Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 275 Scorpion: Kid, times have changed!

Not to mention the two people who saw Scorpion as if they were seeing a guiding light,

at this time,

Scorpion also looked excited.

Ever since he followed Kakuzu's footsteps and set out for the Land of Thunder,

Only then did he discover——

He is lost

This is something that is understandable enough. After all, before Scorpion killed the Sandaime Kazekage with poison, as a puppet master who lived in Sunagakure and studied new technologies painstakingly, he basically never left the Kingdom of Wind. After killing the Sandaime Kazekage, he basically stayed in Sunagakure. Wandering around the country.

Coming all the way to kill someone was Scorpio's first experience.


Not long after leaving the Frost Country Gold Exchange, he found that he had lost track of Kakuzu, whom he had originally planned to kill.

At this time, he was a little annoyed as to why he had to send away the Baotou ninja who was controlled by his subconscious mind.

At the very least, you should first ask the other party about the road conditions along the way.

Fortunately, unlike the two brothers who were just sitting there staring at each other, Xia prepared a map.

After searching according to the picture,

Although they deviated from the main road, they were probably going in the right direction and soon arrived at this dilapidated town on the side of the Frost and Thunder Trail.

However, just as Xie was about to calibrate his direction and continue moving around the town,

A violent chakra fluctuation suddenly rose in the center of the town, and a blazing beam of fire flew high into the sky.

The quality of this chakra, the heat and power contained in it, actually surpassed most of his collections, and was even comparable to the top-secret item in the second scroll tied around his waist!

He couldn't help but look sideways, and he could tell at a glance that this was definitely the number one fire escape expert in the ninja world!

Immediately afterwards, a second cold chakra breath rose up that surprised Scorpion.

A violent fighting situation soon broke out in the center of the town!

Xie Xie's heart suddenly jumped, and he knew that this was a pounding feeling!

Then, without hesitation, he rushed in the direction where the fighting broke out.

At this moment, the two sides meet!

"There is such an unexpected surprise!"

Looking at the two guys with weird expressions opposite him, Xie smiled.

A young man who looks like he ran out of a studio from the Warring States Period a hundred years ago in retro clothing, but wears fashionable sunglasses.

The other one looked a few years younger than him, a black-haired blind kid who was as handsome as him, but had his eyes covered with black cloth.

Scorpion's eyes moved and he immediately made a judgment.

Without hesitation, he drew out the gun with his left hand, leaned forward and sprinted forward quickly!

The other hand whipped out a long straight iron drill from his sleeve, raised the gun with the other hand, and pointed it at Oya Castle Flame!

The taller one seems a little more difficult to deal with, so kill this one first! The remaining brat will be poisoned and tortured later for information and then killed!


The wind stirred up by the rush blew Xie's short red hair, and his eyes suddenly lit up with a ruthless murderous intent!

And at this time,

Oya Chengyan was stunned for a moment, looking at the 'guide' in front of him charging towards him with a hungry and thirsty attitude, as if he wanted to kill him.

His eyes glanced at the iron drill, and he froze slightly before turning sideways to dodge.

At the same time, the blood dragon eyes quietly lit up!

The moment he looked at the scorpion in front of him——

Illusion·Blood Dragon Eye activates instantly!

However, the pupil technique went straight through the scorpion, and the scorpion, who looked at Miyajoyan, showed no signs of being controlled at all, and then rushed towards him!

"what's the situation!?"

Oya Chengyan was suddenly shocked, "The illusion has no effect on him?"

At this moment, Uchiha Ci's exclamation suddenly sounded from the side:

"What the fuck? This kid has a gun???"

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Ci reminded him with a strange look:

"Hey, Oyajo, be careful of the weapon on that guy's left hand!"

"Also, watch those lines!"

Oya Chengyan was slightly startled,

gun? Wire?

What is this?

Just when he was about to ask——


Gunshots rang out!

A light bullet that was too fast for ordinary human eyes to catch was fired directly at Oya Castle Flame!

However, blood dragon eyes are obviously unusual!

Before the gunshot, Oyajo noticed the strange weapon after being reminded by Uchiha Ci.

Moreover, the speed of the scorpion-hand blunderbuss is still something that can be caught in the eyes of the blood dragon!

At this moment, Oya Chengyan immediately jumped sideways and dodged the luminous bomb.

At the same time, in response to Uchiha Ci's reminder, his eyes fell on the illusory threads behind the red-haired boy in front of him, which were almost impossible to detect without looking carefully.

He immediately raised his hands to form a Ren seal,

"Water Release·Water Release!"

He choked his wrist with his left hand, opened his right palm, and dense water bullets shot out instantly.

In one fell swoop, it penetrated the red-haired boy's body and cut off the threads behind him.

The thread was disconnected, and the figure of the red-haired boy who was rushing towards Oya Castle suddenly stagnated, and then turned into a puddle of sand.


The finely crafted handgun fell to the ground together with the sand.

"Is this a chakra line? Also, a sand clone?"

"What this kid is using is the Shamen family's puppeteering technique?"

Oya Chengyan's heart trembled slightly, and he finally figured out why the illusion failed.

Because the red-haired boy in front of him is not his real body at all, but a sand clone controlled by chakra threads.

His real body is hidden, and he uses chakra lines to control the actions of the sand clone to avoid the large amount of chakra consumption required by traditional sand clones. He also uses this weapon with a fast rate of fire that can attack without sealing and unexpectedly.

This ninja who launched the surprise attack in secret was very cunning, very cautious and cherished his life, and knew how to fight better.

Yuya Shiro Yan wanted to curse in his heart,

They were imprisoned in the Hell Valley for a hundred years in the Blood Pool and had never gone out. Now the ninjas in the outside world have become so cunning?

Then, where is his real body?

While Yuya Shiro Yan was having a headache,

Scorpion's real body hiding in the dark couldn't help but frown,

"The eyes under the sunglasses are the eye technique blood inheritance that I have never seen before, and it can actually capture the trajectory of the light bullet?"

"This guy is a bit tricky"

"Moreover, this guy obviously hasn't seen my tactics. It was another kid who reminded him that he avoided the shooting of the third ring of the tactics!"

Thinking of this, Scorpion's eyes fell on Uchiha Ci, who was running over and bending down to pick up the pistol with an amazed look on his face,

"Then kill you first!"

Just do it when you think of it!

Scorpion immediately approached Uchiha Ci silently and quickly from underground with the Earth Escape·Reflection of Fish in the Heart Technique without hesitation!

When the distance between the two sides came within seven steps!


Scorpion jumped out without hesitation, leaped into the air, and pulled out two pistols from his waist with both hands!

Aimed at Uchiha Ci's forehead!

"Even if you have the eye technique blood inheritance to see the trajectory clearly, at such a close distance, this will be an attack that cannot be dodged anyway!"

Scorpion's eyes fell on Uchiha Ci's eyes covered with black cloth, revealing a sneer,

"Not to mention, you blind kid!"

Bang! Bang!

In an instant, two violent gunshots exploded!

"Kid, times have changed!"

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