Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 190: Practicing secret skills,

Chapter 190: Practicing secret skills, "Watergate"·Sudden changes!

After some simple instruction on Uchiha Ci,

Orochimaru was soon summoned to leave by the ANBU sent by the Sandaime.

The whole process was so smooth, it was as if it had been prepared in advance.

No, I should say,

If such a plan had not been prepared in advance, it would have been impossible to make such a complete arrangement in a short period of time with the content that Orochimaru could accommodate on the scroll just now.

Thinking about the fact that the Uchiha clan assigned the task of Hell Valley to Konoha, it seemed that Orochimaru was the one bridging the gap.

Could it be that this plan had been made a long time ago?

Orochimaru, who came back online and participated in the Ninja World War, may have already prepared the general strategy for Konoha's four-front battle period.

Although Yunyin's actions at this moment were a bit abrupt, they were still within his original plan.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Ci was slightly stunned,

Suddenly he felt like he had learned something again, and his forehead was itchy, so he couldn't help but scratch his head.

Just before leaving,

Orochimaru suddenly turned around, narrowed his golden snake eyes, casually pulled out a book from the bookshelf next to the door and threw it to Uchiha, and then said lightly:

"Just wait here for me. No matter what you see later, it's best not to run around."

"It's okay, read more books."

"?" Uchiha blinked his eyes, somewhat confused as to what Orochimaru was talking about.

But when he lowered his head, he saw six large characters printed on the cover of the book in his hand,

"Introduction to Genetic Engineering"!

Suddenly, Uchiha Ci felt as if he had touched a potato that was hotter than Fire Release Heartburn, and he threw the book out with a snap.

Is this something I, an Uchiha who only knows how to fight and kill, should watch?

When Uchiha Ci raised his head again,

Orochimaru's back had disappeared into the night outside the laboratory door.

His laboratory located in Konoha Village looks quite formal, with a huge tree planted outside the door.

at this time,

The night wind sobbed, and the falling green leaves slowly rose into the air.

It was still only April, but there was an inexplicable sense of dullness in the air, which made people feel a little restless.

Uchiha Ci looked at the night sky with dark clouds covering the moon and thick clouds.

I had an inexplicable premonition of a storm coming.

However, he has done what he can do,

What will happen next, we can only leave it to fate.

If the top management of Konoha did not allow him to leave the village, even to save Setsuna Uchiha, he would have to force his way out of the village.

With his current skill set and combat effectiveness, as long as Minato doesn't bring someone to arrest him, then it won't be a big problem.

The shortcomings of illusions have been made up, and when faced with sealing techniques and poison, as long as he runs fast enough, moves quickly enough, and has the blessing of combat intuition, he will not be attacked so easily.

Now even if it is Orochimaru,

There is no way he can be taken down so easily.

Uchiha Ci was free for a while, so daydreaming and divergent thinking, but in the end there was really nothing to do.

He took out the only cultivation scroll he could understand, found a place in the laboratory and sat down, holding the scroll and looking at it.

"Ninpo Technique: The Technique of the Wild-Haired Lion".

The principle of this technique is to control hair, perform hardening similar to changes in earth properties, and perform rejuvenation and regeneration in the category of medical ninjutsu. Looking at its fundamental principle, it is actually a variant of a compound ninjutsu.

But what distinguishes it from Earth Escape and makes it a high-end secret technique is that the essence of the material used for the technique is tissue belonging to the human body.

Ninja hair also has a meridian system,

Ninjas are able to use a variety of techniques based on various meridian systems.

For example, the healing and regeneration technique, used by Shizune in the original work when treating Ningji, uses Ningji's hair as a medium to change the proportion of hair cells, and use the changed proportion of hair cells to regenerate the missing parts of the body.

Another example is Kidomaru's Spider Web Secret Technique, which is essentially the use of silk glands and sweat glands.

Jiraiya's ninjutsu is also based on the use of the hair meridian system.

What's special about it is that it changes the meridians in the hair, grows hair at will, activates hair roots, and metabolizes functions. These processes can flow chakra, unlike ordinary ninjutsu, such as Eight Door Dungeon and Seven-Day Breathing. These methods will put pressure on the body. Hair belongs to the body and can be strengthened like the Eight Gate Dunjia, but it will not be able to withstand the overload of strengthening like the body itself.

This also makes this technique,

It has strong attack, high hardness, low consumption, and has growth characteristics!

