Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 271 Breaking the Limits and Achieving Eye Technique Bloodline Elimination!

The land of frost in the night,

A run-down seaside town.

Due to the launch of Kumogakure's army a few days ago, this small town on the main road from the Kingdom of Thunder to the Kingdom of Tang became what it is now.

Ruined, desolate, and dead to the eye.

Long spider webs were formed on the shop signs on both sides of the street and were dragged to the ground. The valuable things in the shops had been looted, leaving only some worthless trinkets scattered messily on the ground.

There was no human habitation, only seabirds were jumping on the ground, fluttering their wings and flying up to the top of the telephone pole.

He tilted his head, and his pupils reflected the guests who had come from afar.

And at this moment,

The physical hunger forced Uchiha to wake up suddenly!

This feeling of waking up was very special. He couldn't see anything, but he seemed to be able to see everything.

The four ways of perceiving the world, namely touch, smell, hearing, and taste, combine with a special frequency to describe the appearance of the world in the senses.

This is the evolved combat intuition effect, let’s call it:

[Mind Eye].

Uchiha Ci could clearly feel himself being dragged backwards on this silent street.

The person dragging him does not care whether he will hit something or whether he will be injured.

Fortunately, the tattered inner armor he was wearing was very resistant and made a squeaking sound on the ground.


Uchiha Ci remembered that his two eyes were gouged out, so he lost his vision.


Uchiha could not help but bared his teeth.

Now, what's going on with those eyes in my brother's sockets?

And why does it feel like there are two or four pairs of eyes in the eye sockets?

How should I put it, this feeling is weird.

Uchiha Ci could feel that his pair of Sharingan eyes that had been dug out were now reappearing in his eyes.

In a semi-transparent illusory state.

If it weren't for the special pair of eyes that were stuffed into the eye sockets, his Sharingan would have turned into a physical object and reappeared in the eye sockets at this moment.

And this is exactly the effect of the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique: The Eternal Standing of Heaven!

Having your eyes gouged out is a disadvantage to the user. The effect of the Eye Technique will forcibly reverse it, and an identical pair of Sharingan will be copied on the time scale and returned.

Because thirty minutes before the pupil technique was activated, Uchiha Ci had not lost his eyes.

but now.

My own Sharingan is merging with the eyes that have been stuffed into the eye sockets.

However, Uchiha Ci feels that this is a bit reluctant to say that it is fusion.

should say,

It's devouring!

My own three-magatama Sharingan is eating this pair of eyes called 'Blood Dragon Eyes' and eating!

Moving towards an unknown, powerful, and even wilder direction than the Mangekyō Sharingan,


The fibrous membrane, vascular membrane, retina, iris, aqueous humor, lens and vitreous body of the eyeball are swallowed in all directions!

Take the essence and discard the dross!

At a deeper level, in the basic structure and performance of life, in the sequence of genetic genes, in molecules, atoms, neutrons and even more subtle things,

Constantly colliding, fighting, eating, and devouring!

Of course, they will fail and be devoured by counterattacks, but the new organization will be reborn under the effect of the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique and the Eternal Standing of Heaven.

Then regroup in this evolutionary battle, fight one after another, and charge again!

This is an existential war based on primitive wild instincts!

It is an evolution that was born out of coincidence and is destined to succeed!

And this is exactly what Tianzhi Changli describes, 'preserving all results that are beneficial to the caster'!

If Uchiha's words are understood,


He is awakening a brand-new one that is beyond the imagination of everyone in the entire ninja world. The boundaries of the two eye-jutsu blood successors collide, and the eye-jutsu blood successor that finally evolves is eliminated!

And at this moment, he also understood clearly what the blood successor elimination was!

The so-called blood inheritance elimination has already written the answer on the riddle.

This is a bloody elimination between boundaries!

The strong rely on the strong to bully the weak, and devour the weak to strengthen themselves. The weak gather into an army, like a colony of ants devouring an elephant, and become stronger after killing the strong!

