Pirate World, desert island.

Suzuki has been eating picnics for a month in a row. He

tried to eat the few fruits in the forest several times, and finally chose the original apple as an after-dinner dessert. On the coast of the

desert island, a variety of seafood crawls out on the beach.

From time to time, he would catch some animals in the forest or pick up a few unknown bird eggs.

During his month on a desert island, he still maintained about ten hours of training every day!

Then, spend hours blowing a slightly fishy sea breeze on the beach, waiting for the boat,

as a relaxation and a break after training.

To sleep, Suzuki built

a simple wooden house on the edge of the forest with barely usable planks from the broken stern.

I have to say that the weather in Pirate World is really changeable!

During this month, Suzuki experienced sunny days with temperatures of almost 50 degrees Celsius, as well as storms like heavy floods in the sky, and when he

slept, he was awakened by a sudden sudden drop in temperature and a roof crushed by snowflakes.

I even encountered a hailstorm once...

Such strange weather also made Suzuki determine that this desert island is probably not located in the four seas, but on the Great Shipping Road.

I just don't know, whether it's in the paradise in the first half or in the new world in the second half... Today, the

thirty-fifth day of Suzuki's stay on a desert island,

he went to the shore as usual, after the completion of his training program, waiting for the boat that could take him off the desert island.

After still waiting for a few hours, just as Suzuki was about to turn around and leave the beach, a

small black dot appeared on the turquoise blue sea! The little black dot gradually grew bigger,

"This is ???。。。 Vessels!

Suzuki was slightly surprised.

"Finally waited!" However, he

did not choose to ask for help directly, because he did not know whether it was a merchant ship, a naval warship, or a pirate ship.

If the first two are okay, if it is a pirate ship, in this sea area that may be a great voyage, whether it is a paradise or a new world, he does not have the strength to kill the pirates head-on.

So, Suzuki took out a few stones that had been prepared long ago and polished into bitterness from his trouser pocket, and a branch that had been sharpened to a point, and slowly approached the reef, using the reef as a cover, and calmly watched the gradually getting larger ship.

Gradually, the ships got closer and closer to the desert island.......

Suzuki saw clearly, there is no pirate flag, and it does not look like a warship, it is a merchant ship! However, the

merchant ship seemed to be preparing to go directly to the next island, but after it approached the deserted island, it did not get closer, but gradually moved away.

Suzuki quickly jumped onto the reef from behind it, tore off part of his shirt and hung it on a branch, making a flagpole and shaking it towards the merchant ship...

Over there, the merchant ship seemed to see Suzuki on the reef, and after staying in place for a while, a very small wooden ship headed towards the desert island.......

The small wooden boat soon arrived on the desert island, there was only a middle-aged man on board, very tall, roughly estimated to be almost three meters, with a large waist and a rough appearance. Stopping when the small wooden boat

was still some distance from the shore, the middle-aged crew did not disembark, but sat in the small wooden boat, looking at Suzuki with some vigilance on their faces.

Seeing this, Suzuki quietly put the stone back in his trouser pocket, then jumped off the reef with a flagpole and slowly walked towards the small wooden boat.

When there was still about ten meters left, the tall and powerful middle-aged crew member called to Suzuki:

"Stop! Yes, don't come over yet!

The tall and mighty middle-aged crew seemed to be a little uneasy about Suzuki.

"You, are you a pirate?"

Suzuki understood his vigilance. So he replied very cheerfully:

"No, I'm not a pirate, just an ordinary person!" I encountered heavy rainstorms, blizzards, and now I have no companions in this world, and I have been alone on this desert island for a long time. The

middle-aged crew member looked at Suzuki with a hint of youthful appearance, and breathed a sigh of relief, probably believing it. So he shouted at Suzuki: "Sorry, come up, child, you know, the sea is dangerous and not calm, we have to learn to protect ourselves!"

