“The exam is officially on, Sakura, get ready.”

Outside the Forest of Death, candidates who passed the first round of written exams were gathering to listen to the second round of examiners, Hongdou, explain the rules to everyone.

“What kind of mental preparation?” Sakura looked at Naruto blankly.

“Be prepared to kill.”

Naruto smiled evilly.


Hearing the word kill, Sakura immediately turned pale.

“Naruto, are you saying something fake?!”

“Every year, many people die in the middle ninja exam, what do you think?”

“Why didn’t Kakashi-sensei tell us!”

Sakura regretted it again, she thought that as long as she stayed in the village and did not go out on a mission, there would be no danger.

As a result, I never expected it! If you come to take the Chu Shinobi Exam, something will happen!!

Abominable Kakashi!!

Why not say it in advance!!

“Goo… Sasuke-kun…”

Sakura looked at Sasuke pitifully.

But unfortunately, Sasuke didn’t pay attention to her.

“Don’t worry, as long as you follow us, it will be fine, Sasuke will protect you.”

“Why not you protect?”

“Because Sakura doesn’t like me.”


Sasuke glared at Naruto fiercely.

Why does Sakura like herself, and I’m responsible for her safety?!

If you say so, am I responsible for all the girls in school who like me?

Damn it!

“Thank you Naruto-kun!” 910 Sakura whispered her thanks, grateful for Naruto’s assist.

With Naruto’s words, Sakura chose to ignore Sasuke’s murderous look.

“Okay, come and get your scrolls! Then enter the Forest of Death and start the exam! ”

Red Bean announced loudly, with a malicious smile on his face.

“Oh, red beans are still like that.”

Because Caoyin Village was being rebuilt, it had not completely returned to its original size, so they did not come to take the Zhongnin Exam this time.

So Orochimaru could only change to a ninja from another small village to disguise.

Anyway, as long as it doesn’t get noticed by Konoha.

Orochimaru looked at Red Bean and licked her lips, making Red Bean feel a chill, and also reminded her of her teacher, even more disgusting.

Orochimaru didn’t care about Red Bean’s eyes, he looked at Sasuke’s back, gestured with the two companions, and chose the same entrance.

Monitoring room in the tower of the Dead Forest Center. (aeeb)

“Hehe, the exam has begun.”

Sarutobi smiled and took a puff of his cigarette.

“It seems that Konoha is really talented.”

Bai was also here as an invited guest to watch the battle.

“It’s a pity that your village has just been established, otherwise you would have been able to take the Zhongnin exam together this time.”

“yes, it’s a pity.”

Shiro looked at Naruto’s figure and sighed slightly.

If only he could act with Naruto-kun, what an envy.


Ape Fei Ri glanced at Bai strangely, you really feel sorry, I will be polite.

“No problem, you should be able to participate next time.”

“Pick you up.”


Forest of Death.

“Be careful, someone is following me.”

Naruto whispered a reminder.

“Someone is eyeing us so soon!?”

Sakura suddenly panicked, shouldn’t she be eliminated just after coming in!!

Those candidates should not really dare to kill them!!


“Coming, disperse!”

When Sasuke and Sakura heard this, they immediately dodged and ran in different directions.


“It’s actually a detonation charm!! Damn, thankfully Naruto reminded quickly! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sakura patted her chest, calming the tension in her heart.

Bang bang!

Suddenly, there was another explosion in the field, and thick white smoke rose and quickly covered the large forest.

“Smoke bombs?! Oops, Sasuke! Naruto!! ”

Sakura panicked even more, shouted loudly, and then woke up abruptly.

He had already dispersed with Naruto and them, wouldn’t he have exposed his position by calling them like this?!


Sasuke hid in the trunk of the tree and frowned as well.

He heard Sakura’s call, but since he had not yet found any trace of the enemy, he did not act rashly.

Naruto also stood on the branch, sensing the enemy’s movements.

He could be extremely sure that this was the big snake pill’s move.

Then he also heard Sakura’s voice, thought about it, and flew towards that side anyway.

It won’t work with Sasuke, he will be entangled by Orochimaru.

“Leave that little devil to me, you will fight quickly.”

Orochimaru stared at Sasuke’s position and used the Transfiguration Technique to transform into Naruto’s form.

The companion beside him didn’t say much, and left directly in an instant.

Sakura hid in the lush grass, looking here and there, at a loss.

“Why hasn’t this damn smoke cleared yet!!”

Sakura cursed secretly.

She wished she hadn’t been spotted or targeted, and she hoped that Naruto and Sasuke would be able to solve the enemy as soon as possible.

“Hehe, hey, there’s a single here.”

A low laugh suddenly sounded, and Sakura’s body trembled, and she was about to rush forward, and then a hand was pressed on her shoulder, and the huge force made it difficult for her to move.

“Don’t move, or you’ll die.” Hand over your scrolls! ”

The strange ninja put a kunai on the side of Sakura’s neck, and the icy chill made Sakura’s brain blank.

I’m going to die myself!?

Naruto save me!!

“Ask you…”

“So did you bring scrolls?”


The strange ninja was also shocked when he heard someone behind him, according to years of combat experience, he just wanted to stab the kunai on Sakura’s neck back, but was shocked to find that he couldn’t move!!


The moment she heard Naruto’s voice, Sakura cried directly.

Oh, my God!

If Naruto doesn’t come again, she really has to suspect that she is going to be killed!!

Although this person’s killing intent is not as strong as that of no more slashing, it is also real!

“You can move.”

Naruto said as he walked up to Sakura.


She didn’t dare!

“He can’t move anymore, you can come out.”


Sakura really felt the movement of the people behind her, especially the hand that grasped her shoulder lost its strength, coupled with Naruto in front of her, Sakura was relieved a lot, carefully moving her steps, away from the enemy.

“Whew!! Good risk! ”

Sakura hid behind Naruto to see what the enemy looked like.

A strange tall man, wearing a cloak, could not see his face clearly.

“Go and search for a scroll on him.”

“Huh?! I?! ”

“Or me?”

“…… Good. ”

Under pressure, forced to save her life, Sakura suppressed her inner fear and leaned over.

“Little ghost, release me right now! Otherwise, when my companion comes, you will be dead!” ”

“Your companion? Well, I just solved one when I came over, it should be him, sorry, he can’t come. ”



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