The sea is not always calm.

By this time, Suzuki had already taken all his belongings and followed a merchant ship on its way to Maggu Island.

Today is the fifth day of sailing, and we will soon reach the destination of this time, Magnetic Drum Island.

Magnetic Drum Island is one of the seven initial routes closer to Mount Upside Down than Alabastan.

From Cape Gemini on Upside Down Mountain, if the first stop is to walk the Whiskey Peak, the second stop is the small garden, and then choose to go to Seisha Island, you can also change the route to Magnetic Drum Island, or you can even go directly to Alabastan. In the past few days,

from the clear sky when he left Alabastan at the beginning, to the wind and rain halfway through the voyage, and now to the rain, snow and hail, Suzuki has experienced a change of seasons in just a few days.

But it is also normal, Magnetic Drum Island is Winter Island, the Sun Island where Alabastan is located, and you know Summer Island when you hear the name.

Although in the initial route of the first half of the Great Route, Magnetic Drum Island and Alabastan were one after the other, the distance between the two islands was much farther than it appeared on the map.

After a while, the magnetic drum island arrived.

Suzuki put on the down jacket he had bought in advance, said goodbye to the fleet, and set foot on this icy island.


"Huh... Phew~"

Suzuki walks on the magnetic drum island, the ground is full of thick ice and snow, every step will have deep footprints, every breath will turn into white fog, the weather here is indeed quite cold!

Suzuki walked unhurriedly on the way to the royal capital of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and the reason why he chose to come here this time was for the Devil Fruit that existed here - the Superhuman line. Swallowing the fruit As

early as the time of Alabastan, Suzuki got news about the magnetic drum island.

In addition to the ice and snow common on Winter Island, the most famous of this island is the doctor, and why do these doctors gather on Magnetic Drum Island?

This has to talk about the current king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom - Valkyrita, this is the father of the tyrannical king - Valpo that Luffy met more than twenty years later.

Valkyrista is not very good in terms of character, but he is quite ambitious and far-sighted king.

Decades ago, Valkyrita got a batch of extremely valuable medical books from nowhere, and then used these books to attract many doctors to Magnetic Drum Island.

And after successfully joining the world government, and even later his son dared to bully Princess Vivi of Alabastan, if the current king is arrogant and ambitious, then the later Valpo is cruel and stupid.

Suzuki has his own speculation about the origin of those books:

There is a hundred-year-old doctor on Magnetic Drum Island, Dr. Kureha, who is relatively low-key, but is still known by Valkyrieta. Then he was

a soft and hard bubble, although because he was afraid of the strength of this old monster, he did not dare to come hard,

and failed to invite Dr. Kuleiha out of the mountain, but he still took advantage of Dr. Kuleiha's sense of responsibility as a doctor and got almost all medical books.

Of course, the twist around Suzuki does not care very much, his purpose is the Devil Fruit.

Not long ago, Suzuki, who was still in Alabastan, received news that Valkyrita, the king of Magnetic Drum Island, had spent a lot of money on a devil fruit, supposedly to treat his son Valpo's anorexia.

This news surprised Suzuki, but he was not sure whether it was true or not, and maybe by the time he got the news, the devil fruit had already been eaten by Valpo.

However, the limelight in the port was too conspicuous some time ago, so Suzuki decided to take a look.

"Hello, is there a hotel here?"

Suzuki had braved the wind and snow to walk to the village at the foot of the royal capital, and asked a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties, also wrapped in a cotton jacket. The

middle-aged man's face looked a little stunned:

"Hotel? Here I am!

"Huh? You this?

Suzuki looked at the wooden house in front of him suspiciously, it was plain, and it was no different from other houses in the village.

It seems to see Suzuki's doubts, the middle-aged man also looked at it, and then smiled a little embarrassed: "

Hahahaha, sorry, sorry, the snow is too big, my hotel sign fell down again and was covered~"

After speaking, the middle-aged man walked to the door of the wooden house, his right hand pulled on the ground covered with thick snow, and after a while, he found a wooden signboard and inserted it hard in front of the door.

Suzuki silently watched as he re-fiddled with the signboard, thinking in his heart how to start asking about the Devil Fruit.

"Young man, are you going to stay in the hotel?"

The middle-aged man turned to ask Suzuki.

"Ah, yes, stay. How many Baileys a day?

"Hahaha, it's not expensive or expensive, five hundred Baileys a day, only 10,000 a month, and three meals!"

"Okay, boss, I'll pack it for a month."

"Hahaha, come in young man, I'll go and pour you a cup of hot water."

Later, Suzuki followed the boss into the hotel, the first floor of the hotel was decorated like a hotel, Suzuki randomly chose a window seat and sat down.

After a while, the innkeeper came to Suzuki with a cup of hot water and said with a smile:

"Come, warm up, if you want wine, I can also give you a hot spot."

Suzuki took the hot water, thanked the innkeeper, and then held it in his hand to warm his hands, while saying as if casually:

"Boss, there are so many doctors here, are there many people who come here for treatment?"

The innkeeper smiled and replied,

"Of course, since decades ago, there have been more and more people here, and many of them have been cured and settled here."

Suzuki appropriately showed a curious expression:

"It's really good, boss, then none of you locals are sick, or can you be easily cured when you are sick?"

At this time, the boss showed a look on his face why are you so naïve, and shook his hand:

"How is it possible? It is indeed cheaper for us to get sick, but we also have a lot of diseases here that are difficult to cure, and many of those patients have to stay on the island for long-term treatment. There are also some diseases that even those doctors can't help, like..."

The boss looked at Suzuki with some desire to speak, and Suzuki saw his concern in time.

"Don't worry, boss, I'm not a journalist. Besides, how can any disease in this world be cured? So where is the word terminal illness, you say?

The boss thought about it, there was nothing he couldn't say, even if he didn't say it, Suzuki would still know what he should have known if he lived here for a few days. So he continued:

"Just like the old pirate in the west of the village, he was strong when he came, and now half a year has passed, and he has lost his skin and bones."

"And the previous house had a merchant who lived there before, he was not very old, he looked like he was thirty or forty years old, I didn't know what strange illness he had, and he left a few days after coming."

"And..." The boss

became more and more energetic, and then Suzuki cooperated with a look of seriousness, sympathy, or sighing, until the boss began to say:

"And our prince you know, anorexia, but so many doctors can't cure it, no, not long ago the king bought a devil fruit back, but he also didn't eat it."

"Hey, this man, if he has a bad appetite, he is not in a good mood, not to mention that the prince has a short temper, and now he is even more irritable, and I heard that he also killed a servant who sent the devil fruit past."

When Suzuki heard this, a flash of essence flashed in his eyes...

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