Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 169 Xiao’s plan for saving the country, the prototype of the Rasengan!

The carriage carried a carload of uncontrollable laughter,

Slowly heading back home.

Through hills, through plains, through canyons, through streams.

On a cliff,

Staring at the direction of the boy's return,

Yahiko withdrew his gaze and showed a bright smile to his friends behind him.

"Sure enough, this guy is here for this!"

"He did it!"

"Bringing this short-term peace to the Rain Country that has been crying for a long time."

On the side, Nagato couldn't help but frowned and analyzed calmly:

"But, Yahiko, the alliance between Sunagakure and Iwagakure is still successful. Wait until Iwagakure ends the war with Kirigakure."

"This place will become a real slaughterhouse!"

"It has become the most chaotic and cruel area in the entire ninja world!"

"This peace is short-lived and false, like the calm before the storm!"

Yahiko nodded, a solemn look flashed in his eyes,

"Yes, but it is undeniable that the impact of Uchiha Ci's killing of Ebizo really changed the direction of the war and saved the Rain Country."

"Sunagakure withdrew from the territory of Rain Country, and the scale of the war between the two sides gradually decreased."

"He bought us more time!"


"Next, it's time for us to take action!"

Xiaonan, who was wearing a black raincoat, a light blue bun, and a white paper flower, was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked,

"Then Yahiko, what should we do?"

She pursed her lips. Although she had great trust in Yahiko, she still felt confused at the moment when her ideals turned into reality and the difficulties faced by the Akatsuki organization during this period.

Just the step of expanding the size of the organization and recruiting members is currently a headache for Xiao.

"Our outline is to use words to let people understand each other, to prevent wars, and to let people who are enemies understand each other."

"This is so difficult."

"The ninjas who suffered from the trauma of war are only filled with anger and hatred"

Yahiko shook his head and smiled calmly:

"Xiaonan, you are right."

He chuckled lowly, and when he raised his head again, his eyes were full of determination.

"But you have to understand that our goal is not to save the world, nor is it to make the entire world understand each other."

"We are acting for the peace of the Rain Country,"

“While women are still weeping, while children are still hungry, and men are still on the run,

When there was still a poor girl, lost in the streets;

When there is still a dark soul that swallows hatred and waits in peace, wandering in this weeping country. "

"We have to keep fighting! Keep moving!"

"We are not trying to use words to persuade people who are full of hatred to give up revenge. That is unrealistic."

"What we really want to do,"

"It is by taking this group of wandering wild dogs, the rebellious ninjas who have lost their names, and the careerists addicted to revenge, and taking them, so that they who have already understood what pain is, can realize one thing -"

"We don't want others to suffer the same pain as ourselves!"

"We do this!"

Yahiko looked at the companions behind him who were also wearing black robes and showed a bright smile.

There were already dozens of people standing beside him at this time!

Then, he turned around and continued to look at the carriage and the boy who had disappeared at the end of his field of vision. When the boy disappeared, he looked at Nagato standing on his right.

His eyes were filled with anticipation.

Respecting oneself and others, this is Yahiko's state.

He bases himself on himself, his companions, and his country, and accurately understands himself and the situation to take practical and realistic actions, and every step is extremely practical.

In order to really one day be able to hold up a "bridge of peace" in the true sense!

His mission is to become the pillar supporting this bridge!

And now, in his eyes, there are two people who have the potential to achieve this.

Nagato, who inherited the Eye of the Immortal, and who has been fighting and using practical actions to achieve the feat of eliminating the war,

Uchiha words!

His battle in the Kingdom of Tang brought peace to the Kingdom of Tang!

Now, the battle in the Kingdom of Rain has brought peace to the Kingdom of Rain!


Where will he go to fight? !

Yahiko doesn’t know,


He sent Xiao’s heartfelt blessings to the young man who was about to travel far away——

“Have a nice trip”


The carriage moved forward slowly on the path,

Finally, we stopped at an abandoned village and rested for a while.

Because the war had slowed down a bit and there were no urgent missions, the Minato team and Uchiha Ci were not in a hurry to return to the village, but moved at a leisurely pace.

at this time,

Uchiha Ci and Namikaze Minato were leaning on a haystack and looking up at the sky.

The three little ones were chopping firewood, boiling water, and making preparations for the picnic.

Uchiha Ciyou wanted to help, but was quickly interrupted by Nohara Rin with "You are still sick, Mr. Ci~", which Asashi said, and finally got a good deal from the native brother. The eyes rolled with envy, jealousy and hatred.

Since he didn't have to work, Uchiha had no choice but to lie here with Minato.

Ever since he left the camp, Namikaze Minato looked worried.

Uchiha Ci can probably guess what he is thinking,

According to the plot of "Watergate", in order to stop the Sandstone Alliance, Jiraiya led his team to sneak into the Kingdom of Earth and tried to destroy the alliance agreement. Finally, at the gate of the Kingdom of Earth, he encountered the Jinchuuriki who came to intercept, the four-tailed Purple. With the five-tailed man.

Minato was among the team formed by Jiraiya.

After witnessing the horrors of the Tailed Beasts and Jinchūriki that were beyond human reach, he couldn't help but think of Kushina, who was also a Jinchūriki.

When I think of that kind of terrifying monster inside Kushina,

Minato has always been in this trance state.

He lay on his back on the haystack, raised his palms, and held them toward the sun.

His heart suddenly fell into panic, as if the bright light in the sky was the Tailed Beast Jade flying towards him at that moment.

So, what to do?

How can a human being resist such a force?

Minato's palms trembled involuntarily and turned slightly at an angle around the sun.

Suddenly his eyes lit up!

A violently rotating chakra suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand!



Uchiha Ci knew that Minato was conceiving a new jutsu, and thought that he would soon be able to witness the birth of the "Rasengan", a significant ninjutsu, with his own eyes.

But he had no intention of getting involved.

In fact, his mind is very confused right now.

Along the way, I encountered so many things,

One thing after another left him no time to breathe.

At first, he was crazy about committing suicide because of the mentality of cheating insurance.

Later, under the influence of Orochimaru and others, he committed suicide.

Now, the plot line has taken a big turn. Ebizo is dead, Sunagakure is defeated, and Iwagakure is dragged into the long-term war by Kirigakure.

It was as if the whole fucking world had turned into something completely foreign to him in an instant.

In such a strange world,

Defrauding insurance will definitely not work, and he can no longer determine whether the future outcome will be good or bad.

The only path left for him seemed to be the one Orochimaru told him.

Go crazy and commit suicide. In infinite battle, you can use forbidden arts and secret techniques to forcibly increase your combat effectiveness. It is relatively more reliable.

But, can he really do it?

There is no Indra Asura Chakra, and the protagonist's script cannot be received. It seems that he can break the situation. The reincarnation eye that has achieved the six paths is under the nose of age spots. There is also the wily Black Juegou deeper in, unable to get the reincarnation eye and heretic demon,

To achieve the sixth level, rely on the skills of the ninja world to have fun?

Will this work?

Uchiha Ci only felt tired for a while. The more he thought about it, the more tired he became, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

Looking at the endless blue sky, I thought to myself, fuck it, just take one step at a time!

He cleared all the thoughts in his head and just wanted to enjoy this moment of peace for the time being.


at this time,

Uchiha Ci's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt a wave of fluctuations around him that made his heart palpitate!

He turned his head sharply,


I saw a blue, violent, and extremely unstable light group rapidly expanding in front of my eyes!

next moment--

Uchiha Ci suddenly widened his eyes,


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