The only abilities that can really effectively compete with this kind of ninjutsu are the high temperature of the ultimate fire release or the soft fist sealing acupoints. Raikiri, water break wave, etc. are all dwarfed by them. The point is that if you cut it, it will be in vain, and the person will still grow.

It is equivalent to a normal armor that can be continuously regenerated.

If we want to go back to the ultimate form of this jutsu, it is the ultimate ninjutsu that can be used to hit weak points with the Byakugan, and even Susanoo can blast it——

Otsutsuki Kaguya's rabbit hair needle!

Fortunately, this type of ninjutsu is easy to learn but difficult to master. Although a large part of the content behind it is somewhat unclear to Uchiha, the basic application methods are easy to master.

He raised his hand, formed a 'wei' seal for auxiliary control, and attached chakra to his hair.

Let him try the steps of hardening, growing and shooting in the scroll step by step,

Having had experience in using Earth Release and Earth Spear to harden and control the growth of Earth Resentment Yu Silk Thread, Uchiha Ci was quite comfortable in doing this first step.

After several attempts, a line of subtitles quickly appeared in front of my eyes,

[You have mastered: Ninja Technique: The Technique of the Wild-Haired Lion (B, entry level, can be integrated into fairy magic for upgrading). 】

"Oh, I really can't help it. Before I knew it, my brother turned into flesh again."

Uchiha Ci opened his eyes, faced the mirror in the laboratory, and manipulated his hair into a 'lazy hairstyle' on his head.

Thinking that this technique has its own modeling function, when he appears in the future, his black hair will dance wildly, just like the devil comes to the world!

Gee, it’s so cool and awesome!

Looking in the mirror and pinching the hair on his head, Uchiha couldn't help but feel silly and happy for a while, feeling its hardness comparable to granite.

He was planning to sit down and study based on the proficiency on the panel, and was waiting for the news Orochimaru would bring back after the meeting.


at this time,



A wave of air spread instantly with a roar!

In just an instant, the glass in the laboratory was smashed through!

Uchiha Ci raised his head in astonishment and saw the east side of Konoha.

In an instant, the shadow of a fierce fox appeared with its teeth and claws and nine tails dancing wildly!

"In that direction, is it the third training ground? Did Kushina go berserk?"

Uchiha couldn't help but open his eyes wide, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is the plot of "Watergate", but the time is not right. How could it happen at this time?!"

"And this movement is much more exaggerated than in Watergate!"

"Damn it, the prince is in danger!"

In an instant, Uchiha Ci realized,

The first one is that the time is not right.

Watergate took place during the day, but now it's night.

Since the last time he turned into a half-tailed beast and went on a rampage, the two hollow dog cannons caused Konoha to feel the pain of skin-cutting and caused hundreds of millions of losses.

After realizing that the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki was uncontrollable, Konoha would definitely no longer just use two Anbu to guard Kushina, a powerful weapon.

But now, Kushina still ran out!

And compared with the scale of Kushina's rampage in "Watergate", this scene seems a bit exaggerated now!

He had counted carefully,

In Minato Den, Kushina had up to eight tails when she went berserk!

And now,

This fucking Nine-Tails is about to pop out!

Kushina in the Eight-Tails form, if she hadn't controlled Yoshiki at the last moment, Minato would have been stabbed to death by a slap, and would have received his box lunch on the spot.

How dare you talk about Kushina in her current form?

You know, the plug-in sealed in Naruto's body was only half of the Nine-Tails, but now Kushina has a whole one in her body!

With such a level of violence, how could Minato be killed with just one slap?

Thinking that Minato and Kushina had not applauded for love and left the crown prince's seed at this time, Uchiha couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Damn it!

If Naruto is gone, where the hell am I going to find a savior?

As soon as he thought of this, Uchiha Ciden was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, jumping up from the ground with a big jump,

He hurriedly stuffed the scroll into the roll bag and rushed out!


Just then,

Two people dressed as ANBU suddenly jumped to the door of the laboratory. They raised their hands, stopped Uchiha before he resigned, and said in embarrassment:

"Lord Shura!"

"Please stop!"

"Lord Orochimaru told you to read here!"

Uchiha paused, frowned suddenly, and looked at the two root ninjas wearing patterned masks who stopped him.

There was an inexplicable feeling of familiarity in my heart.

Where had he seen these two people?

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