Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 225 A journey in fantasy, a heavy gift beyond imagination.

"That day, before I used the halo dance in fire escape chakra mode,"

"I used Izanagi, a forbidden technique passed down from generation to generation in the clan."

"To activate this forbidden technique, you need to form the three seals of 'Mao-Hai-Wei'. Those who hold the Sharingan will lose one eye permanently and turn everything around!"

"Let the things that are not good for you in a period of time never happen, and only choose the things that are good for you to turn into reality."

Uchiha stood up in an instant, sat weakly on the edge of the cliff where the night wind flowed quietly, and slowly told a story that Uchiha didn't know before the two separated from the country of Yu.

"At that time, I was not sure whether this technique could be successfully activated. Therefore, I pursued the eternity in that moment with the intention of dying."

"In the end, everything was burned, and in exchange for a short period of unrivaled power!"

"Fortunately, the forbidden technique was successful. At the cost of permanent blindness in one eye, I entered the gap between fantasy and reality!"

"And it was at this juncture that I, in my sixtieth year, finally understood the eternity of an instant and awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"Acquired the kaleidoscope eye technique called [Heaven's Permanent Standing]."

"Heaven stands forever?"

Hearing this word, Uchiha was suddenly shocked.

According to the Sakura Mythology, the standing god of heaven is the god who controls time. The pupil technique with the same name is inseparable from the time-side ability no matter how you think about it.

It is quite reasonable for Setsuna Uchiha to awaken this type of kaleidoscope eye technique by sacrificing himself in pursuit of the eternity of the moment.

However, what kind of expression will time, a scale that only exists in human senses, be like after being transformed into a pupil?

"Yes, the kaleidoscope eye technique called Tianzhudachi." Uchiha nodded instantly,

But soon, the little old man showed a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

"But I am ashamed to say that I only remember the name. I have forgotten the effects of this pupil technique and how to activate it."

"Ah this."

Uchiha Ci couldn't help being a little dumbfounded,

Can this kind of kaleidoscope eye technique, which automatically knows its purpose after awakening, be forgotten?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh,

Of course he understood that this was not Uchiha Setsuna's deliberate concealment or that he was really suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

After all, although the little old man is very old, his energy when killing people and hanging bounties on his head, and his memory of reciting the names of all the big and small organizations in the ninja world when reporting the names of dishes, do not look like he is an Alzheimer's patient. .

Therefore, the key to the problem should be the side effects caused by the eye surgery itself.

And what kind of ability is this?

Uchiha thought for a moment, but after seeing the slightly ashamed look on the little old man's face,

He patted the other person's back and comforted him:

"It's okay to forget, it's okay to forget"

At least if you forget the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique itself, you won't quickly become blind due to overuse of the Eye Technique.

Although there is only one Mangekyō Sharingan, its basic ability is already very strong.

Besides, Uchiha Ci didn't want to see this old man fighting for himself and his family again, and he exploded so much that he was blinded.

He has done enough

However, at this time,

In an instant, Uchiha suddenly grabbed Uchiha Ci's wrist, breathing heavily, his eyes glowing with light, and said solemnly:

"But, quit,"

"After entering the gap between fantasy and reality, with this eye that awakened in the illusion that seemed to be a reflection of the world,"

"I've seen a lot, a lot!"

His eyes were glowing, and countless magnificent scenes that Uchiha had never seen before seemed to flash through his single scarlet eye.

"It was a broken, messy, and reverse-chronological fantasy world."

"From now to the Warring States Period, from the Warring States Period to the Six Paths Sage Era where only myths remain, from that magnificent era to a period of chaos that no one will remember."

"Countless secret techniques that have been submerged in the long river of time, countless shadow-level experts, and countless treasures!"

"Ten Fist Sword, Eight-foot Mirror, Eight-foot Magatama, Immortal's Talisman, Six Paths Ninja Tool, Tian Cong Yun Sword."

"The Sacred Tree, the Spear of Amanuma, the Flame Fan, and the sky-blue Susanoo who is even more powerful than Madara Uchiha."

"Trapped in that world,"

"I can't remember how many times I used the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique to escape from it."

Uchiha looked a little excited for a moment, and the palm that held Uchiha's wrist kept exerting force, sinking deeply into his skin.

"Believe me, Ci, you must believe me!"

"This is not a dream, this is really what happened to me!"

He stared at Uchiha Ci closely, his eyes so sincere that they were almost pathological, trying to make Uchiha Ci believe his crazy words like nonsense.

Finally, he took out the yellowed note written in simple handwriting from his arms,

"This is supported by evidence, look at this!"

On the notebook, there is a circle of complicated spells drawn.

The word "天" is engraved on it, and there are four lines of comments below it:

‘I have set the transfer seal in advance. ’

'But I'm not sure I'll forget it. ’

‘Please be sure to use this kaleidoscope power called ‘The Eternal Standing of Heaven’,’

‘Give this ticket, from which you can gain power beyond the ancestors of all generations, to Uchiha Ci! ’

Uchiha stared at Uchiha Ci for a moment, his eyes widened, and the skinny palm holding his wrist trembled.

"I don't remember writing this note at all, nor do I remember turning on the kaleidoscope. I only remember those unreal pasts that were like dreams. If it weren't for this existence, I would..."

Listening to these words, looking at the skinny palm tightly clasped on the wrist,

Uchiha was silent for a moment, and finally took his wrist, hugged the skinny old man, patted his back, and said softly but firmly:

"I know, I know"

"Great Elder,"

"I trust you!"

Feeling this gentle embrace, Uchiha was stunned for a moment.

Soon, he laughed again, and tears of blood quietly slipped from the corners of his wrinkled eyes.

Uchiha Ci didn't speak, but his heart trembled slightly.

From the moment Uchiha Setsuna said the word 'Amanuma Spear', he knew——

Maybe what the other person said is true!

Tiannum Spear, this is a sword of the heart.

A Shinto heavenly sword belonging to Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the founder of the ninja, the Six Paths Sage.

There is no record spread in the ninja world. It was not until the Fourth Ninja War in the future that Uchiha Obito, who became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki and was promoted to the Six Paths level, learned about the legend.

And such a top-secret piece of information came from Uchiha Setsuna's mouth.

Not to mention the other artifacts and sacred trees he mentioned.

There is also the blue Susanoo. If nothing else, it should be the Susanoo of the Sage of Six Paths. He is more powerful than the complete Susanoo and can defend the terrifying existence of the Ten-Tails and Kaguya Otsutsuki.

When Uchiha Ci experienced this exciting journey from the country of Yu to the country of rain, and then from the country of rain back to Konoha, and then from Konoha back to the country of Yu,

The old man in front of me,

In the world he describes where fantasy and reality are mixed,

Perhaps he has experienced a more magnificent journey than his Uchiha Ci.


The first thing the old man did when he returned to reality was

Instead, he forcibly dug out this gift received between life and death, the power forgotten in the dream, and transferred it to himself.

Thinking of this kind of thing, Uchiha Ci couldn't help but fall into silence.

and then,

He clenched his trembling fists tightly.

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