

"This is the research result of Orochimaru. The artificial devil fruit really made his research successful, and it is a devil fruit without side effects."

Naruto turned back and explained to Bo and Shen Wen.

Research on artificial devil fruits has been going on for a long time, and it is a research co-chaired by Orochimaru and Vega Punk.

It also joins Bulma and powerful scientists from various worlds, and now there has been a huge improvement.

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