Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 207 Konoha Dragon God! The power of centrifugation!

"Centrifugal force?"

When he heard the words of the little old man walking towards him, Uchiha's lips twitched.

Of course he knew what centrifugal force was.

This is a virtual force, a manifestation of inertia, that moves a rotating object away from its center of rotation.

The core principle of the Expanding Rasengan that is different from ordinary Rasengan is that the violent chakra breaks free from this centrifugal force, causing it to expand out of control and explode.


Can this thing be used in physical arts? ? ?

Such magical remarks immediately shattered Uchiha's limited scientific outlook.

But thinking about it, he should have adapted to this world of ninjas long ago.

This kind of world that looks like science is actually the same as the power of my thinking, a world where cows, ghosts and snakes are crawling all over the place.

At this time,

Wearing a yellow vest and wearing sunglasses like Aburame Ryoma even in such a deep night, the little old man poked his head over.

He looked at Uchiha Ci with an expression like a blind man looking at a blind man.

"What? You still don't understand?"

"It's so stupid, so stupid!"

"Why would the village allow a young boy like you to be the main force in this operation?"

"Ah?" Upon hearing this, Uchiha raised his head in surprise,

The information about him as the main elite should be classified as confidential, and the Sandaime did not disclose this before departure.

He looked at the other party's appearance and thought for a moment before suddenly remembering,

The old man in front of me,

It was during this period in Konoha that there was known as 'Konoha's strongest taijutsu ninja' and mastered the unique skill 'Konoha Dragon God'. In the future Fourth Ninja War, his ability would surpass Chang Kai and Xiao A martial arts master joined by Lee.

His real name is Chen Baojun. Yes, it is such a Chinese name. It is even somewhat similar to the name of a certain successor of the Pine Cone Phlegm Shaking Lightning Whip.

At this time, Mr. Chen raised his thick eyebrows and curled his lips:

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think everyone here is blind?"

Uchiha shook his head repeatedly, but after his eyes fell on the other person's sunglasses, he couldn't help but think,

Master, if you are wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night, it is hard for me not to suspect that you are not blind, right?


Just as he was thinking this, the little old man knocked down a chestnut with his hands behind his back.

"The position of your team in the wild goose formation is where the 'general' is. It is protected by archers and ashigaru. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat."

"You have the deputy commander of the root as your guard, and the other brat is also respectful to you. With such a strange team, Sarutobi Shinnosuke saw through your roots early on, so he made such an arrangement. Fortunately, you, the 'general', didn't Self-aware.”

"You should be the 'Shura' who defeated that old guy Ebizo in the last battle of the Kingdom of Rain."

Mr. Chen glanced at Uchiha Ci with disdain, shook his head, and sat down on the slab beside the campfire with his hands behind his back.

He picked up a branch on the ground, roughly drew the entire 'Fern Formation' and the arrangement of the four elite teams on the ground, and pointed out:

"However, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's skills are still not enough. This approach is still inferior. The so-called art of war pays attention to the combination of reality and reality. I can see the center of the formation, and the enemy can naturally see it too."

"The position you should be assigned to most is actually the 'cavalry' position."

Uchiha scratched his head and was confused by what he heard. In the end, he could only raise his head and look at the little old man with admiration.

I don’t understand what you said, but I still feel awesome.jpg!

It is indeed Kung Fu Chinese!

Elder Chen couldn't help but twitch his lips when he saw the clear stupidity on Uchiha Ci's face, and then he realized that he was throwing his flirtatious glance at a blind man.

"That...Teacher Chen" Uchiha came back to his senses at this time and asked for advice on the question just now,

"I'm wondering, no, it's centrifugal force. How should I apply it to physical skills?"

He looked at the little old man in front of him,

Once a ninja's physical skills reach a certain level, they become abstract.

If Xiao Li's Drunken Fist Uchiha Ci in the anime is still understandable, then a series of abilities after that are completely beyond his cognitive scope.

It's like Xiao Li's Lily Flower, Matt Kai's Ye Kai, and Matt Dai's Xi Xiang.

Even Sunagakure's second-generation boxing king Murasaki's Seven-day Breathing Technique can transform him directly into a Super Saiyan.

(Put a picture to give everyone a feel.)

When beating the Sunagakure boxing champion Ebizo, Uchiha wanted to learn some of the moves and perform them immediately, but the final Uchiha boxing style was honestly a bit too ring-style.

This is not ninja at all!

Uchiha Ci is also very curious about this strange physical technique!

And when he thought that the Uchiha clan actually had something so abstract, no, it was a powerful and handsome taijutsu, Uchiha Ci's heart felt as if there was a kitten scratching him, and he couldn't wait to learn it.

