Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 227 Practical training, the call of the immortal

Afternoon training,

It is an arduous training of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu. By adjusting the seal on the protective gear, the chakra is limited to the normal Uchiha Chuunin level, and actual combat training is carried out on this scale.

The Uchiha clan does not seem to value the Zero-Tail in Uchiha Ci's body, nor is it interested in further developing this artificial tailed beast.

What they are more concerned about is Uchiha Ci's basic ability as a ninja.

The intuitive feeling this gives Uchiha Ci is,

Compared to Uchiha Kaguya, who looks like a master swordsman and doesn't like to talk much,

Uchiha Setsuna, the old man's mouth was even more damaging——

"Who taught you how to use ninjutsu like this?"

"Do you want to piss me off to death? Why do you always throw ninjutsu as if it were a shuriken? You're so accurate!"

"Reverse, reverse!"

"Are you an idiot? Shuriken is for cover, ninjutsu is for killing!"

"Without Fire Release Chakra Mode, you can't even beat that brat Shisui!"


"This four-attribute chakra knife is a bit interesting, but it's not very popular yet."

"Compared to the three escape techniques of wind, fire, and water, your thunder escape is so weak that it can only be used to scratch my back!"

After the chakra in the body was exhausted, a short rest finally came.


Uchiha resigned and collapsed on the messy training ground.

Looking at the white clouds, flying birds, and falling leaves in the sky, as well as the old man’s half-smiling expression in front of me,

I really want to point my fingers at the sky and curse,

Practice your mother, stop practicing!

When chakra is limited to the chunin level, one can only rely on normal ninja fighting methods to fight.

In front of the old man Uchiha Setsuna, he was simply full of flaws.

The Uchiha-style and shuriken techniques that had been invincible in the past had no effect at all in front of this old man. He tried various ninjutsus in different ways, but the old man saw through the flaws with his extremely sharp Sharingan.

Then the old man flew into the sky and into the earth with Uchiha-style swordsmanship that far exceeded Uchiha Ci, just like when he closed his eyes and danced during the Kakuto Ninjutsu bombing,

He shuttled behind him like a white horse, and then severely beat Uchiha Ci's butt with the back of the knife.

And when Uchiha Ci wants to counterattack with his skilled Sharingan illusion, he will find that he has somehow been hit by the opponent's illusion in advance.

Finally, in desperation, Uchiha Ci had no choice but to take out the ultimate move at the bottom of the box.

A compound ninjutsu that has not yet been named, a rudimentary ninjutsu that emerged in my heart when I was suppressing the Nine-Tails.

He has mastered the three ninja sword techniques that have changed in nature: Fire Release: Heartfire Flame Sword, Water Release: Water Fang Blade, and Wind Release: Vacuum Blade, plus the new sword skills that he just acquired from the opponent after the duel with Kirabi.

The ultimate ninja swordsmanship composed of four ninjutsu.

By the way, after Uchiha beat Kirabi away in an instant, a line of subtitles was refreshed on Uchiha's panel:

【when! 】

[You bravely faced Rabbi, the eight-tailed jinchuriki who just tried to kill you, and you obtained the opponent's random skill: Thunder Release·Supersonic Thunder Knife (A, Proficient)]

[The number of layers of your Heart Steel has increased. 】

This Thunder Release Supersonic Thunder Saber,

It is the leading A-level chakra-attached swordsmanship in Kumogakure Village. It appeared in Kirabi's duel with Sasuke of the Eagle Squad. Its power is comparable to Sasuke's Thunder Release and Chidori Blade.

This move can attach thunder attribute chakra to the ninja tool, and enhance the sharpness and penetrating power of the ninja tool with the ultra-high-frequency vibration periodic waves caused by lightning escape.

The power of the composite ninjutsu, which is gathered from the four attributes of ninjutsu, is quite powerful. With one strike of the sword, everything in front of him can be cut into molecular states, making Uchiha dare not even take a hard hit.

But this is of no use,

Facing a strong man like Setsuna Uchiha, who has reached the top of conventional ninjas in all aspects of ability, Uchiha Ci, who cannot explode and carry out AOE map cannon strikes, can't even touch the corners of his clothes.

The master-level Uchiha-style swordsmanship combined with the ultimate insight of the Sharingan,

What Yu Zhici felt was an almost despairing experience!

No matter what angle the attack is taken from, or what method of attack is used, it will definitely be predicted in advance. His swordsmanship experience seems to be so sophisticated that he can almost 'predict' all Uchiha Ci's next moves.

See the enemy's moves and take advantage of them, anticipate the enemy's opportunities, and even attack later!

This is a pure technical level crushing.

If Ninjutsu cannot hit anyone, it will be a burden that consumes chakra in vain.

