Konoha: I Turned On The Limiter In Ninja World

Chapter 103 Puppet Bomb (Although It Has Hit The Street, I Still Want To Subscribe)

Chapter 103 Puppet Bomb (Although it has hit the street, I still want to subscribe)

The winding and twisting mountain road is extremely steep.

The place where you can set foot, but between your feet.

Below is a very deep canyon.

At first glance, only darkness can be seen.

But below, it is actually just an ordinary shallow puddle, and there are not even any extra creatures.

Just now, Ryosuke and his team entered the canyon first, and then walked up through the narrow mountain path.

After walking for half an hour, I finally came to this nearby cliff, where there was some light.

That's why Ryosuke knows what's going on down there.

This road is a shortcut to the border of the Land of Fire. Normally, only ninjas would take it to save time.

The speed of the strong wind above the narrow mountain path is not slow, and the faint cold wind blows up from the bottom of the valley. If it is an ordinary person, it will have been blown down by this strong wind to the abyss, and it will be smashed to pieces.

So in such an environment, it is almost impossible to fight.

But for ninjas, there are no absolutes.

Ninjas have reached the stage above Chūnin, and almost everyone has a certain foundation for the control of Chakra.

Based on this level, it is not impossible to fight in such an extremely dangerous environment.



"Earth Style, earthen gun!"

With Chakra condensed on the soles of their feet, dozens of Anbu, led by the captain of the Anbu team, ran quickly on the rock wall out of gravity.

As he approached the Ninja Kirigage hiding in the gap, Jōnin, led by Konoha, formed seals flexibly in his hands. From a distance, he could be seen slapping his palms on the rock wall.

In Ryosuke's eyes, a stream of Chakra followed Jōnin's slap, merged into the rock wall, and flowed towards the hidden Ninjas.

The ninja's battle was only in the blink of an eye, from when Hyuga Hizashi noticed something was wrong, to Captain Anbu leading the team to plunder towards the enemy, it was only a few breaths between casting spells and launching a counterattack.

Immediately afterwards, sharp rock thorns broke out from the rock wall without warning, stabbing at the unsuspecting chicks.

Yes, chicks.

In Ryosuke's view, this group of Wuying ninjas planning to attack can only be described as chicks.

Throughout the history of wars in the ninja world, no commander or team leader in World War I would underestimate Hyuga's perception ability.

But now... there are just a few fools.

But to say that they are stupid, Ryosuke is only temporarily evaluating their current behavior.

In his heart, he was still very vigilant about the situation of several people.

With white eyes, not everything can be seen through.

If they could see through anything, then they, Hyuga, could be said to be invincible in the era when the outer wall could not be seen.

But it is not the case.

In most cases, ordinary white eyes can only see through Chakra, and when Chakra flows in the body, you can use it to see meridians, acupuncture points, bones, etc.

Only those who are pure enough, or those who are extremely talented, can exercise and strengthen the ability of white eyes, so that the ability of perspective can see substantial objects, and the scope of insight can be expanded.

This is also in the original timeline, as the most talented Neji in the Hyuga family, he can do some things that ordinary Hyuga cannot do.

Although Ryosuke has evolved white eyes, he can see substantial objects.

But it is not necessarily possible to see through all the conditions of the human body, including various organs, the conditions within the organs, the blood flowing through the heart, and so on.

He has no way to fully see through these, at least... currently there is no way.

In this situation where he could only see through parts of the human body, he didn't see anything unusual about these people.

So, Ryosuke could only focus on his surroundings.

He felt that these people, perhaps similar to the Death Squad, planned to use their lives to divert their attention, in an attempt to allow the other main force to succeed in the surprise attack.

But unfortunately, Ryosuke guessed wrong.

Within the range of his perception, this canyon cliff, whether it is the deep valley below or the cliff above, there are no other enemies except them.

So... where could the problem be?

What is the significance of these people appearing here?

Almost without accident, these chicks were frightened out of their wits by the sudden rock thorns, like Genin who had just left the ninja school, and ran out of the narrow alley in panic.

And there are already a few unlucky ones who have been directly penetrated by rock thorns and lost their voices.

"Take them down!"

Captain Anbu also seemed to have sensed the strangeness of the matter, and did not launch a siege immediately.

Instead, he patiently waited for the situation, and after simply observing that a few people were indeed purely mindless, he directed a few Anbu to approach, trying to capture a few people alive.

But at this moment, Ryosuke, who was far behind them, finally saw something was wrong.

Because he could clearly see that among the cracks in the rock wall, those who had already been pierced by sharp rock thorns and who were bound to lose their voices moved again.

Can you move after death?

Ryosuke reacted immediately when he saw this scene.

If these things are not White Zetsu, there is a great possibility that they are puppets made of corpses!

Even puppets made by living people, or human bombs!

It is only in this situation that he can see through his white eyes and appear so real, no different from ordinary people.

"Let them retreat!"

Without hesitation, Ryosuke briefly controlled Hyuga Hizashi in the team through the ability of illusion, and told him the situation.

But unfortunately, it was too late.

The moment he notified Hyuga Hizashi of this incident.


In the crack of the mountain, a huge explosion sounded.

The incomparable impact of the detonating talisman directly penetrated the entire mountain crack, and gravel and dust gushed out of the crack like a fountain, splashing out in all directions.

These gravels were like hidden weapons, hitting the surrounding ninjas irregularly, and the powerful force directly caused blood stains to appear on their bodies.

One of the more miserable ones was directly pierced through the eyes.

The rubble went deep into his eye socket, lodged between the bones.

He let out a scream, but he didn't dare to move his body, for fear that he would fall into the deep valley if he became unstable.

The huge explosion caused the mountain to vibrate, and a large piece of rock wall near the crevice fell off directly, turning into falling rocks, and smashed towards the bottom of the valley.

The few people who were about to go forward to capture Anbu the Fog Shadow were directly hit by the sudden falling rocks, and they fell to the bottom of the valley together with the rocks.


The falling rock and the few leaves Anbu fell to the bottom of the valley, making a dull sound, as subtle as a squib.

Everyone's heart sank on this sound mountain road, including Ryosuke.

They could all feel the depth and terror of the canyon from this sound.

And the few remaining Mist Kage ninjas who were still alive seemed to have predicted the explosion in advance and left the range of the mountain crevice early.

Then, they rushed towards Hyuga Hizashi and his team as if they were desperate.

But it's a pity that just halfway, he was intercepted by the root ninja who was secretly protecting him with ninjutsu, and was directly trapped on the other side of the mountain road with the mud flow wall.


Almost without accident, the explosion sounded again.

A huge roar spread throughout the canyon.

The mountain suffered huge explosions again and again, and it began to vibrate.

"Withdraw! Withdraw quickly! Run forward!"

Mitokado Homura shouted, beckoning the team to rush forward.

But Anbu and the people at Genbu had already fled towards the cliff at the moment the earth flow wall rose.

Ryosuke was the same, the moment he opened his mouth to remind them, he had already started to withdraw from the other end.

At this time, everyone didn't care about Chakra's consumption, and all gathered their feet against the wall and ran towards the cliff.

Now, but on the rock wall of the cliff, judging by the posture of this group of people, they intend to use their lives to cause an explosion, causing the rock wall of the canyon to sink, and using environmental factors to bury them here.

But... will everything really be that simple?

This is a... good opportunity for a surprise attack.

Thanks to the group of friends for the reward and support of the king of involution.

(end of this chapter)

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