Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 109 The Great Ape JinchūRiki (Part 2)

Chapter 109 The Great Ape Jinchūriki (Part 2)


I saw that Naruto's face began to become hideous like that of Little Wukong, and his limbs also grew fangs and claws. Then his body began to grow gradually, with thick long hairs growing from all parts of his body. It popped out, and after a while, it was covered with long hair and turned into a hairy man. The muscles on its body also began to expand rapidly at an incredible speed, and even grew a strong and thick tail.

Not a moment later, a giant ape the size of a small mountain appeared in the field of vision of Sasuke and others.

Poor Orochimaru was held in the hands of the great ape, and his long white neck was like a small maggot in the hands of the great ape.

His proud ninjutsu has no effect in front of the giant ape, and he can't even attract the attention of the giant ape.

"What kind of monster is this?" Orochimaru only felt that his neck was about to be crushed, and his whole brain was shaken into chaos by the giant ape.

‘Isn’t Uzumaki Naruto Nine Tails Jinchūriki? Nine Tails turned into orangutans? Or is this Four Tails? '

"Sasuke, are you okay?" Little Sakura quickly supported Sasuke and brought him to a relatively safe place. The giant python that confronted her before was caught by Orochimaru and tried to save the Lord, but was trampled to death by the giant ape.

"Orochimaru! What did you do to Naruto?" Sasuke didn't appreciate it. He pushed the little Sakura away, resisting the pain in his shoulder, and shouted angrily at Orochimaru who was being carried by the giant ape.

His inner anger outweighed his physical pain at the moment.

In Sasuke's vision, he clearly saw that Orochimaru's head flew to Naruto's side, and Naruto turned into a great ape. Combined with the curse mark on his neck, in his opinion, Naruto's transformation into a gorilla was caused by Orochimaru.

As Sasuke's emotions continued to agitate, a series of black runes emerged from Orochimaru's tooth marks, and the runes spread all over Sasuke's body at an extremely fast speed.

The Curse Seal of Heaven, the latest research result of Orochimaru.

It can enhance the physical fitness of the curse-sealer to a certain extent.

A degraded version of Sage Mode.

For ordinary ninjas, this is a good BUFF, but the risk factor is high, but it is not very helpful for Sasuke at this time.

"Get out! Go back! Go!" Sasuke sensed the abnormality, and at this moment he only felt extremely angry, clenched his teeth, and squeezed out these three words from between his teeth. The aura on his body soared by more than double, and the three hook jades in his eyes also began to spin wildly.

Orochimaru's proud seal of the heavenly curse shrank back little by little under Sasuke's roar.

It's not over yet, I saw that the hooks in Sasuke's eyes turned faster and faster, almost connecting together.

In his rage, he burst out with unimaginable power.

The giant ape began to beat his chest incessantly, and let out a roar that shook the sky. The terrifying aura intertwined with death and destruction continued to emanate from him, stirring layer by layer, and the entire forest of death trembled. Except for the ninjas in the forest, All the creatures in the room seemed to have sensed it, and they all lay motionless in place.

And all the sensing ninjas within a radius of tens of miles sensed the aura of the giant ape, and without exception, their whole bodies were shaking, and even a few timid ones fainted from fright.

That sense of hopeless oppression is simply not something human beings possess.

"Wooooo." The puppy on the top of Ya's head kept drilling into Ya's arms. While drilling, his whole body trembled and whimpered continuously. No matter how Ya was coaxed, it was useless. The peculiar smell of family animals.

Akamaru, who is a ninja dog, was scared to pee.

"Akamaru said it sensed a monster"

"My bad parasite also told me that something very scary has come out." Shino spread his hands, and dense black dots like sesame seeds appeared in his palms, which were dead bad parasites.

He was frightened to death just by feeling the breath of the giant ape.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata seemed to have a feeling in his heart, opened his eyes, and recognized the identity of the great ape after seeing the giant ape that was no longer humanoid.

Without saying a word, he ran towards the direction of the giant ape, and the teammates on the side had no time to stop him.

Even though her legs were trembling and she was extremely scared, the worry about Naruto in her heart overcame the fear.

The same is the same with Neji's class. Xiao Li and Neji are rushing towards Naruto's direction at a very fast speed.

"Ah, what is this?" Shukaku in Gaara's body suddenly yelled in his heart like a madman, frantically urging Gaara to leave the death forest immediately, and even threatened. It was the first time Gaara had seen this panicked look.

"There's something very scary coming out, hurry up and get out of here, you idiot."

Just when Gaara didn't know why, Gaara also sensed the terrifying aura emanating from the giant ape.

Kankuro discovered a fact that horrified him.

‘Gaara is trembling’

The same situation is still happening everywhere in the dead forest.

"That road drags!"

With Sasuke's last cry, the Sharingan in his eyes finally joined together, and a strange pattern appeared in his pupils.

However, Sasuke didn't know it at this time. He only wanted to break Orochimaru's technique and restore Naruto to normal.

I saw a strange six-pointed star shining red and constantly rotating in Sasuke's left eye.

'Existence. Analysis' a mechanical voice sounded in Sasuke's head.

'Can't understand? Can't understand! '

At this time, the giant ape as huge as a hill slowly stopped beating its chest. After looking around with bloody eyes, it waved lightly forward, and a strong wind swept in. The wind force generated by physics alone was ten With the effect of a super typhoon, it opened its mouth full of sharp teeth. In just a few seconds, an orange-yellow sphere gathered in the mouth.

'warn! warn! warn! '

‘Extremely high energy danger factor XXXXX detected, destroy.destroy. '


That mechanical voice kept echoing in Sasuke's mind.

Even without that voice warning, Sasuke could feel the terror of the energy in the mouth of the great ape, and he became more worried about Naruto in his heart.

Just when Sasuke was helpless, he heard the sound of chains being dragged on the ground. Before he could react, he saw black chains protruding from the navel of the giant ape, spreading out like spider webs, tightly entangled around the body of the giant ape.

Naruto's Adamantine Sealing Chains!

The dark chain exudes a breath that is not human, as if from the underworld of Jiuyou Hell. With the appearance of the pitch-black chains, the red in the eyes of the giant ape gradually faded until it disappeared, and the giant ape stood motionless with its head drooping like a flame-out robot.

But the terrifying aura that still emanates from him makes people shy away.

(end of this chapter)

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