182 It doesn’t matter if you don’t convince, it’s good to subdue.

Just when the ninja of Konoha were under Naruto’s arrangement, clearing hidden dangers and restoring the safety and order of Konoha, the villagers who had taken the Zhongnin exam before saw that the battle was over and were completely safe, and they returned one after another, still discussing the affairs of the three generations along the way.

“I’m afraid that the Hokage of the third generation won’t be able to do it.”

“You still support him as a Hokage for such a person? Far from it, let’s say that his apprentice, Big Snake Pill, how many children in the village were arrested for experiments, and the result? Deliberately letting him go, what do you make those who lost their children think? They certainly won’t forgive Sandai and Orochimaru.”

“That’s right, as a Hokage, you can’t protect the village and maintain justice, so why do you still work as Hokage?”

“You see, a few years ago, Yunyin captured the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan and slandered the patriarch of Hyuga to kill their messenger, what happened? The three generations want Hinata to hand over people, they don’t have the backbone of Hokage at all, and they can only sacrifice the people in the village.”

“The three generations are really old, their strength has declined, and they don’t even have ambition.”

“Then you say, who else in the village can take over the position of Hokage now?”

“Naruto? I think he alone blocked the monster of Sha Yin, and his strength should be very 473, right?”

“Naruto was twelve years old as Hokage? Are you being funny?!”

Then what they didn’t expect was that when they returned to the village, they saw ninjas coming and going, and the sound of fighting continuously, and they grabbed a ninja and asked in doubt, only to be shocked to know that the third generation actually retired.

“Who is that newcomer Hokage?”

“It’s the fifth generation Hokage, Vortex Naruto.”

After the ninja finished speaking, he immediately left.

“Vortex Naruto?”

“What did you just say? Funny?!”

“This, this……… Is it really him?!”

“That imp has become the fifth generation Hokage!”

“Hey, hey, you say, he shouldn’t take revenge on us, right?”

“Probably not, didn’t he just come to our rescue?

When they heard that Vortex Naruto became the Hokage, they were instantly confused, and worry followed.

Before today, they basically knew how they treated Naruto, so they were afraid that after Naruto took power, he would start retaliating against them.

But at the same time, he was thinking that when he faced danger before, Naruto’s willingness to rescue them proved that he was not that kind of person, and although he had some doubts in his heart, he still did not want to believe it.

And this is also the point of Naruto’s headache.

What to do with the villagers.

Killing directly will definitely not work, Konoha’s population is quite large, kill there will be no one, and in that case, Naruto will be opposed by all the ninjas, and even desperate to overthrow him, the kind that will die together.

So it can only be done by other means, and it is the kind that gritted your teeth but have to accept.

Naruto seriously thought about it, what would he have to do to make the villagers uncomfortable? What about the kind that can’t wait to kill someone else?

They have lived in Konoha for so long, they have long been accustomed to Naruto and ninjas protecting their safety, even if it is three ninja world battles, as long as they do not hit Konoha’s doorstep, they will not feel that their lives will be in danger, and they take the efforts of ninjas for granted.

However, as soon as this rightful idea is broken, then they should get upset and angry.

Once the benefits that should have been enjoyed suddenly disappear, they do not think about their own problems, but about the people who take back this benefit, such as Hokage.

“It’s a practical solution.”

Naruto’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“But you can’t let yourself be at the front, now that you are a Hokage, you still need to use gentle means to stabilize Konoha… In that case, three generations of grandfathers, I will trouble you to exert your residual heat.”

Naruto opened the ‘War Preparation Plan on How to Deal with the Fight Provocation Provoked by Sunakushin’ written by the previous three generations and revised several measures in it.

Then call out a shadow doppelganger.

“Get it to the base, speed up the copy, and send it out.”


Naruto’s previous (public opinion battle plan) against the three generations was very successful, so now as long as dirty water is poured on him, then those villagers who are in the cloud will have no doubt that it is definitely the third generation who did it.

In addition, Naruto’s general policy regarding Konoha’s future development direction is (everyone can learn ninjutsu).

This ‘everyone’, of course, refers to people who have become ninjas, as well as children who still attend ninja schools.

Naruto’s plan is to open the door to all ninjas and completely break the monopoly pattern of ninjutsu in addition to the secret art of the family tradition, such as other fire ninjutsu, water ninjutsu, earth ninjutsu, etc.

You know, the current ninja, even if it is an ordinary ninja, but all those who come out of civilian families, except for the three-body art learned in the ninja school, and the one or two low-intermediate ninjutsu taught by the instructor after graduation and classification, there is no other way to learn ninjutsu.

As a result, they are unable to learn more ninjutsu, master the change in the nature of Chakra, and be promoted to upper ninjutsu.

For example, such as Moonlight Blast, not to mention where he learned his Konoha Flow sword technique, ninjutsu alone, it will be a three-body technique, plus his blood succession limit penetration, is particularly forbearing.

What is special upper patience, that is, it exceeds the strength of middle patience, but it cannot reach the level of upper patience, that is, special upper patience.

And above the upper ninja, there is also an elite upper ninja, and the gap between them is another chasm.

Therefore, the ninja who come out of the ninja clan, as long as the talent is not too wasteful, basically they are all middle ninja starts, good qualifications, then it is even more a ninja start, elite upper ninja, as long as you accumulate a few years of experience, it is also a matter of course.

For example, Shikamaru, relying on the family secret technique, he can be promoted to Zhongnin at the age of twelve, and the twelve Xiaoqiang are almost the same strength.

Therefore, Naruto wanted to break this barrier completely.

Not only that, Naruto also has to break the boundaries of the five major ninja villages, and also in addition to the secret art, other ninjutsu must be passed on to each other, in that case, the fire ninjutsu that I Konoha is good at, gave you Mist Yin, you learned, and then you handed us the water ninjutsu, we learned, everyone’s combat power improved, but the same, you will I will too, then how to fight the war?

I hit myself?

In short, Naruto will not be like Senjukuma or Naruto in the original manga, who has the strength to single out the entire ninja world, and will be threatened by the other four shadows.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you don’t abide by the opinions I put forward, I will go to the door one by one to talk to you until it comes to your agreement.

This is Naruto’s vision for the future, but before that, we have to solve the problems in Konoha.

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