With gratitude, Suzuki replied to the middle-aged crew: "Thank you!" Soon, Suzuki got on the small wooden boat, and

after getting closer, he saw Suzuki's appearance of being a teenager at most, and the middle-aged crew completely let down their vigilance, and the small wooden boat rowed towards the merchant ship. Soon, the

small wooden boat rowed near the merchant ship, followed by the middle-aged crew, and Suzuki also boarded the merchant ship together.

After getting on board, the middle-aged crew briefly introduced Suzuki to the companions on the merchant ship, and Suzuki also thanked everyone!

Subsequently, the merchant ship continued to sail on the vast sea.......

On deck, Suzuki was blowing the sea breeze, smelling the faint smell of the sea, and some crew members were fishing with fishing rods and talking and laughing.

Listening to the conversations of the crew on the merchant ship, he probably learned some new information about the world of pirates.

It seems that the desert island where he lived for a month is actually not far from Alabastan.

It should be July 5, 1496, more than a year after the great battle between the Golden Lion and Roger, the Battle of Edward, written in the newspaper he read. The merchant ship

was a merchant ship from the maritime city of Water to Alabastan, and it is unclear what it sells, but Suzuki guesses that it should be related to fresh water.

There is also the big thing that happened this year, the famous Roger Pirates added another crew member, and according to news reports, that crew member seemed to be on the Whitebeard Pirates before!

The news even swore that the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates had long formed an alliance in private!

And then there are rumors and gossip-esque news.

For example, Tom, the world's number one shipbuilder in their water capital, seems to have a close relationship with a very beautiful mermaid sister!

At the same time, the child in their water capital who loves to make trouble and likes to do strange things, named French, seems to be valued by Master Tom and may be accepted as a disciple!

Also, where they went this time, it is said that the crown prince of Alabastan, Nafirutali Kobra, refused his father's order to concubine for the fifth time, and said that he would always love his princess Nafirutali Titi alone!

Then there's some ordinary little things. For example, whose dog gave birth, who whose cat went to the neighbor's house to steal food, who planted pumpkins that grew particularly well this year........

Suzuki all stood by and listened quietly, including the so-called parental short, some trivial things, and big words that he knew were bragging when he heard them.

Not long after, the captain of the merchant ship came to the deck. The captain is an old man,

with black hair, about one meter nine meters tall, wearing a dark blue coat, obviously an old man, but he looks more rough than those crew members.

And he is walking towards Suzuki at the moment.

"Haha, hello, I'm the captain of this ship - Ethan." Old Captain Ethan held out a hand to Suzuki.

"Hello, Captain Ethan, my name is Suzuki." Suzuki shook hands with the elderly captain named Ethan.

"I know, little Suzuki. Our dinner is about to be ready, let's go get some together. How is it? Old Captain Ethan invited Suzuki.

"Well, thank you! But now I don't have any money on me. Suzuki replied a little embarrassed.

"Hmph, look, it's all these lazy guys, fishing in the sea." Old Captain Ethan pointed at a certain waist-thick crew member who was pulling up the rod hard.

"Hurry up, this fish must be big! Captain, I'll send you to the galley later!" "A crew member is pulling a bent rod.

Old Captain Ethan immediately roared, "The kitchen can't fit anymore!" Bastard!

"Hey, Captain, don't say that! We're feeding you." Some of the other crew members on deck who were sitting fishing laughed in response.

Old Captain Ethan looked back at Suzuki helplessly: "These stinky boys are so unspeakable," he

said, as if he was nostalgic for something: "Hmph, when I was still in the Navy..."

Along the way, Suzuki listened to the nostalgic words of the old captain Ethan and came to the restaurant.

After eating, the old captain Ethan told Suzuki that they had about three days to sail before the next island, Alabastan.

He asked Suzuki if he wanted to disembark there, and if he needed to go home, he could speak to a partner at the port or the navy.

Suzuki said he was alone now, so it would be good to disembark in Alabastan.

Soon, three days passed, and Alabastan was close at hand.......

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