So even if Uchiha Ci took out this ninjutsu that made the little old man's eyes shine, he still faced a disastrous defeat.

But fortunately,

Uchiha's training is to leave a deep impression on the practitioners through torture of the physical body, relying on the form of combat.

And as long as he can fight, even if he loses miserably, Uchiha Ci can gain something!

【when! 】

[In the designated training mode with Uchiha Setsuna, you bravely stepped forward, and you received a random reward in the designated training mode: a large amount of practical experience in Uchiha-style swordsmanship. 】

[Your level of Uchiha Style: Halo Dance has been improved. Current progress: Proficient (11/300). 】

Looking at the subtitles that appeared on the panel, Uchiha was in a daze.

The next moment,

Every scar on the body that was extracted by the little old man was slightly hot.

The severe beatings he received turned into a huge flow of knowledge, a kind of muscle memory that was close to instinct, and was engraved into the muscles where the scars were located.

From the angle of drawing the sword, to the posture of drawing the sword, to Uchiha Setsuna's personal experience when he used his Sharingan to discern, predict, and counter his clumsy movements,

All kinds of knowledge that cannot be described in words pass through my heart and are engraved into my instincts.

In an instant, he passed through the levels that required tedious practice and training.

From understanding, analysis, mastery, to skillful application.

This rapidly escalating pleasure made Uchiha feel secretly happy and couldn't help but giggle.

On the training ground, Uchiha put down the empty bottle of water in an instant, glanced at the stupid boy at his feet, and couldn't help but kick his butt.

"What are you giggling about?"

"The rest time is over, get up quickly and continue practicing!"


Uchiha Ci quickly got up. With his strong recovery power, in a short period of time, he had reached full strength again.

Soon, the next round of beatings began again,

And he was making progress little by little with pain and joy.


At night, the stars and moon shine in the night sky.

After finishing two practices that made him feel physically and mentally exhausted,

Uchiha Ci left the training ground and went to the separate wooden house prepared for him by the clan.

But he still couldn't rest at this time,

The training of the Uchiha clan is a comprehensive complement to his ninja foundation.

What he will do next is a training plan decided by Orochimaru and the Uchiha clan thousands of miles away.

About the practice of mastering the curse seal, or in other words, the perfect immortal mode.

To this day, Uchiha Ci has not developed enough of the 'Heaven's Curse Seal' on his body. For the time being, it is still at the basic level of drawing natural energy and simply integrating the magic chakra.

The curse seal itself is a path to the immortal mode.

The Heavenly Curse Seal, which causes the mind to go crazy and out of control and the body to become alienated, is essentially a form of immortal mode.

Through Orochimaru's genius idea, this method is even safer and more reliable than the sage mode practice in Ryūchi Cave itself.

After all, the method used by White Snake Sennin to teach the Sage Mode is exactly the same as Orochimaru's.

They all take a bite with canine teeth and inject natural energy.

Then stared.

The form of Curse Seal 2 can already be called an imperfect sage mode. Logically speaking, this form gives Uchiha Ci a series of abilities such as strong body, snake eyes, flexibility, explosion, and extreme speed. Enough to use.

But Orochimaru was not satisfied with this.

What he asked Uchiha Ci to do was to completely tame this power!

For this, a special drug is needed——

Xingxin pill.

By taking this drug, going through the painful stage of 'death', and constantly touching the power hidden in the curse seal of the sky, suppressing the spiritual will that is gradually losing reason and going crazy under its influence, one can master this ability.

Fugaku had already given this medicine to him when he left the village.

However, due to the fierce battle with Kirabi, his clothes were damaged and the pills were lost.

What he relies on now is the 'Xingxin Decoction' prepared by the clan's pharmacist and urgently flown in.


Uchiha plunged into the pot of boiling medicine that exuded a pungent smell.

Sit down cross-legged, leaving only your head above the water.

Close your eyes and calm down,

Quietly, the evil seal wrapped around his neck was untied.

Feeling the lines of the Heaven's Curse Seal continue to climb up and fade from the surface of the body, until the whole body is covered by pale snake scales, entering the second form of the Curse Seal.

However, just when he wanted to activate the deeper power in the Curse Seal of the Sky and kill the violent spiritual power as recorded in Orochimaru's scroll.

A gloomy voice that was ethereal and aged suddenly sounded in Uchiha's ears——


"Listen, what you did was wrong!"

"If you want to achieve the true appearance of a Yongdi Cave Immortal,"

"You deserve to be accepted, not rejected, and you deserve to receive this honor, rather than commit such a rebellious and unruly act!"

Hearing this voice, Uchiha opened his eyes suddenly,

However, before my eyes, the world suddenly started to spin.

With a puff of smoke rising,

Uchiha Ci suddenly disappeared from the wooden house in Hell Valley.

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