Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 141 Roar! variable! Ten thousand snakes eat the Lord!

The strong wind carried seemingly endless amounts of sand and dust upwards!

Grass, trees, gravel, rocks, and even the tamarisk that was deeply rooted in the ground and burned to char were all uprooted!

Wind Escape·Infinite Sand Breakthrough,

When this technique is released by Ichibi Shukaku, the coverage area can even reach several kilometers.

And the forbidden technique improved from this, in Long Sha's hands, destroyed everything in front of him almost instantly!

Even Uchiha Ci couldn't stop himself under such a strong wind. He was pulled backwards wildly and was about to be lifted into the sky!

He could only squint his eyes with difficulty, wipe out a kunai with his left hand and plunge it into the ground. His whole body hung on the kunai like a flag and floated straight back!

And his right arm, in such a wind, suddenly flew over a distance of nearly a hundred meters.

Under Uchiha Ci’s precise calculations,

He flew in front of the remaining team of Sunagakure, which was fighting fiercely with Ten Thousand Snakes.


A group of Sunagakures were also inadvertently enveloped within the attack range by Ryusha. Seeing the strong wind coming, they could only wave their arms to cover their faces.

Who would have thought,


A dark and bright object floated in the wind, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

It was an arm that looked like charcoal, and cracks gradually began to appear on it, emitting bright light.

Looking at this arm, all the Sunagakures were suddenly startled.

A Sunagakure ninja subconsciously felt something was wrong, and immediately blew out a flurry of wind escape, trying to blow away this abnormal-looking thing.

However, at this time,

All the dark chakra thrown into this arm was burned and exploded with a strange charcoal explosion sound, following the operation mode of fire escape chakra——

Chakra is burned by chakra, creating a chain reaction that far exceeds the normal chakra operation mode.

At this moment, the Fire Release Chakra Mode, which has completely burned away the dark chakra in his arm, is about to explode.

But he encountered the wind escape and the flurry of airflow that happened to collide with him.

Immediately afterwards, this flow of inflammation spread out!

It started to burn to the outside world,

Together with the chakra contained in the wind release and flurry of air flow blown by the Sunagakure ninja, it enveloped a circle of dozens of people, dozens of teams, and ten thousand snakes.

Along with the wind escape, the enemies, the snakes, and the chakra all started to burn!

Until this power expands to the extreme!

The next moment,

boom! ! !

A more terrifying sound than the one caused by Uchiha Ci's shooting sword, Flame Wind Dragon Dance, exploded instantly!

Ryusha and Uchiha turned their heads in shock at the same time.

I saw that the night sky was instantly lit up by a blazing white light, just like day.

Then, the white light dispersed slightly,

Revealing the terrifying fiery red mushroom cloud connecting the sky and the earth below!

It was as if even a big hole had been burned into the sky!

This kind of power is even more terrifying than the scene caused by Uchiha Ci when he wielded the fire dragon just now!

When Deidara comes, he has to call it art!

Looking at the scene in front of me,

Longsha's eyes widened suddenly, his eyes were about to burst, his expression was dull, and his teeth were clenched so tightly that they almost burst out of his gums.

"Then what is that!"

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

"What on earth did you do!"

"You devil! Devil! Devil!!!"

He knelt on the ground with a snap, turned his head and roared at Uchiha Ci at the top of his lungs.

Right in front of him, his subordinates were almost wiped out because of his wind escape!

Today, there are only less than ten people left in the team of three hundred people.

In that area of ​​the explosion, there was nothing but a huge purple snake corpse lying there quietly.

There's nothing left

"Is this caused by me?!"

Uchiha Ci had a look of disbelief on his face, and his face couldn't help but twist as he looked at the mushroom cloud rising from the ground.

God sees pity,

Having used Fire Release Chakra Mode so many times, he already knew how much power Chakra would produce.

In Uchiha Ci’s original expectation,

The power of this grenade is only enough to barely blow up the team sent by Ryusha to stop Wanshe. There may be a chance to open a gap in Sunagakure's formation.

In this way, Wan She can be liberated and victory can be established for him.

He never expected that this grenade in the end really sealed the victory for him.

But in such a terrifying way

Uchiha Ci was shocked at that time. Fire Release Chakra Mode actually had such an effect?

Not only does he burn his own chakra, but he also burns other people's chakra?

This is so hot!

