Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 280 Do we have to queue up to assassinate the daimyo?

From the Kingdom of Frost to Yunming City, the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder,

Theoretically, at the speed of a ninja, it would only take less than half a day.

However, this is for normal people,

Exceptions are made for road warriors.

Because I couldn't find where I was on the map, I couldn't understand the rough map indirectly.

Uchiha resigned from this strange team that was established inexplicably. After being silent for a long time by the campfire,

In the end, I could only choose the stupidest way.

The Kingdom of Frost and the Kingdom of Thunder are both adjacent to the ocean. As long as they go north along the coastline, they will eventually enter the Kingdom of Thunder.

Although they will encounter many outposts set up by Yunyin Village during this process, it is not difficult for the three of them to cross these outposts with their skills far beyond ordinary people.

And after leaving the uninhabited area affected by the war and crossing the outposts along the coastline,

The three finally found a village in the Kingdom of Thunder.

Well, it's not a village. The people active in this kind of place are a group of ordinary people who used to be professional fishermen and are now bandits.

After extracting detailed route information from the other party and collecting some money,

The three of them finally arrived at the largest capital city in the Kingdom of Thunder at noon the next day.

Yunming City.


"The city is closed? No entry or exit is allowed for the time being?"

"There are undead evildoers causing trouble and robbing the execution ground. How come there is a team of nearly a hundred people?"

"No, besides you, except for the executioner, all the other people watching are enemies?"

As soon as the three of them arrived in front of the city gate, after asking around the passers-by who were also stopped in front of the city gate, Uchiha learned such outrageous information.

This made him feel a little dazed.

How could a small evil sect have gathered so many people with lofty ideals?

Is this the power of religion? !

The Evil God Cult, which had been hiding in the Kingdom of Tang, blossomed everywhere after arriving in the Kingdom of Thunder?

Standing under the gate of the city gate, Xie wearing a bamboo hat said calmly:

"Sure enough, it's just as I expected."

Uchiha scratched his head, glanced at him, and asked:

"How do you say that?"

"At this point in time, there are many people who want to be named the Kingdom of Thunder."

"They are all people who want to make trouble."

Xie frowned as he looked at the wanted list posted in front of the city gate.

"For other countries except the Country of Fire, the only perfect choice for the Country of Thunder is to continue attacking the Country of Fire."

"But now, because of intelligence leaks, Kumogakure continues to march towards Konoha, which is not good for the Kingdom of Thunder."

"Now, Yunyin has three choices,"

"The first is to take advantage of the fight between other big countries to plunder the neighboring small countries, recuperate and wait for the next war."

"The second is to attack across the sea. Kirigakure is currently in a period of civil strife and has fought against Iwagakure before, so it is weak."

"The third thing is, well, it shouldn't be possible."

Seemingly thinking of something, Xie shook his head.

Uchiha Ci glanced at Xie, who was currently guest-starring as the team's think tank.

"Tsk, it's all cloudy and foggy"

"This is a daimyo. He is a powerful aristocrat in this world. How can the battle of ninjas as hired men affect the daimyo?"

"Who dares to risk the disdain of the world and kill the great name of the Kingdom of Thunder?"

As he asked, excluding himself and Oya Chengyan, Uchiha sighed and scratched the scorpion,

The system of the ninja world has not changed for thousands of years. In addition to people like myself who regard it as nothing, there are also direct victims of the system like Oya Castle Flame.

How could the ninjas who were accustomed to the separation of military and political administration want to reform this system?

Moreover, although it is not described in detail in the original work, the daimyo should also have an armed force of his own. Coupled with the constraints of all parties, taking action against the daimyo will only end up doing more harm than good.

Let the ninjas with superhuman strength throw a rat weapon.


Thinking of the dilemmas in Sunagakure Village that need to be solved urgently, as well as the senior officials who are controlled by the daimyo and dare not speak out,

Xie shook his head and sneered,

"People are always angry, and the anger of a ninja is as thunderous as that of ordinary people."

"The system of the ninja world is based on balanced regulations. Do you think the top management of the ninja village would be willing to have their wallets controlled by daimyo nobles who are ordinary people?"

"It's just that no one has set a precedent like this before."

"But now, hasn't Uchiha Ci already started to do it?"

"However, this kind of thing is still too boring."

