Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 254: A sudden change! A powerful blow like thunder!


Shed away the ordinary, and the wind blade suddenly burst out!


Accompanied by the sudden surge of wind blades, the long-suppressed thunder sounded at this moment like a thousand birds singing in unison!

"Hiss what is this!"

Ai couldn't help but frown hard, a look of pain suddenly appeared on his face.

The sharp vibrating thunder that was close to the limit of human hearing instantly pierced the eardrums of the two people, and blood gurgled down the ears of the two people and down the corners of their jaws.

Thunder helps the wind become sharp!

And the wind assists the thunder, causing its mournful sound to reverberate throughout the heaven and earth!

This is,

The sonic attack that Ai's Thunder Escape Armor cannot resist!

This is the power of the so-called compound ninja technique!

this moment,

Uchiha Ci didn't care at all whether this move would make him indistinguishable from friend to foe. The price of becoming deaf would be to temporarily destroy Ai's hearing.

The Sandaime Raikage Ai, who has extremely rich experience in taijutsu combat, is so powerful!

Uchiha Ci once doubted that if the other party had a panel, he would be able to show off all his superb level of physical skills.

Therefore, what he can do is to bring his opponent to the same level as himself!

If you want to be blind, let’s go blind together; if you want to be deaf, let’s go deaf together!

We can't favor one over the other!

Immediately afterwards,

Uchiha Ci didn't hesitate at all, and the golden sword light instantly aimed at the scar on Ai's left chest and shot away!

Seeing this scene, Ai's eyes suddenly froze,

"How is it possible? How could this brat know the information about this weakness!"

"Could it be a guess?"

"There is no way the information will be leaked. After all, Dodai, who knew this weakness, has died in the hands of Setsuna Uchiha."

"And this kid actually made such a life-threatening decision based on just one look."

Such a crazy move immediately reminded Ai of the powerful man who was killed by his hands ten years ago.

The sudden sense of crisis also made his whole body tense up instantly, and he subconsciously withdrew his left hand that was strangling Uchiha's forehead.

In a very limited time,

He pulled back his elbows, opened his palms, and touched the scar on his left chest before the golden sword light penetrated the scar on his left chest and his heart.


The golden sword light pierced the rising thunder armor on the back of Ai's left hand!


The bitter explosion erupted instantly, and the thunder and wind blades pushed forward like cones!

The bright golden light instantly overwhelmed the two of them, depriving them of their sight.

Then, this move combines extreme penetrating power and attribute restraint,

It actually cut through the surface of the Thunder Dungeon Armor!

The golden sword light came into contact with the back of Ai's hand and penetrated hard, piercing through his entire palm and almost touching the opponent's chest!

But at this time, Uchiha Ci had already felt the strong resistance that was difficult to stab forward.

The Sandaime Raikage Ai, at this juncture, used the muscles in his palm to clamp the wind blade he shot!

The opponent's body under the thunder escape armor was actually so tough that it was unlike a normal human being. It gave him the feeling of being struck by a diamond!

Uchiha Ci suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly,

Although he can still try to push forward again and turn this blow into a decisive confrontation, with the sharpness of the Kusanagi sword itself, he can try to cut off the opponent's arm at this time.

But he decisively gave up the idea,

Nothing but a premonition of danger that made his hair stand on end would arise subconsciously when he thought of continuing.

The Chidori Thrust used by Sasuke with the palm of his hand was able to cut through the fourth Raikage Ai's thunder armor, but he was unable to push forward.

And now, although Uchiha Ci is facing the third generation Ai who has stronger defense than the fourth generation, the supersonic vacuum blade, a composite ninja technique, with its attribute restraint and the increase of the composite ninjutsu, is beyond Uchiha Ci's expectation. Among them, against the Sandaime Raikage, he should be able to achieve similar results as Sasuke.

This is a very simple calculation.

And now that the results have been verified, there is no need for him to keep criticizing the weakness in Sandaimei's chest and stabbing him in the heart.

The third generation of thunder, who is not a body of dirt, is actually not just a weakness on the chest.

The throat, carotid artery, brain, upper abdomen, stomach, liver, spleen, crotch, knee joints, arches of the feet, these are the weak points of the human body that can paralyze a person with a single slash, he can cut them all!

There are many opportunities for him!

This is the thought,

Uchiha Ci's eyes turned cold.

He immediately raised his foot and kicked on Ai's thunder armor. With the force of the kick, he pulled the blood-stained and hollow chest out of Ai's right arm and flipped back to the ground.

