Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 269 Kakuzu is not happy

Crush the coarse sand and grind the gravel,

Wearing a black robe that covered every part of his body, Kakuzu was walking on the endless rocky beach of the Kingdom of Frost.

All you can see is a lifeless and desolate scene.

Even the distant ocean, which was constantly bobbing and lapping at the shore, seemed lifeless.

But in the middle of the big countries that are too lazy to shit, and the chaotic areas of small countries, there is a group of ninjas who are running around for money.

Bounty Ninja.

Until I walked into the underground money exchange of the Kingdom of Frost hidden in this deserted rocky beach.

At this time, the conversation between two bounty ninjas who were drinking could not help but fall into Kakuzu's ears:

"Did you hear that?"

"The big things that happened the past few days!"

Another bounty ninja picked up the wine glass, shook his head, and said with some emotion:

"Of course I heard about it. The ninja world is really getting more and more chaotic."

"In just one day, major events happened one after another, such as the battle for Hell Valley, the surprise attack of Sannin Orochimaru on Cloud Hidden Village, the inexplicable annihilation of the Blood Pond clan, and the turmoil in the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder!"

"Especially the battle in Hell Valley. I heard that even strategic weapons such as the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki were deployed on the battlefield."

"It's just that the news is still blocked, so we don't know how the battle is going."

"However, if you can pick up the strong man in the bounty list on the edge of the battlefield, tsk tsk, then you can pay it forward!"

Hearing this, Kakuzu's eyes swayed slightly for a moment,

As if he remembered something, a sarcastic look appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but sneer.

Because there are no winners in this war.

Kumogakure wanted to capture Hell Valley, and even sent the Third Raikage and two Jinchuuriki at one point.

However, because of the Uchiha brat and the yellow flash that came later, plus the inexplicable annihilation of the Blood Pond clan, they fell short and had to evacuate.

The Konoha side wanted to take this opportunity to sneak attack on the Cloud Hidden Village, but Orochimaru, who led the team to the Cloud Hidden Village, was seriously injured by the village's secret weapon and retreated in embarrassment.

Even the Uchiha clan——

Thinking of this, Kakuzu's face showed a hint of cynicism. He couldn't help but recall the last words told to him by the Uchiha Huoguang who hired him after he survived the furious Minato Namikaze that night:

"With your help and the great elder's backup, Uchiha may still have a glimmer of hope after falling off the cliff!"

"We will send people to the bottom of the cliff to conduct a carpet search."

Haha, blanket search

As a result, we only found news that the Blood Pond clan was exterminated, but the young clan leader of his family disappeared inexplicably.

Overnight, they lost two powerful pillars one after another, and this clan became a joke.


If we must find a winner from this battle——


Two heavy boxes hit the counter,

The button of a box was unbuttoned by the bald man with a thick beard in front of him, revealing a stack of green banknotes of huge denominations.

"Mr. Kakuzu,"

"The 60 million for the bounty mission, plus the additional 30 million paid by Sunagakure Village, the 60 million expedited from the Kingdom of Thunder, and a huge sum of money secretly sent from the Kingdom of Fire, after deducting the procedures After the fee, they are all here.”

The bald man showed a philistine smile, and couldn't help but glance at the bigger cash box on the other side, but he didn't open it.

Compared to the first three, this one contains a truly terrifying amount of money.

"You are indeed the strongest bounty ninja,"

“To date, this is the largest deal we have completed!”

“The money exchange looks forward to continuing to cooperate with you!”


Faced with the enthusiasm of the owner of the underground gold exchange, Kakuzu just nodded indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up two heavy money boxes and turned around to go out.

That's right,

The only winner in this war is Kakuzu!

Killing a brat he didn't like, he actually earned four huge bounties at once from Sunagakure, Kumogakure, Uchiha clan and underground money exchange!

It can be said that you eat four fish with one fish!


"Mr. Kakuzu, don't you count?"

When I saw Kakuzu withdraw the money and leave, I felt so relieved that I felt like a different person.

The bald man couldn't help but be slightly startled, not understanding what was going on.

In the past, Kakuzu would spend most of the day here with him, first counting all the money one by one to make sure there were no detonating symbols mixed in the banknotes, and then checking the beginning and end of each payment on the bill. Make sure these are money that can be spent,

That kind of energy can be said to be worth every penny. But today,

What happened again?

Jiaodu, who was stopped, was silent for a moment, turned around, and stared coldly at the bald man in front of him.

"Anything else?"


Looking at this cold look, he seemed to be planning to rob the underground gold exchange here and kill everyone present if he just disagreed.

The bald man couldn't help but swallow, and then a flattering smile appeared on his face.

"I just want to ask you-"

"Do you want to sell the Sharingan of the young leader of the Uchiha clan in your hand?"

Hearing this, Kakuzu couldn't help but frown and sneered,


"How dare you touch the Uchiha clan's tiger beard?"

"Is it because you think not enough of your people have died?"

The bald man chuckled.

"One moment, another moment, now the decline of the Uchiha clan has been revealed."

"First, the young patriarch of this clan disappeared, and then I heard that Setsuna Uchiha, the highly respected elder, died in the battle the day before yesterday."

"They have too much time to take care of themselves, so how can they care about us rats in the gutter?"

Hearing this, Kakuzu couldn't help but sneer,

"You collected information quite quickly."

"After all, this is my old profession. Even if I haven't been a spy for many years, I still retain some habits."

The bald man smiled slightly and continued,

"Mr. Kakuzu, I have a channel for the nobles of the Kingdom of Water. These eyes, let me tell you a few——"

He looked at Kakuzu with a smile, raised a finger and shook it at Kakuzu.

He believes that this price is absolutely irresistible to anyone who loves money as much as his life!

And he,

Then you can earn nearly 10 million in handling fees from this one flip!


next moment,



Kakuzu held the finger with an expressionless expression and twisted the joint!

Bone stubble poked out and blood spurted out!

Hearing the shrill sound in front of the bar, all the bounty ninjas trembled, subconsciously became alert, and glanced in the direction of the counter.

At this time, Kakuzu said indifferently:

"Not for sale!"

"Hiss" the bald man shivered in pain, but kept a professional smile on his face and said with a shaky fake smile:

"I understand, Mr. Kakuzu"

He tore off the fingers and crushed them into pieces and threw them into the stinky rot in the corner. Jiaodu snorted coldly.

He picked up the cash box that was smashed on the ground again and turned around.

However, at this time,

The bald man endured severe pain, but hissed in pain and said:

"Mr. Kakuzu, wait"

"There is also a reward here, which should be of great interest to you."

"In the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder,"

"The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder who was stabbed in the capital the day before yesterday has once again increased the reward, and the base reward has been raised to 30 million taels!"

"And the person offering the reward is——"

"The undead evil leader who is still causing trouble in the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder!"

"Uchiha Ci!"

Hearing this news, Kakuzu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Immediately, as if turning a deaf ear to this, he silently walked out of the money exchange, carrying two huge cash boxes.

Until I saw the barren rocky beach in front of me again,

Kakuzu just raised his hand and looked at the pool of blood on the black gloves.

For some reason, he let out a deep breath.

That's right,

He made a lot of money.


Along the way, after seeing a group of crazy, sad and partying people over the Uchiha brat who fell off the cliff and was probably reduced to a pulp,

But for some reason, I didn't feel happy.

Soon, he put the inexplicable emotion that came to his mind behind him.

After identifying the direction,

Kakuzu followed the east coast of the Kingdom of Frost and headed southeast.

And that direction——

It is the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder, Yunming City.

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