Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 160 The fourth sword, the decisive hand!

Ebizo originally wanted to use the "Buddha, Dharma, and Monk" Three Treasures puppet to come forward to cooperate with the puppet technique and use the attack blade to kill Uchiha again.


When he saw the sun rising in the desert,

When he saw the huge flowing flame sword being raised high, reaching into the sky and the earth, giving people a great visual shock!

Ebizo swallowed, with a look of disbelief on his face, and suddenly stopped what he was doing.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Why can he still use such moves!"

Tonight, this Uchiha brat gave him so much shock that it made him doubt his life!

According to the information he collected in the Country of Yu, the move that Uchiha Ci is using is undoubtedly a forbidden technique that exceeds the level limit of ninjutsu.

Moreover, he should only be able to use it twice at most!

Combined with the fact that he asked Sunagakure's subordinates to read the database day and night and search for the major blood successor secret arts families, he probably understood how this kind of move broke out.

Uchiha style·Halo dance!

This is a move that only appeared in the Warring States Period, which is even more distant than the Ninja Village Era. It can burn the bodies of mortals and wield a sword comparable to that of a god!

At this moment, Uchiha Ci's hand was much weaker than the power described in the data. This may be the reason why the opponent was able to use this move twice in succession in the Country of Yu.

However, even if it is a weakened version,

How many times has this brat been used tonight?

Before that, when the two were ten miles apart, the sky turned red three times in succession, which proved that the kid had wielded three swords.

With three swords, not a single ghost appeared from the three hundred Sunagakure troops who were supposed to report.

And now, this is the fourth sword!

Doesn't this inhuman move have no CD at all and no price at all? !

Is there any more law? Is there any more royal law?

Looking at this huge sword of flowing flames, Ebizo gritted his teeth slightly. After hesitating for a moment, he immediately stopped his hand and pulled the three-jeweled puppet of 'Buddha, Dharma, and Monk' to run away.

While trotting, he formed the 'Wei' seal and controlled the dense lion puppets to attack them.

It's not that he can't handle this kind of move. The ultimate killing move of Wind Release and Puppet Technique can explode with stronger power than this. It's just that this sword is obviously aimed at breaking the formation. There is no need for him to use it hard to consume it. His last resort for self-defense,

Taking a detour and temporarily evacuating is a wiser move at this moment.

And he didn’t believe it anymore,

Can this kid still wield the fifth sword?

As Ebizo gave up the advantageous position here, he chose to use the sealing formation to redeem himself.

Standing in the bright sun,

The young man holding up the giant sword that was slowly taking shape and filled with flames burst into laughter.

Yes, Uchiha smiled.

"I won!"

He affirmed so firmly.

Looking at the running Ebizo with eyes filled with blazing fire, Uchiha couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

With his current chakra reserves, he can probably use:

Four times of Orochi-style Substitute Technique, two senjutsu, a full burst of fire escape chakra mode, and several ninjutsu illusions (one Orochi-style Substitute Technique is about the same as 4 powerful fireballs for the Uchiha at this time) The amount of chakra you can use depends on how many Orochi-style and Substitution techniques you have left).

If Ebi is hiding here, choose to confront him and block the Flowing Flame Giant Sword from breaking the formation.

So next, Uchiha Ci can only use the Orochi Style Substitution Technique to forcefully rush into the battle. It is conservatively estimated that all the substitute times will be consumed.

In the end, even if he breaks through to Ebizo, instead of engaging in a hand-to-hand combat with superiority, he probably won't have many options left.

In the model he estimated based on Ebizo's sister Chiyo, at this time Ebizo still had the trick of pressing the bottom of the box with both hands.

Win or lose, it's hard to say.

However, Uchiha Ci still chose to gamble!

He wants to bet that his special effects are better than Ebizo!

He wants to bet that even if Ebizo has information about him,

But when the other party actually saw this huge sword of flowing flames with special effects that seemed to be filled with the power of a god,

He will be afraid!

If he wins the bet, he wins this battle!

If you lose the bet, you may die.

