Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 177 The half-tailed beast transformed into a rampage, and the virtual dog cannon showed its

In the center of the courtyard,

Uchiha Ci frowned,

After the violent dark chakra condensed into the shape of the Rasengan in the palm of the hand, this chakra began to rotate crazily around the center of the dark Rasengan!

With his current control, he simply cannot control it and cannot compress it.

Since its formation, this dark and deep spiral pill has spontaneously begun to expand out of control.


Uchiha Ci had no intention of controlling it!

Taking this opportunity, he could experiment to see if the expanding Rasengan could replace the Tailed Beast Jade and fire the Void Dog Cannon!

Standing on the sea of ​​fire, he slowly raised the expanding spiral pill in his hand.

Then he directly opened the mouth of the half-tailed beast that stretched from ear to ear,

In one gulp, he swallowed the dark and expanding spiral pill that was about to explode!

next moment,

Violent dark chakra exploded in the body!

Anger, pain, emptiness, depression, jealousy, fear.

Countless negative emotions instantly filled Uchiha Ci's heart, giving him the urge to destroy everything!

The throat, chest, and abdomen suddenly swelled up, stretching Uchiha's entire body like a balloon.

Even the surface of the body was stretched out with cracks, and the full strength accumulated in the body until it overflowed.

It forced Uchiha Ci to get down on all fours before he could control his body.

And at this moment,

Four fire dragons in mid-air suddenly crashed down in front of the door!

The fire dragon exploded. The intense heat and impact force instantly blew Uchiha Ci, who was swollen into a ball and could not dodge, into the white sand of the courtyard three times, creating a thick ravine.

After rolling up again and standing firm,

Uchiha Ci suddenly raised his head, his face suddenly turned ferocious, full of violence!

The violent meridian lines around the scarlet snake pupils suddenly became thicker again!

There is even a blood vessel that goes straight across the back of the head and connects to the Heavenly Curse Seal on the neck, opening a gap in the evil-sealing seal!

The surrounding natural energy was suddenly absorbed!

The tyrannical power instantly filled the body!

Uchiha Ci stared at the astonished Uchiha Jie behind the four huge fire dragons, and a killing intent suddenly appeared in his swollen snake eyes!

"Wait! I didn't want to kill this old man!"

In front of my eyes, a line of subtitles suddenly appeared,

[Please note that your body is giving birth to a new personality under the influence of natural energy. 】

[Talent: Combat Intuition (S+) is activated, and the main personality avoids the devouring of the secondary personality. 】

Under the influence of the deepest fighting intuition in the soul,

Uchiha Ci's conscious consciousness suddenly seemed to be stripped of this body, looking down at his body in mid-air from a god's perspective.

at this time,

He looked at his half-tailed beast body in human form, as if there was another person controlling this body.

Looking at the violent, cold and arrogant eyes on his body and face, as if he had a mind of his own, Uchiha couldn't help but panic.

"How is this going!?"

No time to think about it,

The eyes of the 'half-tailed beast-turned-Uchiha Ci' were cold and violent. He had already raised his chin and opened his mouth to aim at Uchiha Jie in mid-air!

If he were to spray out the virtual dog cannon, the little old man Uchiha Jie would be evaporated immediately!

Uchiha Ci only had time to use his consciousness to force the attack off track.

next moment,

‘Half-Tailed Beast Uchiha Ci’’s limbs were firmly on the ground,

The ground is spraying to the sky!

The strong wind suddenly exploded from the mouth, turning into a huge recoil force, crushing and shattering all the ground under his feet!

The violent dark power that was swallowed turned into a thick jet-black beam and spurted out!

A virtual dog cannon!

It blasted out for nearly three kilometers!

Blast through attics, destroy mansions, and evaporate rivers.

He suddenly penetrated the tall Minagawa Uchiha clan ancestral hall behind it.

at last,

Pull out a parabola, cross the Nanga River and hit the other side of the forest belonging to the Senju clan!

boom! ! !

The ground shook violently, as if a magnitude 8 earthquake had occurred!

A dark mushroom cloud swayed high from the land of the Thousand Hands Clan!

Wildfires burn brightly in an instant,

It is even more dazzling than the sun in the sky!

And back to where you were,

Just the aftermath of the lasing sent the Uchiha Jie flying high into the pond a hundred meters away!

He crawled out of the pond in a wretched and wet state, with wild eyes and stunned silence as he stared at the pitch-black cannon that streaked across the sky, and murmured in confusion:

"What is this!?"

However, the last knowledgeable Uchiha Takei had been paralyzed by the Immortal Technique, Sharingan, and White Geki Pupils, and obviously no one answered his question.

"This kid really wanted to kill me just now. If it hadn't been deflected for some unknown reason in the end, I would have died!"

Uchiha Jie recalled the moment when they looked at each other, and the pair of indifferent scarlet snake-pupil Sharingan eyes he saw, and couldn't help but shudder in fear.

And soon, his expression changed again, and he struggled to get up, and then he remembered,

He was knocked away, but Yashiro Uchiha was still there!

"No, Yashiro is in danger!"


And at this moment,

In a seemingly ordinary mansion in Konoha Village,

Beside a desk filled with bottles and jars and various biological specimens soaked in formalin,

Orochimaru was looking through the records he retrieved from the roots after returning to Konoha.

Although many traces have been erased by those who are willing, Orochimaru can still find some clues keenly.

Some records of training materials that are only used by Wood Release users.

Seven years ago, Konoha was 40 years old.

In order to obtain Konoha's forbidden arts, he secretly collaborated with Danzo on a project that had been stopped long ago.

An experiment to recreate the Wood Release by merging the cells of the first Hokage.

He originally thought that this experiment was just a ridiculous attempt,

but now,

It seems that there are some interesting things hidden by Danzo Shimura.

"The curse seal is far from perfect, and now it is only compatible with Ci's terrifying body."

"Transforming into a snake and becoming a dragon, it seems like a one-step practice in the immortal mode, but it contains risks that no one knows about. Haha, the White Snake Immortal has really made a good move."

"When he truly masters the magic of Longdi Cave, will this person still be himself?"

"The influence of Ryūchi Cave's natural energy is far more troublesome than imagined. Hey, we can only start studying Wood Release first and find out how the original ninja god integrated such power into his body."

"By the way, I can also help this kid cultivate the weak and pitiful artificial tailed beast in his body."

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes fell on a name on the form that had just graduated from the root training institution.


He grinned slightly, revealing a sneer, like a snake that had found its prey.

And at this moment,

The sky outside the window suddenly darkened!

A pitch black mushroom cloud rose from the south side of Konoha,

Immediately afterwards,

The tremors of the earth and the roar of violent explosions hit Orochimaru's window along with the air waves that swept across the entire Konoha!


The window suddenly cracked with a crack!

Orochimaru suddenly raised his head, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"what's the situation?"

"Kyuubi went berserk?!"

"No, wait, the evil seal of the Heavenly Curse Seal has been pried open, and there is this natural energy."

Orochimaru's heart trembled, and his scalp suddenly felt numb.

Looking towards the direction of the explosion, I saw that it was the direction of the Senju Clan's clan, and next to it was the Uchiha Clan's clan.

Then he thought that today was the day when his dear disciple would go home.

Orochimaru's face couldn't help but twist,

"Uchiha Ci!!!"

"What did you do again!?"

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