The one who survives in the end will be able to break through the boundaries and achieve the blood inheritance elimination!

No wonder Ohnoki's Dust Release is so incredible, it can directly disintegrate people from the molecular level. Even Susanoo can chop melons and vegetables into pieces.

Uchiha couldn't help but look forward to it.

The evolutionary path of the Blood Dragon Eye and even the effects of the eyes are very similar to the Sharingan, and they are both genjutsu eyes. When the abilities of these two eye techniques are combined, what kind of effect will be produced?

A huge increase in illusion level? Or should we increase our observation ability, pupil power control, or Yin Escape?

The end of the Sharingan is the Mangekyō Sharingan. Two pairs of kaleidoscopes can create an eternal kaleidoscope.

So what kind of sparks will be born from the Sharingan and the Blood Dragon Eye?

Questions appeared in Uchiha Ci's mind one after another, causing his mind to work rapidly, and he began to constantly think about what happened to him——

But soon,

His complexion changed drastically and turned pale in an instant!

As if he understood something instantly, Uchiha Ci's whole body began to tremble,

A layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out in my palms, and my heart felt like there were thousands of ants crawling and biting me, which hurt my heart!

He remembered!

I remembered!

The master of the kaleidoscope eye technique engraved on his body at this time is named Uchiha Setsuna!

And that old man finally fell into the hands of the Sandaime Raikage!

Izanagi has failed! And he forgot his kaleidoscope eye technique! The last pupil technique was sealed on himself again!

That is to say

That little old man,

died! ?


he died!

As long as Uchiha Ci thinks of this!

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck."

His teeth were trembling, his face was trembling, his hands were clenched into fists, and his facial features were instantly distorted.

At this moment, his face became ferocious, terrifying, full of murderous intent, and full of regret!

Memories of the past, together with the ups and downs, all came flooding back to my mind.

My nostrils and mouth felt pungent as if they were filled with thick smoke, and my brain was so filled with blood that it was about to explode!

The blood vessels on his forehead bulged out, and the blood vessels connected his eyes.

"Thunder, Shadow"

At this moment, the pair of brand-new eyes that were covered by eyelids, yet to be formed and uncontrollable, turned into a scarlet red, and the square-shaped black pupils of blood dragon eyes gradually became sharp.

And with the natural energy supplied by blood vessels, it straightens vertically and turns into vertical snake pupils!

Finally, a pair of scarlet, star-shaped black cross pupils surrounded by three jet black magatama appeared in these eyes,


A ghastly, terrifying, evil, and full of crazy murderous chakra storm suddenly set off from around Uchiha Ci, turning into a blazing beam of light, shooting straight into the sky!

The horror hidden in these eyes,

About to reveal his figure!


At this moment, the young man who was dragging Uchiha Ci raised his eyebrows slightly, loosened Uchiha Ci's collar, and threw him aside.


In this strong wind, he slowly picked up a fashionable-looking square sunglasses from the scattered objects on the street and put them on before his eyes.

Then, Oya Chengyan's eyes suddenly darkened,

His expression also became ferocious at this moment,

His eyes fell straight on Uchiha Ci's closed eyes, which were dripping with tears of regret, and he shouted angrily:


"With a painful expression on your face, can you act like a stray dog?"

"Who are you showing?!"

"Give it to me, give it to you, give it to a dead person, or can you stand here and strike your enemy's house with a knife!?"


Oya Chengyan suddenly raised a palm and spread his fingers.

He aimed at the helpless and furious Uchiha lying on the ground and gave him a fierce squeeze. In his eyes, the whites of his eyes and pupils were dyed red!

next moment,

The huge blood dragon rose up from behind him, circled around with its head raised, aimed at Uchiha Ci and rushed down in shock!

The surface layers of the ground cracked, and dust and smoke suddenly rose!

It actually beat the Uchiha fifty meters underground, and the blazing flames that rose to the sky suddenly dissipated!

"Now, you just need to give your mind to the Six Paths Immortal and give your body to me!"


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