In this long night of surprise attacks,

This fourth sword will determine the fate of the world, the hand of victory!

And now,

Ebizo gave up his turtle shell and was scared away by his swordsmanship full of special effects!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Old man, one shot from me will surely win the Dragon Sword!"

Uchiha Cilang laughed, raised the Flowing Flame Giant Sword high, and twisted the hilt,

The blazing flames in the sky accompanied by the huge sword slashed down boldly!


The giant sword swept across, setting off wildfires that burned the sky,

Crush, scorch, and smash the seemingly indestructible and unbreakable Lion Shield Formation in front of you!

In the desert, a mushroom cloud suddenly rose!

A concussive wave of wind that was visible to the naked eye swept out in a ring!

He lifted both Ebizo and Uchiha into the air, flew outwards violently, blasted three sand dunes, and caused a rain of sand in the sky!

at last,

It hit the regeneration barrier and exploded dense cracks in the barrier!

Between heaven and earth, there was only an unspeakable and frightening silence.

In this silence,

In the rainstorm of silent falling sand,

Uchiha Ci casually wiped a handful of blood from the exploded eardrum in mid-air.

He waved two shurikens with his hands, nailed them into the sand, pulled the silk thread, turned 720 degrees, rolled and landed steadily, inserted his palms into the sand, pulled out the ravine, and stopped the momentum.

Then, he immediately raised the Snake Eye Sharingan and locked on Ebizo who was hiding behind a puppet technique and machine light shield not far away.

Twist the soles of your feet, step on the explosive sand, lower your body, hold the sword in both hands, and charge like a wild dog!

"Old man, die!"

At this moment, Ebizo was still immersed in the shock of the sword strike just now. Even though he ran a long way, he still couldn't avoid the aftermath of the attack. In desperation, he only had time to use the puppet technique and machine light shield to resist.

At this moment, when I heard the Uchiha brat's ghostly roar again, my eyelids and white eyebrows couldn't help but twitch.

He raised his muddy old eyes and saw a young man who looked like a mad dog rushing toward him.

This time, there was no obstacle between the two sides.

He only felt a numbness in his scalp, and subconsciously a sense of surprise and fear rose in his eyes.

Immediately, this fear turned into a fit of rage!

He Ebizo, as the top of the five strongest ninja villages Sunagakure, and the supreme commander of the Sunagakure troops in the Rain Country battlefield,

How could he be forced by a 12-year-old kid into such a desperate situation that he could only run away!

This is simply a shame!

But, but.

He must endure the humiliation.

Close hand-to-hand combat is not his strong point. He can't use short strikes to attack long, he has to run!

Yes, run!

Keep the distance, rearrange your position, take advantage, and then slowly kill this brat!

After thinking this, Ebizo untied the puppet technique and machine light shield without saying a word, and immediately started running wildly with the three puppets.


Uchiha Ci, strengthened by the Curse Seal of Heaven, his speed at this moment is completely ahead of Ebizo!

Ebizo no longer has any room for Kan Xuan,

He could only use all his means in this manly contest to fight Uchiha with real swords and guns!

Soon, the trot is no longer as fast as the gallop,

Ebizo also realized this,

He suddenly turned around, revealing an old wrinkled face that was forced to the extreme and forced to tear off all his underwear, twisted with shame, anger and anger!


Looking at Uchiha Ci who was so excited that he suddenly rushed in front of him, with a fierce fighting spirit on his face and a ferocious roar.

Ebizo's face was twisted and ferocious.

The humiliation and anger in my heart finally burst out at this moment!

His body trembled, his face trembled, his teeth trembled,

Finally, he took out the scroll from his waist and shouted angrily:

"Damn Uchiha brat!!!"

"I'm going to let you see the pinnacle of puppetry!"

"Psychic Technique: Chikamatsu Five People!"

He tore up the scroll brazenly, slapped the ground with his palm, and then stepped out in the smoke of necromancy.

Behind him, five figures that looked like demons were flying.

Six figures leaped out, accompanied by Ebizo's furious roar:

"Forbidden Technique·White Secret Technique·Dance with Puppet!"

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