Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 183 Curse Seal and Zero Tail improvement plan! Danzo invites you!

"Evil Uchiha"

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Uchiha opened his eyes slightly, and his mind couldn't help but have thoughts.

When he mentioned this, the first role model he thought of was his darkened brother Obito.


Is he going to kill his teacher, bomb Konoha, and subvert the ninja world?

However, the nine years of compulsory education he received prevented him from doing the first bad thing!

After all, it doesn’t matter if the soil is uneducated.

For a civilized person like him, would it seem a little too ungrateful to use this method?

Moreover, his teacher is Orochimaru!

How do you want me to kill this thing?

As for the last two items, he has already completed one, and there is another he will do soon.

Besides, he doesn't have any grudges against Konoha now.

Danzo, the biggest villain in Konoha, probably doesn't like his pair of Magatama Sharingan.

How to do this?

Is it necessary to show off in front of Danzo, seduce the pot king to make mistakes, and then fish for law enforcement?

Thinking of this,

Uchiha raised his head, frowned, looked at Orochimaru, and asked seriously:

"Orochimaru, how can I be considered an evil Uchiha?"

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows, a flash of narrow-mindedness flashed in his eyes.

He paused, then said hoarsely:

"for example."

"Follow your heart, ignore the eyes of the world, and do something you wanted to do but couldn't do before?"

When Uchiha heard the words, he immediately trembled and his eyes lit up.

"you mean"

"Now I go to the Root Headquarters to transform, and use a virtual dog cannon to defeat Shimura Danzo, who has been targeting my Uchiha clan?"

"To be honest, I have long disliked this old man!"

"Kill him! Then I will push you, Teacher, to inherit the position of leader!"

"Then you and me, the master and the apprentice, control the roots. Wouldn't it be beautiful?!"

This solution is quite feasible!

Danzo definitely doesn't have the Sharingan in his arm to use Izanagi at the moment. At most, he only has a three-magatama Sharingan in his right eye, which can be used with his Wind Release, Psychic Beast and Sealing Techniques.

Maybe even Izanagi didn't get it.

This level is roughly equivalent to a supreme Ebizo.

As long as Uchiha Ci is full of energy, he is quite sure of killing him!

Hearing this,

Orochimaru was silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer this question.

When did that old guy Danzo offend this kid?

Think for a moment,

An interesting smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he laughed hoarsely,

"This may not be bad. Although there is a risk of becoming a traitorous ninja, it doesn't matter."

"I'm here, you can give it a try."


The wood escape experiment he is going to conduct now has a huge funding gap, and he needs to find the group boss to invest.

Before getting initial results, he didn't want to kill the donkey.

Orochimaru glanced at Uchiha Ci and said calmly,

"Danzo is still useful now,"

"And you can't beat him in your current state. This old guy has some tricks up his sleeve. Even I would find it difficult to fight him."

"You need a period of practice."

"I used the Evil Sealing Seal to re-strengthen the Heaven's Curse Seal, and I used the Four Symbols Seal to seal your Sharingan, which can absorb natural energy."

"Before the next battle breaks out, you have several practices that must be completed."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, took out a scroll from his arms and threw it into Uchiha's arms.

Uchiha Ci picked up the scroll and unfolded it.

Then I saw a line of big characters:

"Records and Methods of Suppression Experiments of the Curse Seal of Heaven"!

Once unfolded,

Inside are bloody, cruel, and inhumane experimental records line by line, as well as the impact of various experiments on the Curse Seal of Heaven.

When you turn to the end, you can find that Orochimaru at this time has already begun to have some rudimentary analysis of how to use the Curse Seal, such as eliminating most of the side effects and completely opening the 'Curse Seal 1' form.

As well as some ideas about the 'Curse Seal 2' form and the true 'Sage Mode', but this part of the content will not be completed until Orochimaru gets Jugo who is born to be able to become a sage.

"You have developed the Heaven's Curse Seal into the second form of the Curse Seal ahead of time, and it is the form closest to the immortal mode of Longdi Cave."

"But your method is too random. You have to learn how to control this power accurately."

Orochimaru frowned and ordered,

"Don't come into contact with the group of fairy snakes in Longdi Cave for the time being."

"I have a better way to help you master Immortal Mode in one step."

"And the first step requires you to perfectly master the power of this curse seal!"

"This scroll contains several ways to further integrate the curse seal with your body and reduce the burden of natural energy on the body."

Uchiha Ci raised his head in slight surprise and asked,

"Anything else?"

Orochimaru nodded and said calmly,

"The second is the wood escape experiment."

"You also heard that now you only have less than two years to live."

"If you want to extend your life, you can only 'expand' your body."

"But it's not something you can do in the short term, even with your physical condition."

Orochimaru exhaled a deep breath and said in a deep voice,

"More than three hundred attempts were made in the preliminary cell fusion experiments using your body tissue, and all ended in failure."

"However, there is an unexpected result."

"The Hashirama cells after dozens of iterations can be used as the cultivation material for the zero-tail larvae in your body, helping it grow in a short period of time."

Uchiha Ci was slightly stunned,

In this case, the long-term lack of blue may be solved.

And he doesn't have to be like now, firing two virtual dog cannons before he is so weak that he simply rolls his eyes and lies down.

Zero Tails may be comparable to real tailed beasts in terms of chakra capacity.

no doubt,

This is a big enhancement for Uchiha Ci.

"That's all for now. I will use the psychic snake to send you a message after raising the tailed beast."

After Orochimaru said this, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction outside the door.

At this moment, through the window on the door, you can see two black figures suddenly appearing outside the door.

Looking at these two uninvited guests, Orochimaru laughed hoarsely,


"Isn't this a coincidence?"


"Then let me see if you can become a qualified villain."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, then raised his hands and formed a seal with his hands,

First, put your hands together, and then connect the seals together.


Then, he raised his hand and pressed it on Uchiha's neck.

The evil seal is released!

The Four Symbols Seal·Resolved!

In an instant, Uchiha Ci felt that two invisible shackles disappeared from his body.

Then, Orochimaru took out an injection containing an unknown green liquid from his kimono sleeve and handed it to Uchiha Ci.

He laughed coldly, his eyes flashing slightly,

"Take it, let's show it to our investors,"

"What is a villain, and what is -"

"Humanoid weapons!"

After saying that, Orochimaru curled up into a sneer and disappeared into the room.

Immediately afterwards,


The door to the ward was pushed open hard!

Two ninjas wearing patterned masks, exuding chills, and wearing Konoha Anbu uniforms walked in,

Looking at Uchiha Ci coldly, he ordered in a cold voice:

"Uchiha Ci,"

"Danzo-sama invites you!"

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