"Huh" Uchiha couldn't help but exhale and grinned slightly.

Although he is still confused now and has not yet figured out what happened that caused the grenade to suddenly upgrade into a small nuclear bomb,


He won!

Moreover, on the battlefield, there is no eye for life and death.

As enemies, this group of Sunagakure died at his hands, and he had no psychological burden.

Ryusha on the side saw that Uchiha Ci actually showed such a smile, and immediately became furious.

"You evil Uchi."

He jumped up suddenly, formed seals with his hands, and shouted angrily.

However, before he finished shouting,

next moment,

A huge and ferocious purple snake head suddenly jumped out from under the ground.

Open your bloody mouth,

A chill ran down Long Sha's back, and he turned his head to look back, his eyes immediately filled with astonishment.

Wan She, why are you here? !

Wasn't it also blown up to death by this kid's grenade? !

Moreover, the body is obviously still there!

Wan Snake will not pay attention to dim sum's resentment.

As the big mouth of the blood basin closed with a click, it raised its huge snake head and swallowed Longsha's entire body together with a large piece of sand on the ground.

There was a stirring in Wan She's throat, and there was a loud banging sound.

It was obviously the sound made by Longsha struggling in Wanshe's mouth.

And as Wan She twisted her body for a while, the pressure in the cavity increased sharply. Within three minutes,

Then there was no more sound.

This is why Uchiha dared to say that he had won.

In the Sharingan's field of vision, he had early seen an abnormal chakra fluctuation under the ground, swimming rapidly in this direction.

It was Wan She who used the snake shedding technique to escape from that shocking explosion!

When this is all over,

In front of Uchiha Ci, a row of subtitles instantly popped up:

【when! 】

[You bravely defeated Ryusha, the elite Jonin of Sunagakure who tried to kill you, and you obtained the opponent's random skill: Wind Release·High Aerial Cannon (B, Proficient). 】

[The counterattack is strong. The opponent is dead and unable to retaliate. The reward is a critical hit. 】

[The skill has been critically hit, and the current attributes are: Wind Escape·Hao Kong Cannon (B+, Mastery). 】

[The number of layers of your Heart Steel has increased. 】

Of course, there are a bunch of subtitles that pop up because Sunagakure was killed by a grenade, as well as a large row of wind escape and earth escape ninjutsu that were just released, but those are irrelevant, and the low-quality enemies don't have any good skills.

The only thing I can take a look at is the Wind Escape Cannon.

This is a wind escape similar to Go Fireball. It is a ninjutsu on the same level as Danzo Shimura's Wind Release: Vacuum Dayama. The series of wind balls that Ryuuza led his team to spit at him just now is this jutsu. The effect is quite good and the impact is quite strong. big.

If in the future Uchiha Ci can master the skill of releasing fire escape with a single seal like the great elder Setsuna Uchiha,

This jutsu may be combined with Gou Fireball to create a more powerful combined ninjutsu, Gou Feng Fireball.


After counting the harvest, Uchiha sighed with relief.

He lay on his back on top of the ruins with a thud, looking up at the Milky Way light band composed of stars all over the sky.

The night wind flowed quietly, and the noisy battlefield fell silent for a while.

The rapidly running brain stopped in an instant, leaving only a blank space.

When the battle reached this point, he had tried his best.

Now there is really no chakra left.

However, at this moment,

Suddenly there was a hissing sound in his ears, followed by the movement of a giant thing swimming on the ground.

Wan She's unruly and angry voice suddenly sounded:

"Kid, you actually blew me up too?"

"Even my sacrifices were all blown up."

Tens of thousands of snakes stretched out their heads, and a shadow covered the sky and sun.

Staring coldly at Uchiha Ci who collapsed on the ground, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"You, do you feel that you have lived too long?"

Faced with Wan She's threatening speech, Uchiha Ci grinned, smiled disdainfully, glanced at Wan She coldly, and said lightly:

"Stupid snake, do you want to do something wrong to me?"

Wan She stared at Uchiha Ci quietly, with a humane sneer on the snake's face,

"Then why not?"

"You have no chakra now, right?"

"That huge fire sword can't be used, and you don't have the chakra to activate the regeneration technique Orochimaru taught you!"

"You cannot be my opponent now!"

Wan She suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth in shock, and said coldly:

"It's time for you to understand who is the master!"


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