"Success and failure are just waves in the long river of time. Only eternal things can be called -"


Unlike others, Scorpio looks at problems from the perspective of art, nothingness, and time, and is more like a bystander outside of the world.

Because of this, he saw these things more clearly,


He has no interest in changing the system.

When he heard Scorpion calling his name, Uchiha Ci couldn't help but be startled. It took him a while to realize that he was not talking about himself, but 'Uchiha Ci'.

The one who really took action against the Daimyo was Hidan who was influenced by him and affected others.

Yu Ninja, a victim of the war, and Yu Country launched an angry counterattack,

The first shot was fired to change the world and rewrite the system of the ninja world!

Thinking of this kind of thing, Uchiha Ci couldn't help but scratch his head.

very beginning,

He obviously just wanted to swindle a guarantee,

I neither wanted to save Uchiha nor change the world.

But now, what is going on?


At this time, Xie turned his head, glanced in the direction of the official road outside the city, and laughed evilly,

"The person who really wants the fate of the Kingdom of Thunder is here!"

Hearing this, Miya Chengyan, who was standing silently holding his daughter next to him, was suddenly startled. He thought that his true purpose had been discovered by Scorpion.

Is it possible that this toy-making brat wants to report him on the spot?

But when he looked back,

Then I saw——

On the official road in the distance, a team of three people was walking slowly.

The old woman at the head was wearing a loose black one-piece robe, with a white sand-covering scarf tied on her chest, and carrying a yellow roll bag. Her lavender hair fell down from her shoulders, and her face was full of wrinkles.

On both sides of him were a young woman wearing a backless dress with birch and green hair, and a goateeed young man wearing a turban.

Uchiha Ci was slightly startled, and immediately recognized the person.

The leader was none other than the elder Chiyo of Sunagakure Village who had a deep hatred against him. As for the two people next to her, one was a Shogun who was not sold to death by the top management of the Luosha Alliance during the Third Ninja World War because of him. Ninja Ye Cang,

The other person seemed to be a spy controlled by Scorpion with the hidden brain manipulation sand and placed in the hidden village of Sunagakure, a jounin named Yura.

Immediately afterwards, the long-awaited city gate was opened.

A messenger dressed as Yunyin walked out and shouted loudly:

"Welcome the envoys from Sand Hidden Village and Yanyin Village. Only the envoys can enter the city. The rest will wait and continue to wait for the opening of the city!"

After hearing this, Uchiha raised his head and looked behind Sunagakure's three-man team.

I saw two ninjas from Iwagakure coming soon after Sunagakure's three-man team.

The leader is a tall man with a round face, wearing a red Iwagaku uniform, a brown vest, and a Iwagaku forehead protector.

Next to him was a man with red hair, wearing a brown vest and a purple monk uniform, and a beard.

Uchiha Ci also recognized these two people.

One is the son of the Sandaime Tsuchikage Onoki, a fierce man who can kill a flying tailed beast with one punch and turn into a golden horn, and can use the Earth Release and Mountain Earth Technique to suppress the heretic demons and the Ten-Tails.


The other one is the four-tailed Jinchuuriki of Iwagakure Village. He is a powerful ninja who can use the power of tailed beasts to fuse his own blood succession limit and melt release, Lao Zi!

"No. These people are almost ready to kill the Raikage. Do you think they are here to kill the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder?"

"Do you still have to queue up to assassinate a daimyo?"

Uchiha turned his head and looked at Xia with a shocked expression.

"Let's go, Yanzu, this troublesome old woman is here too."

Xie frowned, turned around immediately, gave Uchiha Ci a look, and signaled Uchiha Ci and the two to follow him.

"Last time I came to Yunming City, I had a place to stay in the city. Come with me there first."

Being called Yanzu made Uchiha feel comfortable for a while, but soon, he discovered the beauty of Scorpion's words.

"Wait, have you been here?"

"Then why don't you know the way?"

Naturally, it was impossible for Xie to say that he had hired someone to lead the way last time. He had never walked such a long way before, and he had been improving Fei Liuhu along the way, trying to build a traveling puppet.

At this time, he became angry and glared at Uchiha Ci,

"Shut up!"

Miya Chengyan happily followed his daughter and glanced at Xizhi in the same strange way.

"Tsk, tsk, today's ninjas, they came here once and they don't even know the way."

Hey~ It seems like he is still out of touch with this era.

At least, he can remember the journey he has taken.

"Shut up too! Old antique!"

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