Magnetic Drum Peak, the royal capital of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom at an altitude of more than five kilometers.

Suzuki came here with Robbie, who was delivering food, and he watched Robbie greet the guards and servants of various kingdoms all the way~

Yes, Suzuki is now an apple.

As early as when he heard Robbie laughing with the people in the tavern, Suzuki speculated that he was a money-loving person, and after that, he watched Robbie

buy food, and also followed by a food that Robbie bought - apples.

Then he deliberately bumped into Robbie, and took advantage of his inattention to run to the end of the corner to throw away the apple, transforming himself into an apple and staying in place.

Although there was a threat that he expected, it was impossible to give the money, and if Robbie really ran to buy it for fear of getting the food dirty and got scolded by the king, it would be worth the loss.

Suzuki had followed Robbie all the way to the warehouse next door to Valpo's room.

As the crown prince of Magnetic Drum Island, he is also sick, and safety should naturally be taken seriously.

At this time, in front of the door of Valpo's room, there was a kingdom guard who was not weak.

"Ah, Captain, hello, I'm here to bring food to the prince~"

Robbie said with a courteous and flattering smile on his face.

"Wait? Stand here and don't move! Let me see. This is the captain of the

royal capital guard of the Kingdom of Magnetic Drum Island-Arsala Kormi, who is an animal line-snow leopard fruit ability, and his strength is quite good.

"Huh? Captain? Okay, okay..."

Robbie stood in front of the door a little bewildered.

Suzuki silently converged his breath, this level of character is still difficult for him to defeat now, let alone this is the palace of the royal capital on Magnetic Drum Island.

At this time, Arsala Kormie inexplicably felt that something was wrong, but did not know where it was, so he let Robbie

stand in place, and he stepped forward to carefully examine Robbie and the food he transported, but he felt that there was nothing abnormal.

Arsala Colmi frowned and looked at it for about a minute, and finally realized that he might be thinking too much, waved his hand, and let Robbie carry the food into the warehouse next door.

That's why Suzuki didn't transform into Robbie.

The current Magnetic Drum Island is different from more than twenty years later, whether it is prosperity, military strength, and strength of the strong, it is more powerful than in the Valpo period. During the Valpo period, there

were only three Devil Fruit abilities on Magnetic Drum Island, one was Valpo's own devouring fruit, one was Valpo's cousin Mshuru's fungus fruit, and the other was the bison fruit of Dalton, captain of the Guardian of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

In the current Valkyrista period, although there are only two Devil Fruit abilities, the strength of these people is much stronger than that of Valpo.

Whether it is the current captain of the Wangdu Guard, Arsala Colmi, or another person with much stronger abilities than him, he has a record of single-handedly defeating the 30 million Bailey Pirates who attacked Magnetic Drum Island. It is a

kingdom and a medical country, and Suzuki is not surprised to have this strength, and even expected it earlier.

But after all, it was only the first half of the great voyage, and although the captain of the guard who could not even be domineering noticed something, he could not find out what was wrong.

In this way, Suzuki smoothly infiltrated the royal capital, and it was next door to Valpo. However, he

couldn't relax too much, the warehouse was only separated from the captain of the guard outside the door, and if there was a little strange movement, he could break in at any time. There was silence outside the warehouse, and

Suzuki in the warehouse also quietly maintained the transformation technique,

with his current amount of chakra, the amount of chakra consumed by transforming into an apple is not very much, and it can be maintained for about several hours.

Remembering what the innkeeper said that he would go back to eat at seven o'clock in the evening, Suzuki silently estimated the time, and it should be about an hour before seven o'clock. Tick ~

Tick ~


Time walked slowly, Suzuki had turned into an apple for more than two hours, he was an apple transformed around six o'clock, and now, it was already half past eight.

Suzuki finally heard movement outside the door.

At this time, the captain of the guard team seemed to be talking to someone.

"Reid, you guys are standing here for a while, I'll go have a meal and come back later."

This is the voice of Arsala Colmi, captain of the guard.

"Yes, Captain!"

Several different accents replied in unison.

Suzuki waited cautiously for another two or three minutes, and only a few different guards were outside the door talking, and

just when Suzuki felt that he could lift the Transfiguration and rest for a while, the door of the warehouse suddenly opened!

Arsala Kirmi, captain of the guard, walked into the warehouse, his brows furrowed, his eyes sharply inspected the warehouse that had always remained silent, and the various foods that were still piled up around him, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face:

"It seems that I really overthought it."

The guard captain, Arsala Colmi, then walked out of the warehouse and closed the door.

The only sounds outside the door were those few conversations with different accents.

Suzuki was a little surprised and appreciative in his heart, this captain of the Guardian of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom was indeed a pretty good character.

However, Suzuki still has some speculation about whether this departure is a repetition of his old skills.

Some people may feel that they must keep quiet, and the captain of the guard may not have left.

Or some people may think that the captain of the guard is really gone, but he just wants to scare something wrong that he doesn't know if there is.

But Suzuki knew that this captain of the guard not only did not leave, but even did not go out of the warehouse!

Although I heard the footsteps leaving, heard the closing of the warehouse, and even heard the growing laughter outside the door...

Although Suzuki has changed from transforming into an apple to converge breath, he can't even see it until now, but he already has a character profile of the captain of the guard team in his mind.

Think about the surrounding environment and Arsala Kirmi's position, in fact, the answer is obvious~ The captain of the

guard team eats three meals a day, in fact, it is solved in this warehouse where a lot of food is stored, and he will not go to any dining room to eat!


Tick...... Time was still

passing slowly, almost five minutes later, and the warehouse was still silent.

Suddenly~ "


"Hmm~ This frozen melon is actually quite delicious." The voice of the

captain of the guard, Arsala Kormi, sounded inside the warehouse.

Then there was the sound of sitting on the ground, followed by a rapid bite, and after a while, a full burp, another footstep leaving, and finally the door of the warehouse clicked open again, and closed again...

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