Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 190 I Regained The Ten Tails

Chapter 190 I regained the Ten Tails

The story was divided into two parts. When Akatsuki organized a team to fight Cixian, Naruto had already quietly sneaked into the most important place in this underground base.

At this time, Naruto was floating above the altar with Wukong, looking down at the slug-like ten tails below, and Ten Tails also opened a big eye, looking at Naruto like a curious baby.

Apart from Cixian, it was the first time it saw other humans.

"Naruto, this is the Ten Tails you mentioned?" In the sealed space, Kurama looked at the shape of Ten Tails, and couldn't help complaining: "He is so ugly."

"Are you sure the old man and the other tailed beasts are made of this thing?"

Kurama said suspiciously, the nine tails behind him kept patting the ground of the sealed space, obviously he was very disappointed with the shape of Ten Tails.

"No, you are not differentiated from this Ten Tails, but another Ten Tails."

Kurama heaved a long sigh of relief after hearing the words: "The old man just said, how could such a handsome appearance of the old man be born of such an ugly thing."

"The other Ten Tails must be very Haki."

"No, the other one. Uglier"

Naruto is right about this point, neither the Gedo Statue nor the full body shape of the hermit crab-like Ten Tails are not as good-looking as the slug-like Ten Tails in front of him.

At first glance, the White Fang with a big bared face, big eyes on his forehead, body like a slug, and tentacles all over the back of his butt is really ugly, but after a long time, he will feel ugly and cute .

However, judging from the amount and size of Chakra on the Ten Tails in front of him, it seems that it is still a juvenile.

The amount of Chakra was a bit too small.

"Roar!" Perhaps impatiently being stared at, Ten Tails roared at Naruto.

Naruto asked, "Kurama what did he say?"

"He said. I don't know what he's talking about, and I can't understand." Kurama said angrily.

Naruto still didn't give up and said: "At any rate, you were also part of Ten Tails before, so you don't have any impression?"

"No." Kurama shook his head resolutely, and then looked at the Ten Tails with contempt: "How could this old man be a part of this beast. If he has the ability, let him fight this old man."

The current Kurama has unprecedented confidence.

Regardless of the fact that Kurama in Naruto's body is only the Yang half, after practicing with Kakarot and the others for a while, not only has his strength greatly increased, but he has also mastered the Yang Dun Chakra Mode.

He's stronger now than he was when he was intact.

Have you ever seen a fist as big as a mountain?

If anyone offends him, I will definitely show you the mysteries of muscle.

It really has been abused for so long.

"Then you come out?" Naruto proposed excitedly.

"Impossible!" Kurama resolutely refused without thinking: "You are a very bad guy, trying to trick this old man out."

Naruto: "."

"It said...it's hungry." Just as Kurama and Naruto were arguing, Kakarot suddenly said.


"Can you understand?"

"Hmm." Kakarot nodded, "Its pronunciation is similar to that of a leopard, but it is also similar to that of a saber-toothed tiger."

Naruto seemed to recall that Kakarot during the Dragon Ball adventure period seemed to have the ability to communicate with animals, but after the Z period, Kakarot did not show this ability again.

However, this ability was also passed on to his son Sun Gohan, so that Gohan could also communicate with little dinosaurs and little pine Xu when he was a child.

But this is definitely not a Saiyan talent, other Saiyans don't have this ability.

"Are you hungry? Can you understand me?"

I saw Ten Tails nodding humanely.

"Will you come with me if I feed you?"

One of the purposes of Naruto's coming here is to get rid of this Ten Tails.


Kakarot: "It said it would go with you if you could feed it."

"What does it eat? Chakra?" Naruto asked, feeding a young Ten Tails should still be easy.

There are not many Chakra Naruto, only a few hundred Chakra Naruto. It should not be enough to feed Ten Tails, but there is a lot of gas.

"Can you be angry?"

Naruto stretched out his right hand, and a translucent white light appeared in the palm of his hand.

I saw the slug-shaped Ten Tails staring at Naruto's palm, with a longing light shining in his big eyes.


"It says it can be absorbed, and I hope you give it to me sooner." Kakarot, as a ruthless translation machine, faithfully translated the meaning of Ten Tails.

"This is simple." Naruto said, gathering some energy in his palm, and gently pushed towards Ten Tails.


No qigong bombs were fired, otherwise only one dead Ten Tails would be harvested.


After receiving the blessing of Naruto ki, Ten Tails roared again. This time without Kakarot's translation, Naruto could hear the excitement in Ten Tails' cry.

The delivery volume of Naruto gas began to increase, half a layer, one layer. Until the level of two layers of gas was delivered, Ten Tails roared again.

"It says it's full, and if you eat too much it will cause indigestion."

Indigestion after eating too much gas? You are so weak, you are too weak.

Naruto said to Ten Tails: "Then according to the agreement, you can leave with me now."

"Roar!" Ten Tails yelled at Naruto again.

Kakarot: "It said that a strange stick was inserted into its body, and now it can't move and can only stay where it is."

Naruto heard the words and looked around, and found that there were indeed several black giant sticks sticking out of Ten Tails' ten tails and body.

The product of this kind of yin and yang escape technique, ordinary people cannot unravel it.

But that didn't bother Naruto.

A few qigong waves were thrown over, easily destroying the black giant stick.


The body of Ten Tails was freed from the control of the black stick, and he roared excitedly.

"Now, can you come with me?" Naruto extended an invitation to Ten Tails for the third time.

However, what answered him was a huge Tailed Beast Bomb.


Seeing that the Tailed Beast Bomb was easily dodged by Naruto, Ten Tails roared again.

"It said it was full, so it went back on its word. Before it changed its mind, let us leave quickly, or it would eat us all."

Kakarot faithfully translated the meaning of Ten Tails.

"So... it's breaking the contract?"

"Forget it, Ten Tails are also tailed beasts." Naruto rolled up his sleeves while talking: "It's still the most simple and direct way to communicate with tailed beasts."

Naruto hooked his finger at Ten Tails.

"Come on, have a fight!"

Boom, boom, boom

The heavy object hit the ground, making a dull sound.

One click, two clicks, three clicks, like someone wielding a sledgehammer.

"Yes, yes, give it a shoulder throw."

"Smack it in the eye, hit it in the eye, just like you hit me back then."

"Hey hey, cut it down! Pull its tail! Beat it harder!"

Along with the rhythmic vibration of the earth, Kurama's cheerful voice came from the sealed space.

Not only Nine Tails hurt the world, reach.

(end of this chapter)

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