And this first step,

It is to solve the difficulty of how to double jump, triple jump or even N jump to fly into the sky.

"Centrifugal force is very simple to say the least."

Mr. Chen threw away the wooden stick in his hand, wiped out the formation diagram drawn on the ground with one kick, and after pondering for a moment, he said,

"The taijutsu of ninjas also uses chakra. After combining chakra and centrifugal force, you can reach a state of 'inner self' and let your imagination run wild."

"The consciousness of a practitioner of physical arts is like a mirror. It has nothing, but it is all-encompassing. It accepts everything, but retains nothing. It does nothing and has no desire, but is always ready to accept it. It uses the unconscious to dominate the entire consciousness."

"What to do specifically is to relax yourself mentally to the greatest extent through constant 'training' and become more free. The freedom of separation will make physical skills freer."

Mr. Chen looked serious and said:

"This is centrifugal force, do you understand?"

Uchiha Ci opened his eyes slightly and looked at the old man in front of him with a shocked expression.

The "centrifugal force" you mentioned is not the "centrifugal force" I imagined, but the "centrifugal" force?

No, should I learn how to trade?

Uchiha Ci blinked his eyes and said frankly:

"Teacher Chen, I don't understand."

Chen Laoyi frowned and looked at Uchiha Ci with a look on his face that said, "This guy is so stupid."

After thinking for a moment, he sighed,

"You're too stupid. There's nothing I can do. Let's just use examples to tell you what to do."

After all,

Mr. Chen stood up, walked to the side of a lone beech tree, and whipped his legs to draw out a strong wind!

In an instant, the debris on the wasteland beside the campfire was swept away.

Leaves are falling all over the sky,

Mr. Chen stood under the tree with his hands behind his back, looked back, and asked lightly:

"Konoha Tornado, you know, right?"

Uchiha looked at Mr. Chen with bright eyes and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Konoha Tornado translates it, isn't it Tornado Legs? Uchiha understands this!

Mr. Chen nodded, and immediately whipped his leg out in slow motion again.

This time, he spun around and kicked his whip twice in mid-air. The strong wind from his legs made the big tree in front of him tremble!

Then, he turned around and asked calmly:

"Konoha Great Whirlwind, can you understand?"

Uchiha nodded again. As Kaihuang and Xiao Li's usual moves, he had certainly seen this move before.

Then, Mr. Chen narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "Then, the key point is here!"

"Konoha - Sudden Wind!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Chen jumped up into the air, and his speed suddenly became more than ten times faster!

The strong wind suddenly lifted the roots of Uchiha Ci's hair,

Old Chen's figure was reflected in his scarlet Sharingan, and his movements were dissected frame by frame.

But the speed was too fast, and the fast Uchiha Ci could only see the afterimage!

Chen Lao was spinning in mid-air. He first performed a two-stage hollow roundhouse kick, and then used the inertia and centrifugal force of the rotation to launch a third forward roundhouse kick against the giant tree.


The giant tree swayed wildly!

But this was not over yet. In mid-air, Mr. Chen's tone dropped and he shouted:

"Watch it——"

"Boy, this is the perfect use of centrifugal force!"

Then, using the inertia created by the third swinging kick, Chen Lao spun around again and kicked out brazenly!

The body suddenly rotated in the direction of rotation like a crazily spinning top!

The leaves scattered on the ground and in the air were suddenly swept up by the strong wind driven by the top.

"This is the Konoha Dragon God!"

In the wind, Mr. Chen turned faster and faster, until the Sharingan could no longer see his figure clearly!

can only see,

A tornado caused by the high-speed rotation of a human body gradually transformed into the shape of a dragon, roaring up to the sky!

"hold head high--!!"

Violent chakra fluctuations and strong winds blasted into the sky!

The dragon spreads its fangs and claws in the sky, swaying, and looks elegant, but in fact every inch of its body is made up of wind blades that will tear the human body into pieces in an instant!

Uchiha Ci's eyes widened,

Watching step by step, ordinary moves gradually turn into miraculous physical skills displayed before your eyes!

At this moment, it was as if a bell was exploding in my ears!

At this moment, it’s like a bright door opens in front of you!

After pushing open this door, what comes is——

This is a state that can only be reached by reaching the extreme level of pure physical skills!

Uchiha Ci originally thought that what Mr. Chen was talking about to him was the power of separation.

However, I never expected that what Mr. Chen was talking about was not only centrifugal force, but also centrifugal force!

Then compare it to the vague description in "Uchiha Ryu: Dance of the Halo\

,"At this moment, Uchiha Ci seemed to have some realization!

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