Konoha: I Turned On The Limiter In Ninja World

Chapter 87 The Fall Of The Kingdom Of Waves

Chapter 87 The Fall of the Kingdom of Waves

It seems that due to professional preference, Guy Sha's home is built on a small lake.

Aiming at the wooden house in the center of the lake, Ryosuke and the others set foot on the road built with wood.

Guy Sha...

The name is no stranger.

Although he was just a character in the original timeline, who only appeared in memories, with Ryosuke's current thinking flexibility, he still clearly remembers him.


A childish and pleasant voice sounded from the room.

A cute-looking child in a fisherman hat ran out of the house and rushed to Guy Sha, "Why did you come back so early today? I thought..."

He just opened his mouth to say something, but when he got closer, he noticed that there were many strangers beside his stepfather.

And it's a scary-looking, weird-looking person.

Therefore, his footsteps stopped beside the wooden house, not daring to go forward.

"Inari! Don't disturb your father..."

Immediately afterwards, another gentle voice sounded from inside the house.

A beautiful woman came out of the room with a look of anticipation on her face.

But then, when she saw the ninjas beside her husband, a trace of panic appeared in her eyes, she took a step forward, pulled her son behind her, hesitated and said, "Guy... Guy Sha?"

"Tsunami, this is the ninja-sama from Konoha."

Paying attention to his wife's movements, Guy Sha hurriedly explained: "That despicable and shameless businessman Kaduo has forcibly occupied the territory of our Kingdom of Waves and forced us to work for him. The ninjas from the Kingdom of Fire will definitely help us with this matter. It's up to you."

"Ah... I'm sorry! My action just now was rude!"

Before Ryosuke and the others could speak, Tsunami bowed without hesitation, apologizing for her actions just now.

"You don't have to be so polite. The Kingdom of Bo is a subordinate country of our Fire Kingdom, and we will definitely give you an explanation."

Facing their solemn expressions, Hyuga Hizashi coughed with some guilt in his heart, and stood up to answer, "Actually...we just negotiated this with Kado..."

"If all goes well, this territory will be under the jurisdiction of Kaduo in the future, and our country of fire will become his partner."

At this moment, Ryosuke, who had been silent all this time, interrupted him and walked out from the crowd, "And I deeply sympathize with what happened to you before."

"But it's a pity that you only have two choices now. The first one is to become a member of our country of fire. As a citizen of our country of fire, you will receive the same treatment as all people of the country of fire. shelter."

"And the second choice is to become a slave under Kaduo and work for him in the future."

His tone was very gentle, and his expression was the same as usual.

But everyone present could feel the coldness and cruelty in the words.

Seeing the astonished Guysha family of three, Ryosuke paused, and continued, "The same goes for other people in your country. Now let's start with your family. I can guarantee that the decisions you make will be made truthfully."

Rather than concealing it, it is better to speak clearly in a few words.

Ryosuke doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with his decision, at least...if they are willing to accept becoming the citizens of the Fire Nation, life will definitely be more stable than before.

Changing nationality is not easy in any world, especially in a big country like theirs.

And... he doesn't know about other people's family, but Ryosuke knows very well that if he doesn't come to this family in front of him, Guy Sha will be publicly executed by Kado after a while.

Immediately afterwards, pain and numbness will engulf this country, or this fishing village for many years, until Naruto and the others graduate, and they will be redeemed and released.

But now, Naruto's fate has changed, and it is very likely that the Kingdom of Wave will always be under Kado's control in the days to come, unable to escape.

Unless there is a savior, or... a more greedy and powerful jackal, they will be able to get rid of Kado.

Facing Ryosuke's words and the obedience of the others behind him, Guy Sha could see that the identity of the speaker was unusual.

He suppressed the panic in his heart, and smiled stiffly, "But... but our Kingdom of Waves is a subordinate country of the Kingdom of Fire, and we pay a lot of tribute every year..."

"In fact, your country's annual tribute is less and less every year. Although every time your nobles lie about the lack of food production and the empty treasury, they actually enjoy and squander a lot."

But Ryosuke interrupted his words, "But because the Kingdom of Waves is too small, and the things that have always been tributes are too common, we in the Kingdom of Fire don't pay much attention to it, so we ignore these deceptions."

"As for our coming here this time, it is entirely because of some other reasons. I can tell you very clearly that originally... the Nation of Fire will not take care of this matter."

"Then... let's make a choice now, whether you want to avenge this useless country and those nobles who only want to enjoy themselves, or choose to become a citizen of our Fire Nation and become a member of us."

After finishing speaking, he quietly waited for Guy Sha's decision.

Ryosuke is telling the truth, if the timeline hadn't changed, the Fire Nation wouldn't have sent any help at all.

He is not a Madonna, nor is he particularly philanthropic.

Ryosuke's love is very selfish, and his kindness is very, very rare, and he can only give to those who he values.

For others, it is really difficult for him to give unconditionally without asking for anything in return.

To give these people a chance to choose, he has done his best.

Watching Ryosuke's eyes, the atmosphere gradually froze.

Guy Sha clenched his fists, a little hesitant.

He didn't know how absurd the top level of this country was before.

All he knew was that their lives had always been peaceful.

And this tranquility was broken by Kaduo, a big villain.

But now, the Kingdom of Fire, as their backer, wants them to bow down to Kado, what's the reason?

Facing his silence, behind him, Tsunami couldn’t help stretching out her palm gently, and clenched his fist, “Guy Sha…”

Wen Wan woke Guy Sha up with a worried voice. He was stunned for a moment, then turned around in a little confusion, and looked at his wife and children.

For a long time, the fist he had been clenched tightly loosened...

The nobles and guards of the Kingdom of Waves have been wiped out by Kado.

The rest are just some civilians, the one with the highest voice among these people is the Guy Sha family.

And under the leadership of Guy Sha, every family in this village made the right choice, that is, to join the Land of Fire and give up this incompetent country.

Yes, incompetent state.

It took less than half a day to wander around the whole country of waves.

In the evening, of course, they temporarily stayed in the land of waves.

Everything that happened today has caused quite a shock to this fishing village. The whole village is dead silent, without a shred of light.

Ryosuke leaned against the window, staring at the beautiful moonlight.

After a long time, he shook his head helplessly, "Born in sorrow and dying in peace, in such a ninja world, I didn't expect there to be such naive nobles in the Kingdom of Waves."

In such a cruel ninja world, stagnant progress is a form of self-elimination.

The incompetent nobles of the Land of Waves created a harmonious and stable atmosphere in the country, allowing everyone to fall into a short-lived peace.

But in fact, that is just an illusion due to the small population.

The people here have always been exploited. The coins and food they paid were all laughed at by the nobles and used for pleasure, without any effect on the development of this country.

And the result of this is the demise of the Kingdom of Waves today.

Thanks to the book friend Xiao Kong for the reward and support.

(end of this chapter)

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