"Are you sure you read that right? Does that scorpion really have that kind of puppet? When

Kakashi mentioned Scorpion's difficult white puppet, Uchiha Nintai immediately couldn't sit still.

"Yes, Kakashi, can you confirm that?" Jiraiya asked Kakashi to confirm it again.

"Yes, when he was at war with me, I opened the Sharingan more than once, so I think, I was not mistaken." Kakashi replied affirmatively.

"Are they enemies? No, if it was an enemy, then he would not have come to save the scorpion last time. Jiraiya muttered.

"Could it be that there are actually a lot of that white guy? Didn't we get one too? Ning thought of the correct answer.

"That's trouble, could that guy be an experimental subject made by the big snake pill?" For such a strange creature as Bai Jue, the first thing that came to mind was the masterpiece of the Great Snake Pill.

"Jiraiya-sama, Jiraiya-sama." Seeing that Jiraiya was slowly falling into deep thought, Kakashi couldn't help but interrupt.

"What's wrong, Kakashi?"

"So, Kai, how are they?"

"Oh, they, they should have returned from Shayin by now, don't worry, the big snake pill didn't go after it, so there were no casualties."

Hearing that Kai was okay, Kakashi's tense heart let go.

"You first give us a complete retelling of the situation, and then you go back to Konoha to have a good rest." Jiraiya said to Kakashi.

"Lord Jiraiya, I can continue my mission!" Hearing that Jiraiya also let himself go back, Kakashi said quickly.

"It's enough to have the two of us here, if you leave again, Konoha may be in a predicament of insufficient manpower, if necessary, I will let Watergate send you over."

Jiraiya didn't agree to Kakashi's request, and if nothing else, he should not return to Konoha for decades.

Ning Tai is because the Uchiha clan is willing to share his task, but the others, they will not let them waste their time outside.

Otherwise, when Konoha lacks people, he will call him again, then whether he will go back or not.


After returning home, Uchiha Taki summons the Ninja Raven with psychic techniques to see how Hakura has been doing.

But he learned an unexpected situation from the mouth of the ninja.

"Ye Cang now has one more teammate, a guy who never shows his face and whose name is A Fei, and after having a teammate, she hasn't given me any information."

"Fei? Are you sure you heard correctly?

"How could I have heard it wrong, Ye Cang called his name several times at that time."

Fei, did this guy join the Xiao organization so early because of the butterfly effect? Uchiha Taki thought to himself.

Subsequently, he dissolved the psychic technique, leaving a shadow doppelganger in the room, and rushed towards the Land of Rain.

Ye Cang, regardless of his identity or strength, can't make a move on A Fei, so to solve A Fei's trouble, he has to go out in person.

Also rushing to the Land of Rain were Scorpion, as well as Ye Cang and Ah Fei.

As for the Great Snake Pill, he and Mito Menyan had long returned to the territory of the Land of Rain, but they had not yet arrived in the Rainy Hidden Village, after all, they did not have the art of mayflies and divine power.

Late at night, Uchiha Taki emerged from Kamui Space and came to a small, uninhabited room covered with dust and cobwebs.

This was one of the more suitable rooms that Uchiha Taki had picked after sweeping around the village of Yuyin.

They are characterized by the fact that the original owner is dead, and there are no messy relatives to come and inherit the house.

Whether it was killed by Nagato when they occupied Yuyin Village, or killed in battle while on a mission, in short, there is no one living here.

This place will also become his foothold in the next few days, although Shenwei Space can also live in people, but if you live for a long time, it must be a normal house.

That's right, Uchiha Taki wants to stay here for a while, after all, he can't go straight and kill Ah Fei, then there is no point in him letting Ye Cang infiltrate the Xiao Organization.

If you let the miracle go to you to solve Fei with bad luck, it is also a bit of a problem, those inexplicable reasons for death brought by bad luck, you see if Nagato believes it or not, it will be over.

When the time comes, the spell mark in Ye Cang's mouth is likely to reveal her identity as a spy.

Therefore, even if you let the miracle do it, you have to wait until Fei is in front of Nagato and them, or when Ye Cang is not present.

And now he has specifically found a hiding place to wait for this time to come.


His gaze turned back to Konoha.

Almost two days after Uchiha Taki left, Kakashi and Kai gathered together and returned to Konoha.

"The situation has been passed back by the teacher before, this time calling you here is just to confirm once, whether there are omissions and mistakes, since there is not, you go back to rest, this time you have worked hard, I will grant you a month's vacation."

While everyone else was excited to say goodbye to Bofeng Shuimen and plan to enjoy the month's vacation, Kakashi stayed.

"What's wrong Kakashi?" The first to be discovered was Kakashi's lifelong enemy, Kai, who didn't feel much about vacation, anyway, he was exercising during his breaks.

"It's nothing, you go back first." Kakashi replied.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" After Kai returned, Bofeng Shuimen asked.

"Yes, I want to talk to you about the scorpion's puppet, I think if we can also use the captured corpse to achieve the same effect as the scorpion's human puppet, then this is no worse than the Flying Thunder God Technique!"

If Kakashi has the deepest impression of this experience, it is undoubtedly the white puppet that he can't shake off no matter how he can't get rid of it.

Bofeng Shuimen pondered for a moment and said, "Actually, after capturing the corpse, we have been researching, but we have not achieved anything so far.

"Watergate teacher, you must pay attention to this corpse! I have a hunch that the secrets contained in it must be of great benefit to the development of our Konoha!

Kakashi said solemnly, but he was greeted by the smiling face of Wave Feng Shuimen.

"How... What's wrong, Watergate teacher? Kakashi asked a little embarrassed.

Then start thinking about what I just said.

"It's nothing, I just feel that Kakashi, you have become much more energetic recently, and even now you are starting to think about the future of the village, maybe you can also sit in my position in the future."

Kakashi replied with a wry smile, "Watergate-sensei, don't tease me, I did think clearly during this time, I won't commit suicide until I bring Obito back."

"Not before bringing Obito back, but all the time!" It seems that you haven't completely wanted to open it, it just so happens that you haven't come to my house for dinner for a long time, just today, by the way, let you see Naruto's changes. "

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