Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 126: The Lion's Technique with Random Hair, Jiraiya's Request!

Seeing this unforgettable scene in the animation come to life,

Uchiha Ci's eyes moved slightly, feeling quite emotional.

In his previous life, his favorite Hokage character was the unruly hero in front of him. When he saw him now, he felt astonished and surprised that he suddenly met his idol.

Just when I was about to respond,

A panting, fat ninja ran over from behind Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya-sama, there is information sent from the roots."

"About tomorrow's actions, you need to confirm immediately!"

Hearing this voice, Uchiha looked up and saw the running young man with long red hair and a body as fat as a wild boar. He was wearing a Konoha forehead protector and an armor vest with a sign printed on it. The huge word 'food'.

Looking at the appearance, Uchiha Ci immediately recognized that this was the 'Butterfly' in the contemporary 'Ing-Deer Butterfly'.

Autumn Road Dingzuo.

After hearing what the other person said, Uchiha couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

The information sent from the root, and the action tomorrow?

This reminded him of the mission that Aburame Ryoma told him yesterday about breaking into the rear of Sunagakure.

Is there something else going on?

"Ah?" Jiraiya couldn't help but frowned after hearing the news.

He quickly whispered a few words to Akimichi Choza,

Soon, Akimichi Dingzuo's expression could not help but darken, he nodded, immediately turned around and ran away, heading to the main tent.

Then, Jiraiya turned his head and looked at Uchiha Ci apologetically,

"I originally wanted to spend today teaching you this technique, but it seems I don't have time."

Jiraiya smiled helplessly, then quickly took out a red-covered scroll from his red coat and pressed it on Uchiha's forehead.

"This set of ninja techniques is called——"

"Secret Ninja Technique: The Wild-Haired Lion Technique!"

"Boy, don't live up to its reputation."

Uchiha Ci was slightly stunned, and took the scroll from his forehead, feeling as if he was suddenly given five million by his idol.

Immediately, he came back to his senses and looked at Jiraiya with some surprise.

"Jiraiya-sama, why did you give me this precious ninjutsu?"

Secret Ninja Techniques are techniques that are only possessed by major secret arts families in the Ninja world.

Very precious!

And what Jiraiya gave him was a set as a unit!

In other words, what is in this scroll should be the three ninja techniques he created.

Ninja: Acupuncture Jizo.

Ninja Technique·Needle Hell.

Ninja Technique: The Technique of the Wild-Haired Lion.

By manipulating chakra, the hair can be hardened and lengthened like a forest of needles. Whether it is attacking with needle hell, defending with needle Jizo, or using the wild-haired lion technique for forced restraint, it can take care of both near, medium and long range.

This set of ninjutsu can be said to be one of the most perfect defensive ninjutsu in terms of mechanism.

There are many ninjas who also use hair in the ninja world, but whether it is Kirigakure's watermelon mountain blowfish ghost's Needle Senbon or Sunagakure's technique of controlling sound wave attacks through hair, none of them are as comprehensive as Jiraiya's set of ninja techniques.

In today's ninja world, only Kushina's red-haired summoning technique can reliably defeat this move.

The most important thing is that there is no threshold, and there is no need to master attribute changes, as long as the hair is long enough.

It can be said that this set of ninjutsu can create a special jounin.

Uchiha Ci looked at the scroll in his hand, his face a little embarrassed.

He did know Jiraiya, but he was certain that Jiraiya must not have known him before.

Now Konoha's highest officer, who is on the border of the Land of Rain, suddenly gave him such a precious thing. It was a bit abnormal no matter how you looked at it.

"This is too precious, I can't accept it. Besides, I don't lack these techniques either."

Uchiha shook his head, his eyes determined, and he decisively pushed the scroll back.


Jiraiya pressed his head and leaned down, looked at him with a pair of dark and deep eyes, and then said seriously:

"Uchiha Ci,"

"This is my personal request."

"I can see that Orochimaru values ​​you very much."

"On the night when I reunited with him and exchanged drinks, the excitement and enthusiasm in his eyes when he mentioned you, I haven't seen in countless years."

He paused, his eyes slightly lowered, and sighed sadly:

"The war took away Orochimaru's parents very early, and soon, his disciple Naoki, his best friend Dan, and his teacher and friend Sakumo Hatake died one after another."

"I can feel that Orochimaru is now like a kite with its string broken. I don't know when he will leave Konoha completely."

"I can no longer see the light in his eyes."


Jiraiya took a deep breath, put his big hand on Uchiha's fuzzy hair and rubbed it,

"Your appearance made the light appear in his eyes again!"

"I know that you are an Uchiha ninja, possess the Blood Succession Limit Sharingan, and have a huge reserve of ninjutsu. You will not lack this method."

"But this is the most valuable thing I can give."

Jiraiya let out a long breath, pushed the scroll back, pressed it on Uchiha Ci's chest, and then looked at Uchiha Ci solemnly,


"Your teacher Orochimaru is a very important person to me!"

"Just treat it as an S-level mission and I'll pay you."

"Then, I ask you to be the string connecting the kite and not let him go astray again."


"Uchiha Ci, please live well!"

Uchiha raised his head, his eyes filled with astonishment.

After being confirmed by Jiraiya's words, his heart suddenly sank.

He never thought that Orochimaru actually valued him so much.

I never thought that I would become a part of Hokage's unique bond.

Before Orochimaru said that he would accept him as his son, he thought it was just a joke. Orochimaru just regarded him as a simulator, and just wanted to get the answer he wanted from Uchiha Ci.

But now, this.

Jiraiya patted Uchiha Ci on the shoulder, cheered up the moment he raised his body, and then laughed loudly:

"Well, of course, don't put too much pressure on me, kid."

"As a senior, it is only natural to protect the younger generations."

"I will take good care of you!"

After saying this, Jiraiya smiled freely, passed by Uchiha, waved back, and left with his back on his back.

The clogs clicked on the ground, and the sound of footsteps swayed in the wind.

Soon, Uchiha Ci was the only one left on the street.

Uchiha Ci stood in the middle of the street, holding the scroll in his hand, and was silent for a moment.

He didn't know what kind of emotion he was feeling right now, but he suddenly realized that the difficulty of insurance defrauding had somehow risen to a higher level.


He let out a deep breath and stuffed the scroll into his arms.

Now that you have it, you must work hard to do it.

Fight with all your might!


In fact, it is not just one option answer.

With a mentality that had quietly changed a little, Uchiha shook his head.

For him, who is reluctant to become a ninja and whose physical aptitude is extremely poor,

What he can rely on is that only fighting against a dead end can bring out the maximum effect of Heart Steel.

If you want to cheat your way home, you have to fight to the death.

If you want to save the world and rewrite the tragedy, you must fight to the death.

There is no such thing as committing suicide or deliberately committing suicide.

If he doesn't fight, he's a pure waste. If he doesn't fight, he's a complete dead end.


No matter what it is for,

There is only this path before Uchiha Ci.

Tomorrow's battle, the battle to assassinate Rasa, the battle to rush into Iwagakure, the battle to face the tailed beast,

From Konoha to the Country of Yu, from the Country of Yu to the Country of Rain, from the Country of Rain to the Country of Earth,

Die on the road to endless battle,


Fight through the Third Ninja War!

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