Tsuchidai has a saying that is very correct, if something happens to the Yunyin envoy group in Konoha, it will definitely be a big blow to Konoha's reputation.

Unless you can accurately catch the evidence that Yunyin committed an incident in Konoha, otherwise Yunyin's gang is injured or even killed in Konoha, which is Konoha's incompetence in the eyes of the outside world.

Similarly, Nara Shikaku also knew that if the goal was not achieved, Yunyin's gang could really self-harm or even commit suicide in Konoha to plant Konoha.

And in the original, they did.

Tsuchidai smiled: "Although we Yunyin are the defeated side, but no matter how we say it, we are one of the five hidden villages, and now that we are threatened in Konoha, it should not be excessive to ask Naruto-sama to come and protect us." "

Just dragging the large army of the dark department can't satisfy Yunyin's appetite, they haven't forgotten the agreement that when they discussed with Ye Cang before, if they could drag the wave feng shui gate, they could be discounted.

"Just because of your group of defeated subordinates, you are also worthy of letting Naruto-sama come over to protect?" A dark part couldn't help but let out a mockery.

"Are you Konoha humiliating us? Want to fight? "Yunyin's side is not to be outdone.

"To tell the truth is to humiliate?"

"Stop arguing." Nara Shikaku saw that Tsuchidai did not mean to come out to stop it, so he interrupted and said: "Since you Yunyin are worried about being threatened, it doesn't matter, from now on, our dark department will protect you one-on-one."

Tutai frowned: "This is not good, if you want to come like this, you might as well directly say that you can monitor."

"How so." Nara Shikakupi said with a smile: "We are here to protect you closely, everyone is a ninja, you should be no stranger to this kind of escort task, so how to talk about surveillance." Hearing

Nara Shikahisa's mockery, Tsuchidai simply didn't pretend: "Since it's protection, it doesn't matter, but there are still fewer people, and the other party can hit a strong enemy in Konoha Village."

"It's okay, I'll tell the others to come over." Nara Shikaku responded dryly.

Although it has been said that Konoha is currently short of manpower, but that is because there are shifts, if you call the shift people over, the current people will hold on a little longer, there will still be a lot of manpower.

Tsuchidai snorted coldly and did not continue to speak, now this situation is the limit of what he can do, and then he can only rely on the big snake pill himself.

During the period of time when Tsuchidai and Nara Shikaku were fighting each other, Bofeng Shuimen, with the cooperation of other people who rushed to support, had already solved the puppet of the scorpion and the heart of Kakuto.

But nothing happened here, and he hadn't recovered from the siege just now.

"A few of you send the water back home, and the rest of the people start to investigate the traces of the big snake pill, and let the people of the Hyuga clan come and search together." Bofeng Shuimen commanded to everyone.


Everyone was about to carry out the order of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, when they heard a loud noise from the direction of the Hyuga Clan, and the huge ten thousand snakes came to Konoha with the psychic technique.

"Naruto-sama?" Several ninjas around waited for the Wave Feng Shui Gate to give them new orders.

"You guys continue to search, this may be a means by which the big snake pill misleads us, I can just go over and see for myself." Bofeng Shuimen quickly made a decision.



Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hinata was lying weakly on the ground looking at Orochimaru with an angry face, and Orochimaru was holding his daughter who had just been born not long ago, Hinata Hinata!

"Hey, Orochimaru, why is this Konoha, didn't you defect, I'll help you deal with the toads of Miaomu Mountain at most, I don't want to fight with Bofeng Shuimen." Ten Thousand Snakes looked around and then said.

The sound emanated from its huge body, causing the surrounding houses to begin to tremble.

"It's good that the immortals who can block Miaomu Mountain, but if they don't come, help me block the others." Orochimaru responded politely.

"That's okay, if you deal with the toads of Miaomu Mountain, you don't need to go to the offering, Lao Tzu has wanted to fight them for a long time."

He didn't let the big snake pill wait for a long time, and after a while, the Feng Shui Gate came to him.

"Long time no see, Watergate, how does the Hokage taste?" Orochimaru said hello.

"Patriarch Hinata and Hinata are okay." Bo Feng Shuimen asked rhetorically.

"It's not a big problem, Hinata just can't move for the time being, and if you can let us leave safely, Hinata won't have a problem." Orochimaru replied.

"I don't think a traitor's words have any credibility." Bofeng Shuimen stared at the big snake pill and said seriously.

"What do you say?" Orochimaru asked.

Hinata Hinata coughed twice, and then said slowly: "Please also ask Naruto-sama to take care of the safety of the little girl as much as possible, what losses Konoha has, the Hyuga clan is willing to bear it all." At

this time, Hinata had just been born, and Hinata Hiashi still had great expectations for her, plus the matter of the Uchiha clan was not leaked, so he dared to say such a thing.

The big snake pill looked at the wave feng shui gate: "What do you think of the water gate?" Bofeng

Shuimon looked at Hinata Hinata, and then said to Orochimaru, "Who is that child you took away?"

Orochimaru: "It's just a division of the Hyuga clan, since the Hinata patriarch has said that he is willing to bear it, then there is no need for us to earn a life here." "

Ahem... That family has not yet hit the caged bird. Hinata added.

Although he asked Bofeng Shuimen to take care of Hinata's safety as much as possible, it did not mean that he could watch the white eyes flow out.

This time is different from the Qing of Wuyin, this time it is a living person who can give birth.

This level of blood is no longer just a matter for Hinata's family, if he hides it for the sake of his own life and his daughter's life.

After the matter is leaked, he will definitely not survive, and Hinata will be included in the people who split the family.

Just as Bofeng Shuimen was thinking about how to deal with this matter, a red figure came to his side.

"Don't blame me for this big snake pill, I can't stop the Nine Tails." Ten Thousand Snakes explained.

After Jiu Xinnai arrived, he did not speak, but asked Bofeng Shuimen with his eyes.

Just when Bofeng Shuimen was about to speak, the big snake pill said first: "If you leave the water gate, this little girl's life will not be saved, so stay with me for a while, as a sincerity, I will let the ten thousand snakes go back first."

After that, the ten thousand snakes turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared.

Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai didn't understand a little, what does letting Ten Thousand Snakes go back have to do with sincerity, anyway, it didn't fight like before, just helped the big snake pill block others, and didn't even hurt people.

And just a few seconds after the ten thousand snakes disappeared, the big snake pill also turned into a puff of white smoke.

The quick-eyed wave feng shui gate caught Hinata with an instantaneous technique, but his face was very ugly, and he was placed by the big snake pill.

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