No lag -

Uchiha Ci then bowed down, twisted the palms of his feet into a circle, took out a kunai from the ninja bag on his waist and shot out,

Holding the silk thread that rebounded from the end of the kunai with one hand, water rose from the soles of his feet. Using the water escape and water cut technique, he slid under Ai's crotch and passed through his back, and stood upside down with his strong waist strength. get up,

Then he twisted and pushed with his five fingers, and he jumped with one arm on the ground.

Flip 360 degrees in mid-air, the blade lights up!

He grasped the hilt of the Kusanagi sword with both hands and twisted it.

"Go to hell, you old dog wearing a bastard's shell!!"

Uchiha shouted angrily, holding the sharp golden sword and slashing straight towards Ai's Tianling Cap!

The golden sword blade reflected Ai's astonished face, which looked up.

next moment,

He couldn't hear what Uchiha was saying, but he was sure that it was definitely not a good thing. The old man's face suddenly became angry.

The kid's moves in front of him were full of deceit, which made him extremely unhappy!

If I have to describe it,

It's like fighting a sly flea, a buzzing mosquito, or a flying fly!

He was unable to use his powerful experience, and he felt as if he had eaten shit.

For a moment, Ai Qian's blood pressure started to rise.

He's had enough!


"You have angered me!"

boom! boom!

Ai Suran turned around and stomped on the ground with both feet, causing a cloud of dust to fly up!

He grabbed his blood-stained left palm, raised his beard and hair, raised his head with angry eyes, and shouted in a ferocious voice:

"Now, I will beat you to death!!"


The Uchiha who couldn't hear the old man in front of him was chirping,

Suddenly, he felt that the zero tail in his abdomen had been absorbed and transformed, giving back a large amount of chakra, which severely replenished the chakra that had been lost due to the defeat of the Flame Sword and Flame Fist in the body.


He saw the old man in front of him with an angry look on his face. He turned around and didn't move at all. He even tilted his head and glared at him with his big eyes.

The picture was a bit funny, making Uchiha couldn't help but want to laugh.


You bad old man, do you still want to catch your brother's sword with your teeth? !

And this action is just like actively sending your head to the door to be stabbed!

Seeing this, Uchiha Ci's eyes suddenly lit up,

Without hesitation,

He immediately gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, so hard that veins popped out on the back of his hand, arms and even his forehead!


A sword thrust down boldly!


Looking up at this golden sword light that can cut earth and rocks into powder and is so sharp and aggressive,

Ai just squeezed out a few words from his mouth coldly:

"The strongest——"

"Thunder Escape Armor!!"

The moment these trembling words fell,

The dark and thick clouds gathered together in a spiral shape on the sky, suddenly lit up!


A bright winding thunder passed through the clouds and connected to the Third Raikage Ai on the cliff!

Accompanied by this rapid thunder, the thunder armor on Ai's body exploded, deformed, and expanded rapidly!

Then, bathed in this thunder,

Ai's white hair hanging down his back suddenly stood up!

Fierce thunder and lightning flashed around, turning the surrounding ground black, and even Uchiha Ci, who had fallen on top of Ai's head, felt a strong sense of paralysis.

After a brief moment,

The golden sword light in his hand pierced the thunder armor that exploded.

For a moment, Uchiha Ci felt as if the sword was piercing a thick diamond.

Even with the power of ninjutsu, he can still press in inch by inch!

But compared to the old man in front of him, his speed was like a chasm, cutting off the possibility of Uchiha defeating him!

Seeing the old man's painting style change in front of him, turning into a super Saiyan-like one,

Uchiha's face couldn't help but twist, wondering if he had gone to the wrong set, and his eyes gradually became a little frightened.

"Holy crap! This thing has a second stage?!"

An extremely severe premonition of danger suddenly exploded in my heart.

However, before the foreboding picture emerged,

The speed that surpassed Uchiha's intuitive prediction of battle——

A pair of thick arms wrapped with violent thunder appeared in front of the eyes like lightning, and then disappeared from the field of vision in an instant.


Uchiha Ci felt his waist being hugged and his pants being lifted up.

He was lifted up high with the force of a bull, making him feel as if he had seen the set where he was lifted up by his father and fell miserably eighteen years ago.

Wow, this damn revolving door has come out.

The field of vision was spinning for a moment, and then,

All that was left in front of Uchiha Ci was——



"Thunder, I explode!!!"

Between the electric light and flint,

This sudden turn into nirvana is like a thunderous blow!

Ringed throughout the audience!

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